351 research outputs found

    Sicurezza nelle reti: utilizzo di architetture multi-core per il monitoraggio del traffico IP

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    The IP packet capture activity has always assumed great importance in the computer networks security. It's daily used in fact to monitor and analyze the IP traffic passing through a computer networks with the purpose to identify anomalous behaviors that could be associated with security problems. The new infrastructures for high throughput networks, also used in small or medium sized local networks, have made this activity more and more difficult showing some limits of the most recent multi-core capture systems used today. This paper has the purpose to describe the main technologies used in a generic capture system, to identify its possible limits, to diagnose its causes and to discover the possible solutions that must be adopte

    Massive on-line learning: moving from web to mobile

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    Nowadays, web and mobile technologies and new communication paradigms offer many opportunities to improve services within University Campuses. Politecnico di Torino has developed various approaches to on-line (distance) learning, using a set of tools and methodologies to follow the rapid evolution of teaching paradigms: from traditional distance learning models to hybrid and blended models, up to the most recent flipped and MOOC approaches. The on-line learning system is designed to be used by both face-to-face and remote students for a total of 33.000 people organized in 51 bachelors and master of science programs. Today it shows 1.000.000 logins/month and it provides access to 430.000 files of teaching materials for a total of 80.000.000 downloads/year. Particularly relevant is the service of video recorded lectures with its 80 courses for a total of about 3.000 recorded, one hour lessons per year; this generates over 1.200.000 video streaming/downloads per year. In this scenario, the use of mobile technologies is quickly growing, becoming the favourite medium to access services and information in the University context. According to the technological evolution, Politecnico di Torino improved its services moving from a traditional Web approach to a mobile APP model via the intermediate steps of web responsive and mobile web models. This paper describes the strategies and the technical choices to design and implement the teaching portal of Politecnico including the new PoliTO App, the official App to step into the campus, providing learning, streaming, logistic and administrative services to student and teachers. The paper also includes the efficiency analysis of the model which correlates the access to the video-lectures and the students’ achieved performances

    Anatomia del malware

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    L'esistenza di malware (virus, worm, cavalli di Troia) è uno degli aspetti negativi più rilevanti della rivoluzione digitale, con risvolti penali ed economici. Il fenomeno coinvolge anche il settore dei dispositivi mobili (smartphone, tablet, …) in cui si è passati da circa 2000 malware nel 2011, a più di 13000 nel 2012. Questo articolo analizza le tecniche per realizzare malware e permettere allo stesso di introdursi nei sistemi, rendersi residente, prenderne il controllo ed attivarsi a fronte di certi eventi, nascondendosi contemporaneamente ai programmi anti-virus. L'analisi considera sia i normali personal computer sia i più recenti dispositivi mobil

    IP packet capture on high throughput networks by using NUMA architectures

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    Capture packets from IP networks is a commonly used technique in many IT fields for monitoring and analysis the IP traffic flows exchanged over computer networks. The new infrastructures for high throughput networks, however, have made this important technique more and more complex to carry out (also in small or medium sized local networks) even if using the newest multi-core systems developed today. This paper therefore shows some limits of a recent packet capture system, implemented by using a NUMA architecture, and suggests a possible solution that could be adopted to obtain a full functional IP packet capture system on high throughput networks

    From Web to Apps in Massive University On-line Learning

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    Universities today have an incredible variety of opportunities for improving their services, thanks to the new information and communication technologies and opportunities. This paper describes the Politecnico di Torino strategy for online and distance learning, both from the technological and the methodological points of view, focusing on the response to the continuously evolving teaching paradigms: from traditional distance learning models to hybrid and blended models, up to the recent MOOC approaches. The on-line educational environment has been designed for a very large number of users: 33,000 students enrolled in 51 curricula, B.S. and M.S. in different areas of Engineering, and it is suitable both for face-to-face students and remote ones. At present the number of logins per months exceeds 1,000,000 and the system provides access to about half a million of educational documents; in total, the number of downloads per yearis over 10,000,000. The paper specifically describes the video-lecture service, that makes about 3,000 hours of lectures available every year (80 courses are involved) and generates about 1,200,000 video streaming/downloads per year. Mobile devices are becoming more and more the favorite tool for accessing university services and content, and Politecnico di Torino followed the technological evolution to improve its services from the traditional web approach to the mobile App model, passing through a number of intermediate steps such as the responsive web and the mobile web models. The paper describes the strategies and the technological choices used to design and deliver the Educational Portal of Politecnico di Torino, that includes the new official App (PoliTO App). This App allows students, teachers and university staff to access quickly and easily educational content and to use the main university and territorial services. Finally, the paper includes an analysis that shows a positive correlation between the use of video-lectures and the success in the exams, thus validating the proposed educational model

    Arte Bene Comune. Dal Neoclassicismo a oggi

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    Arte bene comune offre un approccio all’arte come esperienza estetica e patrimonio culturale, con particolare attenzione all’architettura
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