6 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Trajectory Planning for Skid-Steer Rovers

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    A skid-steer rover’s power consumption is highly dependent on the turning radius of its path. For example, a point turn consumes a lot of power compared to a straight-line motion. Thus, in path planning for this kind of rover, turning radius is a factor that should be considered explicitly. Based on the literature, there is a lack of analytical approach for finding energy-optimal paths for skid-steer rovers. This thesis addresses this problem for such rovers, specifically on obstacle-free hard ground. The equivalency theorem in this thesis indicates that, when using a popular power model for skid-steer rovers on hard ground, all minimum-energy solutions follow the same path irrespective of velocity constraints that may or may not be imposed. This non-intuitive result stems from the fact that with this model of the system the total energy is fully parametrized by the geometry of the path alone. It is shown that one can choose velocity constraints to enforce constant power consumption, thus transforming the energy-optimal problem to an equivalent time-optimal problem. Existing theory, built upon the basis of Pontryagin’s minimum principle to find the extremals for time-optimal trajectories for a rigid body, can then be used to solve the problem. Accordingly, the extremal paths are obtained for the energy-efficient path planning problem. As there is a finite number of extremals, they are enumerated to find the minimum-energy path for a particular example. Moreover, the analysis identifies that the turns in optimal paths (aside from a small number of special cases called whirls) are to be circular arcs of a particular turning radius, R′, equal to half of a skid-steer rover’s slip track. R′ is the turning radius at which the inner wheels of a skid-steer rover are not commanded to turn, and its description and the identification of its paramount importance in energy-optimal path planning are investigated. Experiments with a Husky UGV rover validate the energy-optimality of using R′ turns. Furthermore, a practical velocity constraint for skid-steer rovers is proposed that maintains constant forward velocity above R’ and constant angular velocity below it. Also, in separate but related work, it is shown that almost always equal “friction requirement” can be used to obtain optimal traction forces for a common and practical type of 4-wheel rover

    A Performance Study of CNN Architectures for the Autonomous Detection of COVID-19 Symptoms Using Cough and Breathing

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    Deep learning (DL) methods have the potential to be used for detecting COVID-19 symptoms. However, the rationale for which DL method to use and which symptoms to detect has not yet been explored. In this paper, we present the first performance study which compares various convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for the autonomous preliminary COVID-19 detection of cough and/or breathing symptoms. We compare and analyze residual networks (ResNets), visual geometry Groups (VGGs), Alex neural networks (AlexNet), densely connected networks (DenseNet), squeeze neural networks (SqueezeNet), and COVID-19 identification ResNet (CIdeR) architectures to investigate their classification performance. We uniquely train and validate both unimodal and multimodal CNN architectures using the EPFL and Cambridge datasets. Performance comparison across all modes and datasets showed that the VGG19 and DenseNet-201 achieved the highest unimodal and multimodal classification performance. VGG19 and DensNet-201 had high F1 scores (0.94 and 0.92) for unimodal cough classification on the Cambridge dataset, compared to the next highest F1 score for ResNet (0.79), with comparable F1 scores to ResNet for the larger EPFL cough dataset. They also had consistently high accuracy, recall, and precision. For multimodal detection, VGG19 and DenseNet-201 had the highest F1 scores (0.91) compared to the other CNN structures (≤0.90), with VGG19 also having the highest accuracy and recall. Our investigation provides the foundation needed to select the appropriate deep CNN method to utilize for non-contact early COVID-19 detection

    A Performance Study of CNN Architectures for the Autonomous Detection of COVID-19 Symptoms Using Cough and Breathing

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    Deep learning (DL) methods have the potential to be used for detecting COVID-19 symptoms. However, the rationale for which DL method to use and which symptoms to detect has not yet been explored. In this paper, we present the first performance study which compares various convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for the autonomous preliminary COVID-19 detection of cough and/or breathing symptoms. We compare and analyze residual networks (ResNets), visual geometry Groups (VGGs), Alex neural networks (AlexNet), densely connected networks (DenseNet), squeeze neural networks (SqueezeNet), and COVID-19 identification ResNet (CIdeR) architectures to investigate their classification performance. We uniquely train and validate both unimodal and multimodal CNN architectures using the EPFL and Cambridge datasets. Performance comparison across all modes and datasets showed that the VGG19 and DenseNet-201 achieved the highest unimodal and multimodal classification performance. VGG19 and DensNet-201 had high F1 scores (0.94 and 0.92) for unimodal cough classification on the Cambridge dataset, compared to the next highest F1 score for ResNet (0.79), with comparable F1 scores to ResNet for the larger EPFL cough dataset. They also had consistently high accuracy, recall, and precision. For multimodal detection, VGG19 and DenseNet-201 had the highest F1 scores (0.91) compared to the other CNN structures (≤0.90), with VGG19 also having the highest accuracy and recall. Our investigation provides the foundation needed to select the appropriate deep CNN method to utilize for non-contact early COVID-19 detection

    Dances with Social Robots: A Pilot Study at Long-Term Care

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    Dance therapy can have significant physical, emotional and cognitive benefits for older adults. In particular, social robots can be developed to autonomously facilitate dance sessions to engage these individuals with the aim of improving quality of life. To successfully integrate and promote long-term use of social robots into long-term care homes for such recreational activities, it is important to explore both residents’ and staff’s perceptions of such robots. In this paper, we present the first pilot human–robot interaction study that investigates the overall experiences and attitudes of both residents and staff in a long-term care home for robot-facilitated dance sessions. In general, the questionnaire results from our study showed that both staff and residents had positive attitudes towards the robot-facilitated dance activity. Encouraging trends showed residents had higher ratings for statements on perceived ease of use, safety, and enjoyment than the staff. However, the staff had a statistically significantly higher rating for willingness to use the robots for dance facilitation. Some key statistical differences were also determined with respect to: (1) gender within the resident group (men had higher ratings for the robots being useful in helping facilitate recreational activities), as well as between staff and residents (resident men had higher perceived safety), and (2) prior robot experience (residents with limited prior experience had higher ratings on perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment than staff with the same level of experience). The robot-facilitated dance activity was positively received by both older adults and staff as an activity of daily living that can enhance wellbeing while also being safe, easy to use and enjoyable

    Evaluation of artificial neural network, neuro-fuzzy and multivariate regression modelling for prediction of concrete compressive strength via point load test

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    Nowadays, the determination of in place concrete strength is more considered. The necessity of in situ testing can be expressed in a variety of applications such as structural change or development, quality control, strength evaluation and concrete performance. In this study the performance of Artificial neural network, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy and Multivariate regression function for measuring the concrete compressive strength with point load method are studied. Also, a computational relation is presented based on multivariate regression method for prediction of concrete compressive strength with point load method. The results indicated that the neural network, neuro-fuzzy and regression models are suitable in prediction of concrete strength with point load method. The correlation coefficients of neural network, neuro-fuzzy and nonlinear regression models were obtained 0.9412, 0.8244 and 0.8938 respectively. This indicates less error and as a result better accuracy and performance of neural network in prediction of concrete strength with point load method. The results of this study showed that there is good agreement between concrete compressive strength test with soft computing methods and real observations. The proposed method of this study, in addition to ease, reduces the time of evaluation of in situ concrete strength and reduces the cost of laboratory studies