34 research outputs found

    Etude des patients réhospitalisés dans deux hÎpitaux de zone vaudois

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    "Perdre du temps... pour en gagner" : mieux soigner l'adolescent souffrant de douleurs chroniques

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    More than 20% of adolescents in the general population suffer of chronic pain mainly headaches, abdominal or musculoskeletal pain. Often, these complaints are self limited without impact on adolescent development but the cause of emergency consultations, unnecessary costs or inappropriate prescriptions. For a small number of adolescents, chronic pain can express psychological suffering or impact on growth and physical, cognitive or social development. Continuity of care and collaboration among professionals is central. Primary care phyisicians play a crucial role (private practice, adolescent clinic...). Efforts should be made to increase access to modern approaches of chronic pain taking into account family, development as well as aspects related to pain in itself

    Les adolescents ont droit au secret médical : pourquoi la LAMal n'en tient-elle pas compte?

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    DÚs lors que le législateur et les tribunaux reconnaissent le droit à l'auto-détermination du patient mineur et le droit au respect de la sphÚre privée du patient mineur, ils devraient logiquement assurer la réalisation de ses droits dans le domaine de l'assurance

    Etre migrant et adolescent: quelles actions préventives proposer ?

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    Young recently arrived migrants represent a vulnerable population. The influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors on health is now well known. The accumulation of protective factors can counterbalance the negative effect of risk factors, based on the concept of health assets. The migration process may threaten this balance. Some studies have observed better health in migrants than in the host population, but this is not a permanent effect as health deteriorates with time. Pre-migration experiences as well as post-migration conditions in the host country largely influence migrants' health outcomes. Family and social support and integration into the host society are primordial factors that need to be strengthened

    Life course approach : RÎle du médecin de famille dans la promotion de la santé des adolescents

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    L'adolescence est souvent décrite comme une étape tumultueuse de la vie échappant au contrÎle et à la raison et donc à toute action de prévention. Cette v ision médiatisée de l'adolescence fait parfois oublier qu'il s'agit surtout d'une période d'opportunités extraordinaire pour promouvoir des comportements qui définiront la santé de l'individu pour toute sa vie adulte

    Transition aux soins adultes: une vue d'ensemble

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    Nowadays nearly 90% of children with a chronic condition survive to adulthood and must make the transition from pediatric to adult care. This transition must include not only the continuity of care but also the preparation for adult life so that these young people can develop their full potential. Divided into three phases (preparation, transfer and engagement), the transition process should be adapted to adolescents and ensure access to quality care

    DĂ©pistage de la suicidalitĂ© Ă  l’adolescence: prĂ©sentation d'un outil pratique - le BITS

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    Dans le cadre du congrĂšs d’automne de la SSMIG 2018, nous avons prĂ©sentĂ© un atelier sur le repĂ©rage de la suicidalitĂ© Ă  l’adolescence. L’atelier avait pour objectif de situer le rĂŽle du mĂ©decin gĂ©nĂ©raliste dans le repĂ©rage en cabinet des adolescents suicidaires et de faire dĂ©couvrir le BITS, un nouvel outil de repĂ©rage de la suicidalitĂ© Ă  l’adolescence. Cet article reprend les Ă©lĂ©ments thĂ©oriques prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cet atelier, ainsi qu’un cas pratique pour illustrer l’utilisation du BITS dans la consultation

    Du pédiatre au généraliste : apporter une continuité aux soins de premier recours de l'enfance à l'ùge adulte

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    The transition from a pediatrician to a general practitioner builds on a strong relationship with the pediatrician. Informed consent and decision making in children and adolescents are greatly improved by a trustful relationship with healthcare providers. In Switzerland, minors can access their medical file without parental consent if considered competent. Electronic files can be helpful but may lead to breeches in confidentiality : transmission of data concerning the family or parent's health status not relevant for the adolescent's medical follow-up, parental access to the medical files. A simple transmission file can be given to the adolescent at the end of pediatric follow up. Visits to mark the end of the pediatric follow-up and the beginning of the GP follow-up should be systematically offered to young people with special needs

    Passage à la majorité chez les adolescents requérants d'asile et mineurs non accompagnés : aspects pratiques pour une approche interprofessionnelle efficace

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    An unaccompanied minor is a young person under 18 years of age separated from both parents and who is not cared for by an adult invested of this responsability by law or the custom. Their number has increased in Switzerland in 2015, prompting medical and social professionals to adapt their care to respond more appropriately to their needs. Specific elements of an initial health check for these young people, transcultural skills and a good knowledge of the network are necessary to provide optimal management. As these young people grow up and reach legal majority in Switzerland, it is important to anticipate a transition towards actors in the adult medical world. We propose an integrative and transversal understanding of this transition by exploring relationships with the community, associative, social, educational and mental health