5,888 research outputs found

    Exploring the feasibility of international collaboration and relationship building through a virtual partnership scheme

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    International collaboration is an under-studied component of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). This study sheds light on the process of international collaboration by illustrating an exploratory approach to the process of forming and maintaining collaborative partnerships. Participants in this study were put into pairs (each one comprised of one individual from the University of Glasgow and another from the University of Wisconsin System) and asked to participate in email correspondence over the course of one year. The text of participants’ emails was pooled and analyzed through a general inductive approach using NVivo software. The study, though small in nature, helps to illustrate and further understand international collaborative relationships. We offer suggestions for future international collaborations and discuss the implications of emphasizing such partnerships within SoTL

    FAPRI Examination of Farm Bill Alternatives

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    This paper analyzes three program alternatives for the 1995 Farm Bill. The alternatives--no program, marketing loan, and revenue assurance--represent \u27\u27corner\u27\u27 scenarios because their program emphases are based on different sets of philosophies about current farm problems, the future of production agriculture in the United States, and the evolution of rural communities. Across the three scenarios, the safety net configuration, especially income enhancement and risk sharing, shows considerable variation

    Weather Volatility and Farm Bill Options

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    To provide additional insight to the agricultural policy debate, FAPRI has introduced weather volatility into its analysis or three alternative farm program designs

    Hard Choices

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    As we go to press, both the Senate and House are acting on proposals to put the federal budget on a path to be balanced by 2002

    Three Corners: FAPRI Examination of Farm Bill Alternatives

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    During 1995 , the U.S. 104th Congress will evaluate the food and agricultural policy situation and consider new legislation. This periodic review and resulting omnibus legislation, commonly called the farm bill, provides the opportunity to carefully reexamine agricultural programs and pol ides. The programs being reviewed, some of which expire in 1995, deal with price and income support, trade, conservation, research, domestic food assistance, credit , crop insurance, and rural development

    Grain Market Glut: Asia a Minor Player

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    There is no doubt that we are in a grain market glut of global proportions, and it is fair to ask how we got here. It seems only a short time ago the big concern was low stocks and the possibility of market disruptions arising from yet another shortfall somewhere in the world. Since this market glut coincides with the Asian financial crisis, it has been easy to blame low prices on the collapse of Asian economic growth. However, Asia is a relatively small part of the story

    Budget Cut Proposals

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    The U.S. House and Senate have now made specific proposals for budget cuts that are designed to eliminate the federal budget deficit by the year 2002. These proposals still have to go th rough the process of floor debate, passage by each body, conference between the two bodies, passage of the conference report, and approval or veto by President Clinton. A Presidential veto would imply further voting and perhaps further changes to these proposals in the Congress. Although there are numerous opportunities for these figures to change, the initial figures give a strong indication of where things are going

    Cultural Humility When Caring for LGBTQIA+ Older Adults: A Resource Guide for Occupational Therapy Practitioners and Students

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    The LGBTQIA+ older adult population has unique needs due to their experience as diverse individuals in a cisgender, heteronormative society. Experiences and effects of discrimination need to be considered when providing care. Occupational therapists have a role in addressing disparities of all marginalized groups, including LGBTQIA+ older adults. Practitioners may utilize cultural humility and trauma-informed practices when treating the LGBTQIA+ population. Existing resources to guide culturally humble occupational therapy care for LGBTQIA+ older adults are insufficient. The purpose of this project was to build on existing cultural humble resources and create a website on the focus of occupational therapy cultural humility considering the LGBTQIA+ older adult population. The capstone project, https://ot4lgbtqia.wordpress.com , was created in conjunction with field experience, providing needed insight while examining the older adult population in general as well as the LGBTQIA+ older adult population specifically. After a two-step process, in which observations at field sites prompted a continued literature search, discussion on the following barriers were added to the website content: internalized discrimination, LGBTQIA+ specific housing options, lack of support for caregiver role, intergenerational differences, and coming out late in life. 20 videos and supplemental resources were created to provide the audience an opportunity to increase knowledge and awareness, as well as augment skills, therefore increasing cultural humility toward the LGBTQIA+ older population.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2023/1012/thumbnail.jp

    A Reexamination of Price Dynamics in the International Wheat Market

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    The international wheat market has received much attention from researchers because of the perception that noncompetitive elements exist in the market. This study examines price dynamics among the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union, and Argentina using a cointegration and error correction approach. Unlike some past studies, the results here suggest that there is no distinct price leader in the international wheat market

    Outlook for U.S. Corn and Soybeans in 1996

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    The outlook for U.S. com and soybeans in the coming crop year, although optimistic, is filled with many uncertainties. The weather and operating conclitions under the new Farm Bill are two of many factors that will influence U.S. crop supply. This year\u27s high market prices and low beginning stock situation will influence p lanted area in the United States, and will affect the dynamics of next year\u27s markets