27 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional printing in cardiology: Current applications and future challenges

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      Three-dimensional (3D) printing has attracted a huge interest in recent years. Broadly speaking, it refers to the technology which converts a predesigned virtual model to a touchable object. In clinical medicine, it usually converts a series of two-dimensional medical images acquired through computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or 3D echocardiography into a physical model. Medical 3D printing consists of three main steps: image acquisition, virtual reconstruction and 3D manufacturing. It is a promising tool for preoperative evaluation, medical device design, hemodynamic simulation and medical education, it is also likely to reduce operative risk and increase operative success. However, the most relevant studies are case reports or series which are underpowered in testing its actual effect on patient outcomes. The decision of making a 3D cardiac model may seem arbitrary since it is mostly based on a cardiologist’s perceived difficulty in performing an interventional procedure. A uniform consensus is urgently necessary to standardize the key steps of 3D printing from imaging acquisition to final production. In the future, more clinical trials of rigorous design are possible to further validate the effect of 3D printing on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. (Cardiol J 2017; 24, 4: 436–444

    Masywna hemoliza wewnątrznaczyniowa po interwencyjnym leczeniu ubytku w przegrodzie międzyprzedsionkowej

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    We present a case of a 55 year-old female, who survived a complication of percutaneous closure of atrial septal defect never described before. Within the first day after treatment the device has dislodged and got stuck in the mitral valve apparatus. This has caused mitral insufficiency and massive haemolysis which resolved after interventional removal of the device. Kardiol Pol 2012; 70, 1: 58–5

    Dilated cardiomyopathy in pediatric population

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    Kardiomiopatie to heterogenna grupa chorób mięśnia sercowego, prowadząca do wystąpienia dysfunkcji mechanicznej lub elektrycznej serca. Najczęstszym typem morfologicznym kardiomiopatii u dzieci jest kardiomiopatia rozstrzeniowa (DCM). Początkowo objawy są mało specyficzne i wynikają z pojawienia się narastającej niewydolności serca zaś obraz kliniczny jest silnie uzależniony od wieku dziecka. Podstawową rolę w mo­nitorowaniu pacjentów z DCM odgrywa badanie echokardiograficzne oceniające funkcję lewej komory i zastawek. Lekarze rodzinni, ze względu na ich miejsce w systemie opieki zdrowotnej, stanowią ważne ogniwo w rozpoznawaniu, kontrolowaniu leczenia oraz w opiece nad dzieckiem z kardiomiopatią rozstrzeniową.The cardiomyopathies are one of the main cardiologic reasons of morbidity and mortality in children and adolescents. In most of the patients the etiology of dilated cardiomyopathy remains unknown because of it’s heterogenity. The aim of this research is to present the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic problems in case of dilated cardiomyopathy. Early diagnosis and treatment of cardiomyopathy can hold up or stunt a progressive heart failure and reduce connected with this disorder risk of sudden cardiac death, secondary to ventricular arrhythmias

    Dyspnoe and cough as symptoms of cardiac life threatening condition

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    Dzieci z zespołem Marfana lub zespołami marfanopodobnymi, prezentują bardzo różnorodny obraz kliniczny, podlegający zmianom w czasie. Prezentujemy przypadek, który dokumentuje diagnostykę znacznie poszerzonego cienia śródpiersia u nastolatka. Taki obraz wymaga zawsze różnicowania z chorobami osierdzia (torbiel, guz, wysięk) oraz guzami zewnątrzsercowymi śródpiersia tylnego i górnego w aspekcie kardiologicznego stanu zagrożenia życia.Children with Marfan syndrome present very varied clinical picture, which can change over time. We present a case report that documents the diagnosis of widened mediastinum in a teenager. A widened mediastinum can be indicative of several pathologies of pericardium (cyst, tumor, pericardial effusion) and tumors of posterior or superior mediastinum. As a life-threatening events all these reasons have to be taken into consideration in emergency situation