5,899 research outputs found

    Contribution to the Pipunculidae fauna of Spain (Diptera).

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    Die Arbeit basiert insbesondere auf Aufsammlungen von Pipunculiden an zwei Lokalitäten in Spanien: Pina de Ebro (Zaragoza) und Moraira (Alicante). Elf neue Arten werden beschrieben: Eudorylas blascoi, E. dilatatus, E. falcifer, E. mediterraneus, E. monegrensis, E. tumidus, E. wahisi, Tomosvaryella hildeae, T. hispanica, T. resurgens und T. sepulta. Ein aktualisiertes Verzeichnis der Pipunculidenfauna Spaniens wird vorgelegt. Die Phänologie sowie die zoogeographischen Beziehungen werden kurz diskutiert.Nomenklatorische Handlungenblascoi de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.dilatatus de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.falcifer de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.mediterraneus de Meyer & Ackland, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.monegrensis de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.tumidus de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.wahisi de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.hildeae de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.hispanica de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.resurgens de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.sepulta de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.This study is mainly based on material of Pipunculidae collected in two localities in Spain: Pina de Ebro (Zaragoza) and Moraira (Alicante). Eleven new species are described: Eudorylas blascoi, E. dilatatus, E. falcifer, E. mediterraneus, E. monegrensis, E. tumidus, E. wahisi, Tomosvaryella hildeae, T. hispanica, T. resurgens, and T. sepulta. An updated checklist for the Spanish pipunculid fauna is given and the phenology and zoogeographical affinities are shortly discussed. Nomenclatural Actsblascoi de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.dilatatus de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.falcifer de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.mediterraneus de Meyer & Ackland, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.monegrensis de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.tumidus de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.wahisi de Meyer, 1997 (Eudorylas), spec. n.hildeae de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.hispanica de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.resurgens de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n.sepulta de Meyer, 1997 (Tomosvaryella), spec. n

    Reversible intracellular translocation of KRas but not HRas in hippocampal neurons regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin

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    The Ras/MAPK pathway regulates synaptic plasticity and cell survival in neurons of the central nervous system. Here, we show that KRas, but not HRas, acutely translocates from the plasma membrane (PM) to the Golgi complex and early/recycling endosomes in response to neuronal activity. Translocation is reversible and mediated by the polybasic-prenyl membrane targeting motif of KRas. We provide evidence that KRas translocation occurs through sequestration of the polybasic-prenyl motif by Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) and subsequent release of KRas from the PM, in a process reminiscent of GDP dissociation inhibitor–mediated membrane recycling of Rab and Rho GTPases. KRas translocation was accompanied by partial intracellular redistribution of its activity. We conclude that the polybasic-prenyl motif acts as a Ca2+/CaM-regulated molecular switch that controls PM concentration of KRas and redistributes its activity to internal sites. Our data thus define a novel signaling mechanism that differentially regulates KRas and HRas localization and activity in neurons

    Key Caveats and Emerging Creative Solutions to Achieve

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    Effective, sustained innovation remains one of the great challenges facing almost every corporation. This paper outlines several key caveats that corporations need to understand and adhere to if they wish to win the innovation game. The paper also outlines emerging creative solutions being used by several corporations designed to abide by such caveats and in doing so improve their innovation success rates

    On the use of the Choquet integral with fuzzy numbers in multiple criteria decision support

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    International audienceThis paper presents a multiple criteria decision support approach in order to build a ranking and suggest a best choice1 on a set of alternatives. The partial evaluations of the alternatives on the points of view can be fuzzy numbers. The aggregation is performed through the use of a fuzzy extension of the Choquet integral. We detail how to assess the coefficients of the aggregation operator by using alternatives which are well-known to the decision maker, and which originate from his domain of expertise

    CHEMEPASS – Innovative Tools to promote Chemical Engineering Mobility

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    CHEMEPASS – Innovative Tools to promote Chemical Engineering Mobilit

    Impact of sample preservation and manipulation on insect gut microbiome profiling : a test case with fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae)

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    High-throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques are of great value for the investigation of microbial communities, and have been extensively used to study the gut microbiome. While most studies focus on the human gut, many others have investigated insects. However, because of the rapid spread of HTS techniques, a lot of variation exists in the protocols for sample preparation. In the present study, we investigated the impact of two widely adopted sample-processing procedures preceding library preparation, i.e., preservation of insect tissue in 70% ethanol (EtOH) and sample dissection. We used the fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) as a model organism and set up two experiments, one comparing the effects of sample manipulation and preservation across life stages and the other across fruit samples from different sources. The results of this study showed no major effects of dissection on the outcome of HTS. However, EtOH preservation did have effects on the recovered gut microbiome, the main effect being a significant reduction of the dominant genus, Providencia, in EtOH-preserved samples. Less abundant bacterial groups were also affected resulting in altered microbial profiles obtained from samples preserved in 70% EtOH. These results have important implications for the planning of future studies and when comparing studies that used different sample preparation protocols

    Selecting the best: the persistent effects of luck

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    We analyze a model of organizational learning where agents’ performance reflects time-invariant unobservable ability, privately-chosen effort, and noise. Our main result is that, even when performance is almost entirely random, maximizing the probability of identifying the best agent (“selective efficiency”) requires biasing final selection in favor of early winners. Making luck persistent, e.g. through fast-tracks, is thus rationalized by the pursuit of selective efficiency. Agents’ strategic efforts amplify the persistence of luck. Organizational learning also affects the persistence of initial advantages stemming from identity. Identity-dependent biases, e.g. gender specific mentoring, create incentives that make selection both more efficient and more equitable