1,915 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi Hormonal Terhadap Perubahan Fisik Ibu Di Klinik Anita Medan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengamati Perubahan fisik yang terjadi pada pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal yang terdiri dari 3 cara yaitu: (1) disuntikkan depo propera yang berisikan hormone estrogen dan progesterone, (2) meminum pil kontrasepsi, (3) menanamkan kontrasepsi implant pada lengan atas ibu. Metode pengamatan sampel dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan cara pengukuran berat badan dan lingkar pinggang ibu. Selain itu dilakukan juga pengamatan secara kualitatif dengan melihat Perubahan fisik seperti muncul jerawat pada wajah dan gangguan siklus menstruasi. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Klinik Anita Medan dengan 30 akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal yang terdiri dari 10 akseptor kontrasepsi suntikan, 10 akseptor kontrasepsi pil dan 10 akseptor implant, dengan lama pemakaian < dari 1 tahun dan >1 tahun. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa berdasarkan jenis alat KB hormonal yang digunakan yaitu pil, suntik dan implan maka alat KB hormonal pil yang paling berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Perubahan fisik ibu terutama pada Perubahan berat badan dan Perubahan lingkar pinggang. Dan hasil uji berdasarkan jenis Perubahan fisik ibu terhadap penggunaan KB hormonal (Pil, suntik, implan) maka diperoleh faktor Perubahan berat badan dan faktor lingkar pinggang yang memengaruhi secara signifikan. Dari penelitian ini disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk memberikan konseling kepada calon akseptor KB mengenai efek samping penggunaan KB hormonal sehingga para ibu sebagai/akseptor KB dapat mengetahui dan mengatasi efek samping yang akan terjadi setelah menggunakan KB hormonal. Kata kunci: Alat kontrasepsi hormonal, Akseptor, Perubahan fisik PENDAHULUAN Menurut World Health Organisation (WHO), dewasa ini hampir 380 juta pasangan menjalankan keluarga berencana dan 65-75 juta diantaranya di negara berkembang menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal seperti kontrasepsi oral, suntik, dan implant. Kontrasepsi hormonal memilliki pengaruh positif dan negatif terhadap berbagai organ wanita. Kontrasepsi hormonal merupakan metode kontrasepsi yang dapat diandalkan para perempuan untuk mengatur kesuburannya. Kontrasepsi ini menggunakan hormon, dari progesteron sampai kombinasi estrogen dan progesteron. Penggunaan kontrasepsi ini dalam bentuk pil, suntikan dan implant.Kontrasepsi hormonal merupakan kelompok kontrasepsi yang pemakaian berada pada urutan ketiga di seluruh dunia. Sebagian besar (85%) menggunakan kontrasepsi oral, sedangkan kontrasepsi implan dan suntik hanya 15%. Namun, beberapa negara mungkin banyak mengandalkan salah satu metode tertentu. Sebagai contoh, program nasional Afrika Selatan sangat mengandalkan kontrasepsi suntik


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    The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), abbreviated as RIFA, is believed to have been brought by accident to Mobile, Alabama in the 1930s via ship ballast from South America. The RIFA was first reported in Charleston and Orangeburg counties in South Carolina in 1952 and has since spread to all 46 counties in the state. The RIFA has had adverse impacts on the environments it has infested. In natural environments, the young of ground-nesting insects, reptiles, birds and mammals are subject to RIFA predation. In agriculture, the RIFA damages crops and livestock. The RIFA poses a health threat to humans, as it is aggressive and has a venomous sting. To learn more about the current impacts of the RIFA, a random sample of South Carolina households was conducted between November 1998 and January 1999. This report summarizes the survey results.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Just transition: Employment projections for the 2.0 °c and 1.5 °c scenarios

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This section provides the input data for two different employment development calculation methods: The quantitative analysis, which looks into the overall number of jobs in renewable and fossil fuel industries and the occupational analysis which looks into specific job categories required for the solar and wind sector as well as the oil, gas, and coal industry. Results are given with various figures and tables

    Markov State Models: To Optimize or Not to Optimize

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    Markov state models (MSM) are a popular statistical method for analyzing the conformational dynamics of proteins including protein folding. With all statistical and machine learning (ML) models, choices must be made about the modeling pipeline that cannot be directly learned from the data. These choices, or hyperparameters, are often evaluated by expert judgment or, in the case of MSMs, by maximizing variational scores such as the VAMP-2 score. Modern ML and statistical pipelines often use automatic hyperparameter selection techniques ranging from the simple, choosing the best score from a random selection of hyperparameters, to the complex, optimization via, e.g., Bayesian optimization. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to automatically select MSM models this way by estimating and analyzing over 16,000,000 observations from over 280,000 estimated MSMs. We find that differences in hyperparameters can change the physical interpretation of the optimization objective, making automatic selection difficult. In addition, we find that enforcing conditions of equilibrium in the VAMP scores can result in inconsistent model selection. However, other parameters that specify the VAMP-2 score (lag time and number of relaxation processes scored) have only a negligible influence on model selection. We suggest that model observables and variational scores should be only a guide to model selection and that a full investigation of the MSM properties should be undertaken when selecting hyperparameters.</p

    Influence of Time-Dependent Power Dissipations on the Ageing Behavior of Thick-Film Resistors

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    Reliability experiments on hybrid circuits are usually carried out by accelerated ageing test. The circuits or the components under test are stored at an elevated ambient temperature and the change of their electric properties is controlled at regular times. The situation becomes entirely different if the temperature rise is due to the power dissipation in the component under test and not caused by external means. In electronic circuits, power dissipations are expressed by a mean value, whereas the actual situation is generally a time-dependent function. The temperature will then also be time dependent. Therefore, ageing tests on thick film resistors will be presented in this contribution. Resistors are submitted to a DC power source and a pulse shaped one. Different ageing characteristics are observed

    Pengaruh Persepsi Harga dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang di Alfamidi Mongiansidi Rantepao

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    The aim of this research is to determine the influence of perceptions of price and service quality on repurchase interest at Alfamidi. The population in this study were customers of Alfamidi Mongiansidi Rantepao. The data collection scale in this study used observation and questionnaires and the formation scale used a Likert scale. The sampling technique uses Non-Probability Sampling with the purpose sampling method. The number of samples taken was 64 customers. The data used is primary data from questionnaires given to Alfamidi Mongiansidi customers. The results of the research show that perceived price and service quality have a significant impact on repurchase intention. Furthermore, the service quality variable has a significant effect on repurchase interest

    Penerapan Digital Marketing sebagai Trategi Pemasaran pada Cafe Yamoke di Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of implementing digital marketing as a marketing strategy at Cafe Yamoke in Tana Toraja Regency. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that Cafe Yamoke has implemented digital marketing using social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. The application of digital marketing has shown effectiveness in increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers and increasing sales

    Uncertainty perception in bidding for Product-Service Systems under competition

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    This research investigates what impact of uncertainty perception arising from the existence of competition has on the pricing decision for Product-Service Systems (PSS) under uncertainty. PSS provision is an increasingly important area for many businesses and competition increases cognitive pressures on providers even further. We present an experimental study with industrial costing and bidding experts from the defence and aerospace sector. The study consisted of an experimental set-up via two questionnaires which differed in the existence of competition in the bidding scenario. The findings showed that bidding decision makers changed their evaluation of the cost estimate due to the introduction of competition but kept their evaluations of the profit margin and price bids constant. Furthermore, the participants listed the relevant sources of uncertainty that influenced their decision-making process. This research contributes to the literature in two ways. First, our findings showed that predictions from current theory regarding decision-making of cost estimation and pricing are not confirmed when competitively bidding for PSS. Second, we show uncertainty sources that influenced the decision makers and identified p the importance of internal processes of the PSS provider and environmental uncertainty

    Uncertainty perception in bidding for Product-Service Systems under competition

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    This research investigates what impact of uncertainty perception arising from the existence of competition has on the pricing decision for Product-Service Systems (PSS) under uncertainty. PSS provision is an increasingly important area for many businesses and competition increases cognitive pressures on providers even further. We present an experimental study with industrial costing and bidding experts from the defence and aerospace sector. The study consisted of an experimental set-up via two questionnaires which differed in the existence of competition in the bidding scenario. The findings showed that bidding decision makers changed their evaluation of the cost estimate due to the introduction of competition but kept their evaluations of the profit margin and price bids constant. Furthermore, the participants listed the relevant sources of uncertainty that influenced their decision-making process. This research contributes to the literature in two ways. First, our findings showed that predictions from current theory regarding decision-making of cost estimation and pricing are not confirmed when competitively bidding for PSS. Second, we show uncertainty sources that influenced the decision makers and identified p the importance of internal processes of the PSS provider and environmental uncertainty.</p

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pgpr (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) Pada Pertumbuhan Bud Chip Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum L.)

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    Produksi tebu nasional yang rendah dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan teknik bud chip untuk mendapatkan bibit yang berkualitas. Teknik bud chip tebu mempunyai kendala pada daya perkecambahan yang rendah. Upaya untuk mengatasi rendahnya daya kecambah ialah melalui pemberian PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi terbaik dari bakteri Pseudomonas fluorescens dan Bacillus subtilis pada PGPR yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bud chip tebu. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2015 di CV. Joyo Rosan, Gurah Kediri, Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan komposisi bakteri Pseudomonas fluorescens dan Bacillus subtilis yang berbeda sebagai faktor yang ingin diketahui pengaruhnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan PGPR sebagai zat pemacu tumbuh pada bud chip varietas PS 882 mampu mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman
