31 research outputs found

    Innovations In Counseling.

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    The definition of counseling has evolved into a broader scope since the year 2000

    Music Therapy: An Approach Used To Train Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Music therapy is an emerging approach to teach a variety of skills to children with special needs. Music therapy is a non-threatening and enjoyable way for these children, who struggle with both expressive and receptive communication, to find a way to express themselves so as to be understood by others. It is also used to train motor coordination, behavior and functional academic skills. Research was conducted in Malaysia which shows that music therapy is an effective medium in training children with autism and a program was developed. The music therapy protocol is proposed and can be used by anyone with no formal music training

    Self-hurt behaviors among adolescents in Malaysia: a case study

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    World Health Organisation reported that self-hurt has been emerging as one of the problems contributing to the rise in the morbidity and mortality rates (World Health Organisation, 2001). Literature also shows that repetitive self-hurt increased the risk of completed suicide. Previous research suggeated that the number of young people who hurt themselves is growing significantly in the recent years. Thus, it is important to find out the status of self-hurt among the young people in Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to find out the types of self-hurt behaviour among adolescents in Malaysia using the Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation Instrument (FASM) by Lloyd, E.E., Kelly, M.L., & Hope, T. (1997). The instrument was modified and translated to Bahasa Malaysia. The reliability of the types of self-hurt was tested. Ninety-six students aged 17 years took part in answering the modified FASM (Bahasa Malaysia version). An analysis of types of self-hurt behaviour was performed. The findings and implications are discussed

    Psychological Profile Inventory For Adolescents In Malaysia

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    The Psychological Profile Inventory for Adolescents (PPIA) is developed as a tool to identify positive and negative behaviours in adolescents, and uncover the reasons for such positive or negative behaviours. PPIA can also be used to identify adolescents atrisk from psychological disorders. PPIA is suitable for use by teachers, counselors and psychologists in schools. The resulting profile drawn can be used to understand the needs of adolescents, identify those at-risk, and plan for intervention. This paper describes the development of PPIA which took into consideration the multicultural aspects of the Malaysian populatio

    Psychology Profile Of Adolsecent In Malaysia.

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    The Psychological Needs Profile Inventory for Adolescents is a inventory deveioped to identify the positive and negative behaviors of the adolescents, and the reasons for behavlng positively or negatively. This rnventory is also used to identify adolescents who are at-risk with psychological disorders

    Changing the Thought Pattern and Behaviour of Children with Autism Using Audio-Visual Cognitive Aid

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    Autism is a severe neurological disorder that is characterized by “severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development”, especially the development in the perception and modulation of sensory information. The prevalence of autism has risen to 1 in 88 births in recent years (Autism Society of America, 2012). Studies show that early intervention and training are the most effective way to help children with autism to cope and eventually become independent. School teachers, parents, or caregivers often face difficulty in communicating with these children because it is hard to understand their thinking and behaviour, especially with those children that have little or no verbal communication. Thus, understanding the thought pattern of an autistic child would be useful for the teachers, parents and caregivers to effectively intervene and redirect the thinking and manage his or her behaviour. The purpose of this study is to use an audio-visual cognitive aid as an intervention tool to understand and help children with autism. An audio-visual cognitive aid was developed and has five themes, (a) colour, (b) light, (c) visual, (d) perception, (e) cartoon, and (f) character. The audio-visual cognitive presentation was shown to 24 children with autism (from very low functioning group to high functioning group) aged between 5-10 years old. Each child attended a 45 minutes session three times weekly over six months. After the children had seen the audio-visual presentation, they were asked to draw and describe what they had seen. Their drawings or descriptions were analyzed for their thinking pattern and conclusions drawn which form the basis for behavioural management. The study showed that the children with autism who participated in this study responded positively to the computer based audio-visual cognitive aid. For very low and low functioning children, this audio-visual cognitive aid has helped to activate their responses to audio and visual stimuli, increase their attention span, responsiveness, concentration, and their cooperative ability. On the other hand, the audio-visual cognitive aid has helped moderate and high functioning children to maintain attention, understand and connect with their environment. This study supports previous studies that computer based programme is an effective tool to understand the thought pattern of autistic children and modify their thinking and behaviour

    A Proposed System for the Evaluation of The Teaching Performance of Lecturers by Students

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    Kertas ini mencadangkan satu sistem penilaian prestasi pengajaran pensyarah-pensyarah oleh pelajar-pelajar. Satu soalselidik yang mengandungi 7 kategori dan 38 item telah di sediakan. Kategori-kategorinya adalah seperti berikut:(1) Organisasi, struktur atau kejelasan (2) lnteraksi atau perhubungan pensyarah-pelajar (3) Kemahiran mengajar, berkomunikasi atau kebolehan bersyarah (4) lsi kandungan kursus dan kesukaran kursus (5) Tugasan dan penilaian (6) Kesan terhadap pelajar (7) Penilaian secara menyeluruh

    Conflict And Stress Management In Organisations.

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    The work force of today is composed of people who are more diverse than ever in nationality, culture, religion, age, education and'socio-economic status

    Case Management In Counseling.

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    In Malaysia, counseling is becoming more acceptable by the population. Counseling services are offered in schools, institutions and community. Thus the role of a counselor is more towards providing individual and group counseling. In this service, the process of meeting the clients needs includes assessment, developing an action plan, consulting and liaising with other community service providers, information sharing and client confidentiality, information and referral, and clients progress tracking

    Teaching And Learning Programs For Autistic Children.

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    The psychologist, Leo Kanner, separated autism from others and coined the term, infantile autism in 1943. The word "autism" comes from the Greek words - "au", which means "self' and "ism", which implies "orientation or state". Autism is then the condition of somebody who is unusually absorbed in himself or herself (Reber, 1985). It is a lifelong disability affecting areas of the brain that control understanding, emotions, speech and gesticulation, and the general ability to interact socially