29 research outputs found

    The effect of aeration and application of manure and fertilizer on the hay yield, its quality and botanical composition of the abandoned range

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    The research was carried out in order to investigate the effects of aeration, organic and commercial fertilizers on hay yield, hay quality and botanical composition of an abandoned old range. The experiment was carried out in strip plot design with four replications. Six levels of fertilizers and three levels of aeration were used as treatments. The two-year results indicated that all of the fertilizers increased the hay yield and the effects of commercial fertilizers were higher than those of the organic types. Effects of fertilizers on crude protein content were negative. Fertilizers decreased the dry weight proportions of legumes but increased those of grasses. The effects of fertilizers on hay quality were of contradiction. Aeration decreased crude cellulose content of hay. Aeration with tined harrow decreased hay yield and crude protein. Springed cultivator decreased the proportion of legumes but increased that of grasses. Both commercial and organic fertilizers can be proposed to strengthen and sustain a vegetation of abandoned ranges of Sub-Mediterranean climate such as in the research conditions. However, commercial fertilizers were more effective than organic ones as far as hay yield was concerned. Thus, commercial fertilizers could be prioritized in fertilization of these types of vegetations. On the other side, no clear effects of aeration methods were found in this study. This kind of researches requires long-term studies

    The Effects of Different Row Spaces and Seeding Rates on the Hay and Crude Protein Yields of Sainfoin Onobrychis sativa

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    The study was carried out to investigate the effects of different row spaces 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 cm and seeding rates 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg ha-1 on the hay and crude protein yields of sainfoin at the Agricultural Research and Experiment Center of Agriculture Faculty, Uludag University in 1999-2002. The field experiments were established in a split plot design with four replications. Plant height, stem number per m2, green matter yield, hay yield and crude protein yields were determined. The results suggested that sainfoin should be planted with 15-30 cm row spaces and at 160-200 kg ha seeding rate for hay production in Southern Marmara Region or in regions with similar ecological condition

    Evaluation of Business Manager's Reverse Logistics Perspectives: Sample of Malatya Organized Industrial

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    The fact that technology has become an inseparable part of human life has led to an increase in the consumption and waste amount, a decrease in natural resources, and environmental pollution to reach important dimensions. Along with these improvements, protection of the environment and wastes have become a legal obligation in front of the enterprises, and as the society becomes conscious about the protection of the environment, it has become very important in terms of customer satisfaction. In the case of logistics, the concept of reverse logistics, which refers to the collection, storage and transport activities, which include the processes of recycling, reprocessing and destruction in general, became important. In this study, a descriptive research has been carried out on the business executives' evaluation of the reverse logistics perspective and their application to the reverse logistics. In this framework, first the theoretical framework for the concept of reverse logistics was established and the importance of reverse logistics for the country, society, environment and enterprises was emphasized and reverse logistics applications in our country were given place. In the application part of the study, face-to-face interviews were carried out with executives of 110 companies operating in the Malatya Organized Industrial Zone, and a survey was conducted. In the light of the obtained data, it is seen that the business executives see the level of reverse logistics as a social responsibility towards the environment and collectivity; how to look at the way in which reverse logistics can be used as an advertising tool and to give an environmental image to enterprises; the competitive advantage of reverse logistics, the contribution to customer satisfaction, and the degree of participation in the views that benefit the business economy are evaluated and analyzed whether the executives differ in terms of demographic characteristics and some basic characteristics of the enterprises


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    Abstract This research was conducted to determine the chemical composition of crested wheatgrass in artificia


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    Erozyon, jeolojik süreç içerisinde rüzgar ve suyun etkisi ile oluşan doğal bir olaydır. Türkiye, erozyonun dünyada en fazla görüldüğü ülkeler arasında yer almaktadır. Erozyonun tamamen önlenmesi imkansızdır. Ancak belli yöntemler uygulanarak etkisi ve hızı azaltılabilir veya kontrol altına alınabilir. Bu yöntemler arasında yanlış tarım uygulamalarına, meralarda aşırı ve erken otlatmaya, mera ve orman alanlarının tahrip edilmesine son verilmesi ve ağaçlandırma faaliyetlerinin artırılması yer almaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin yanında aşırı otlatmaya dayanıklı, kendini çabuk yenileyebilen, gelişmiş kök yapılarıyla toprağı sıkı tutan, su ve rüzgar erozyonuna karşı koruma sağlayabilen ve toprağa organik madde kazandıran yem bitkilerinin ekilmesi erozyonun şiddetini büyük ölçüde azaltacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Erozyon, Çayır, Mera, Yem bitkiler

    Cardioprotective effect of intravenous lipid emulsion in bupivacaine- induced experimental cardiac toxicity

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    The intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) therapy is known to alleviate clinical symptoms in cases of bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity. However, there is insufficient information regarding histopathological damage. This study aimed to investigate whether the use of ILE therapy in rats with experimentally induced bupivacaine-related cardiac toxicity can ameliorate histopathological damage. 28 Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups: control (A), lipid (B), bupivacaine (C), and bupivacaine + lipid (D). After providing monitoring in all groups, group B received 1.5 mL ILE + 0.25 μg/kg/min ILE infusion, group C received 3 μg/kg/min bupivacaine infusion, and group D received 3 μg/kg/min bupivacaine infusion followed by 1.5 mL ILE + 0.25 μg/kg/min ILE infusion after observing cardiac toxicity. Heart rate and respiratory rate were recorded. Blood samples were collected post-procedure to measure LDH, CK-MB, and troponin levels. Cardiac tissue samples were obtained for histopathological examination. There was no significant difference in baseline heart rate and respiratory rate among the groups (P>0.05). However, in the second measurements, heart rate and respiratory rate were higher in group D compared to group C (P<0.05). LDH and CK-MB levels were higher in group C compared to the other groups (P<0.05). Irisin and asprosin scores were higher in group D compared to the other groups (P<0.05). ILE was found to have a cardioprotective effect in the treatment of bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity, as it improved both clinical and laboratory parameters. However, histologically, cardiac damage persisted


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    Aşırı ve kontrolsüz otlatma, me­ralarda klimaks bitki türlerinin azalmasına ve bitki örtülerinin orijinal kompozisyonlarından uzaklaş­malarına neden olmaktadır. Meralarda hızla çoğalan ve pek çoğu istilacı türlerden oluşan bitki topluluklarının büyük bir bölümü hayvanların severek ve isteyerek yemedikleri, ye­mekte zorlandıkları ve hatta bazen toksik maddeler içeren bitkilerden oluşmaktadır. Zehirli bitkilerin büyük çoğunluğu içerdikleri çeşitli alkaloidler ve diğer organik kimyasal bileşikler nedeni ile otlayan hayvanlar için önemli sorunlar yaratmakta, az tüketildiğinde hayvanlarda iştahsızlık ve buna bağlı olarak verim düşüklüğü görülmekte, aşırı tüketildiğinde ise zehirlenen hayvanların kurtarılması güçleşmekte, çoğu kez olay ölümle sonuçlanmaktadır. Hayvan sağlığı ve hayvansal üretim açısından zehirli bitki zararının en düşük düzeye indirilmesi için toksik madde içeren bitkilerin tanınması, biyolojilerinin ve özelliklerinin bilinmesi ve meralardan yararlanan üreticilere tanıtılması gerekir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Aşırı ve kontrolsüz otlatma, İstilacı bitkiler, Zehirli bitkile


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    Ülkemiz meraları yıllardan beri süregelen aşırı ve kontrolsüz otlatma sonucu verimliliklerini kaybetmişlerdir. Yakın zamana kadar meralarla ilgili herhangi bir yasal düzenlemenin olmayışı bu bozulma sürecini hızlandırmıştır. 1998 yılında yürürlüğe giren mera kanunu ile doğal kaynaklarımızın korunarak kalite ve verimliliğin artırılması hedeflenmiştir. Yasanın yürürlüğe girmesinden sonra, gerek uygulamada ve gerekse çiftçilerin uzun yıllardır var olan alışkanlıklarının değiştirilmesinde bazı sorunlar yaşanmış ve halen yaşanmaktadır. Yasanın temelini oluşturan “meraların tespit, tahdit ve tahsis işlemleri” süratle gerçekleştirilmeli ve ülke genelinde başlatılan mera ıslah çalışmaları hızlandırılmalıdır. Yasanın uygulanmasını kolaylaştıracak bazı yönetmelikler çıkarılmalı, tarımsal yayım faaliyetleri ile çiftçilere 4342 sayılı yasanın ne anlama geldiği anlatılmalı, 4342 sayılı Mera Kanunu’nun uygulanmasında görülen aksaklıklar süratle giderilmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mera kanunu, Tespit, Tahdit, Tahsi

    Comparison of different methods and determination of pasture condition on a secondary pasture vegetation

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    Bu araştırma 2002 yılında Uludağ Üniversitesi Kampus alanı içerisindeki bir sekonder mera vejetasyonunda bulunan türlerin teşhisi, vejetasyon ölçüm metodlarının karşılaştırılması ve mera durumunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Vejetasyon ölçüm metodlarından transekt, lup ve nokta çerçeve metodu kullanılarak tür bazında, bitki ile kaplı alan, frekans, botanik kompozisyon ve kalite derecesi belirlenmiştir. Bitki ile kaplı alan transekt metodunda % 80.86, lup metodunda % 90.43 ve nokta çerçeve metodunda % 89.00 olarak belirlenmiştir. Botanik kompozisyon içerisinde en fazla payı transektte % 38.54, lupta % 43.16 ve nokta çerçevede % 48.88 ile baklagiller almıştır. Meranın kuru ot verimi 776.83 kg/da olarak bulunmuştur. Kalite dereceleri ise transektte 5.10, lupta 4.78 ve nokta çerçevede 5.72 olarak bulunmuş ve her üç metodda da “Yetersiz Mera” sınıfına girmiştir.This research was carried out to determine the species, comparison of vegetation methods and pasture condition on a secondary pasture vegetation at the campus area of Uludag University in 2002. By using transect, loop and point method for vegetation measurement, plant covered area, frequency, botanic composition and quality degree based on species were determined. In respect of botanical composition the legumunes yielded the highest values with 38.54 % by transect, 43.16 % by loop and 48.88 % by point method. Hay yield of pasture avaraged as 776.83 kg/da. Quality degrees was found as 5.10 by transect, 4.78 by loop and 5.72 by point method and the pasture was ranked as an inadequate pasture by each of the three methods used