14 research outputs found

    Dissecting Implementation Musharakah in Islamic Bank in Indonesia: a Case Study

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    This study aims to analyze whether musharakah financing applications implemented by Islamic banks in Indonesia have met the requirements of Sharia standards as stipulated in the National Sharia Council Fatwa (DSN) Number 8, Sharia Accounting Standard Number 106 and Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) Number 4. This research used a case study approach that analyzes the case of musharakah in one of Islamic banks. This study found the existence of Islam in practice deviated from the paradigm of profit sharing. Calculations for results on musharakah financing tend to determine the fixed amount in advance. The portion of profit sharing is determined largely by the amount of funds provided by the bank, not those set by PSAS Number 106 or FAS Number 4

    Narrative Accounting Practices in Indonesia Companies

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    This research aimed to reveal creative accounting practices in the form of narrative accounting occuring in companies in Indonesia. Using content analysis, this research analyzed the management discussion and analysissection in the annual report on the group of companies whose performance had increased and declined in several companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. This research finds that the narrative accounting practices are applied in these companies. The four methods of accounting narratives are found in both groups of companies. There are stressing the positive and downplaying the negative, baffling the readers, differential reporting, andattribution

    Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Financing in Some Countries

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    . This study aims to find the similarities and differences in financing practices that occurred in The Agricultural Bank of Iran, China, Sudan, Malaysia and Baitul Maal wat Tamwil in Indonesia, and to obtain best farmers and agricultural enterpreneurs financing practices. This study used qualitative approach. Case study is selected as strategy in this research. The method of data collecting is documentation. Data is obtained from websites and annual reports of each agricultural bank. The data collected is the bank\u27s policy data on financing distributed to farmers and agricultural enterpreneurs. Agricultural Bank of China uses interest based product. This bank offer flexible loan and flexible time of payment. Agricultural bank in Iran and Sudan offer partnership and constant profit financing products to farmers. Malaysia and BMT Sidogiri in Indonesia offer constant profit contract. But their financing contract, tawarruq and Bay al Wafa are still controversial contracts. Observed agricultural banks have been using sharia priciples, except for Agricultural Bank of China. The financing product that has been used since the time of the Prophet has been applied by the agricultural banks. However, there are still controversial financing used by these banks

    The Effectiveness of Bank Financing to the Productivity of Agriculture Sector in South Sumatera

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    Purpose – This study aims to identify the effect of financing provided by banks (both conventional and Islamic bank) to the productivity in the agricultural sector in South Sumatera. This study analysed the forms and mechanisms of finance used by bank in order to find out whether the financing provides the benefit effectively in supporting the productivity of the agricultural sector in South Sumatra or not.Design/methodology/approach – The research used the preliminary data to trace the number of the debtor farmers. The data is from both conventional and Islamic banks in South Sumatera which distributed financing product to MSMEs in Agriculture sector. The secondary data collection was obtained from the banks while primary data was grounded from farmers both through the structured questionnaires and the depth interview. The analysis of this research is in both the descriptive quantitative and the qualitative methods.Findings – The financing in the agricultural sector in South Sumatra is relatively effective for farmers both in terms of increasing their financial gains and in terms of expanding the agricultural property.The results of this study are expected to give the significant figure about how far the financing product of the banks contributes to the increase of productivity of the agricultural sector in South Sumatera.Research limitations/implications – Effectiveness is analyzed by qualitative and descriptive quantitative methods in general, not included in the analysis per farmer. In addition, this study does not use financial ratios in measuring the effectiveness of the provision of financing.Originality/value – The effectiveness of financing in the agricultural sector, especially in sharia banking in Indonesia is still relatively minimal. This research is one way to initiate research which is expected to contribute to the implementation of wider sharia financing in the agricultural sector which now seems not to be the priority of the sharia banking sector in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kepentingan, Tingkat Inflasi, Dan Tingkat Bagi Hasil Terhadap Simpanan Mudharabah Pada Bank Umum Syariah Dan Unit USAha Syariah

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    The purpose of this research are to determine the influence of rate of interest, rate of inflation and rate of profit sharing towards mudharabah savings on Bank Umum Syariah and Unit Usaha Syariah in research period from year 2009 until 2012.The number of observations in this study are 58 months, started from January 2009 to October 2012. Techniques of data analysis used in this study are descriptive statistical analysis, the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and T test.The results of this study indicated that the rate of interest affected significantly and negative on mudharabah savings, rate of inflation affected significantly and negative toward mudharabah savings, while the rate of profit sharing affect positive and significantly to mudharabah savings

    Analisis Sistem Pembiayaan Arrum (Ar-rahn USAha Mikro dan Kecil) pada PT. Pegadaian Cabang Syariah Simpang Patal Kota Palembang

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    The purpose of this research is to know whether the implementation of financing system ARRUM conducted by PT. Simpang Patal Palembang Branch Office is in accordance with the related legal bases, namely Fatwa DSN-MUI No. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 and PSAK N 0.107 and Islamic microfinance concept with sharia mortgage and micro-small business. This research is a descriptive study with compare rule or Sharia according to Syariah with current practice of pawn. The sample OF This research is the Sharia Branch Pawnshop Of Simpang Patal Palembang. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that the practice of Rahn on the product Ar-Rum pawnshop Sharia is in accordance with the jurisprudence

    Pengaruh Pembiayaan Mudharabah,musyarakah, Murabahah, Istishna dan Ijarah terhadap Profitabilitas pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia

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    This research aimed at knowing the effect of mudaraba, musyaraka, murabaha, istishna, and ijarah financing on the profitability of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The profitability is measured by using return on assets (ROA). The data used in this research were collected from the Quartely Financial Report Published by Sharia Commercial Banks during period of 2009-2013. The sampling method of this research is using purposive sampling. The samples consist of three Sharia Commercial Banks. Those are Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Mandiri Syariah, and BRI Syariah. The technical analysis used in reasearch is multiple linear regression. This research found that the mudharabah and musyaraka financing have negative effect, while murabahah, istishna,and ijarah have positive effect on profitability of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. However, only murabaha and istishna have significant effect on profitability of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia