6,944 research outputs found

    Identification and control of spacecraft radiation sources of interference to X-ray and gamma-ray experiments

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    Apollo 15 and 16 will carry instruments for the purpose of measuring X-ray and gamma ray fluxes from the lunar surface and in cis-lunar space. The intensity levels expected are low over most of the energy range of interest, requiring that background contributions be minimized. The radiation sources on Apollo determined and their interference with these instruments evaluated. The results were used as a basis for dealing with this problem and for recommendations applicable to future manned and unmanned missions

    Relativistic Jets and Long-Duration Gamma-ray Bursts from the Birth of Magnetars

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    We present time-dependent axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interaction of a relativistic magnetized wind produced by a proto-magnetar with a surrounding stellar envelope, in the first ∼10\sim 10 seconds after core collapse. We inject a super-magnetosonic wind with E˙=1051\dot E = 10^{51} ergs s−1^{-1} into a cavity created by an outgoing supernova shock. A strong toroidal magnetic field builds up in the bubble of plasma and magnetic field that is at first inertially confined by the progenitor star. This drives a jet out along the polar axis of the star, even though the star and the magnetar wind are each spherically symmetric. The jet has the properties needed to produce a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB). At ∼5\sim 5 s after core bounce, the jet has escaped the host star and the Lorentz factor of the material in the jet at large radii ∼1011\sim 10^{11} cm is similar to that in the magnetar wind near the source. Most of the spindown power of the central magnetar escapes via the relativistic jet. There are fluctuations in the Lorentz factor and energy flux in the jet on ∼0.01−0.1\sim 0.01-0.1 second timescale. These may contribute to variability in GRB emission (e.g., via internal shocks).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in MNRAS letter, presented at the conference "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", 1-7 July, Huangshan, Chin

    Surface chemistry of selected lunar regions

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    A completely new analysis has been carried out on the data from the Apollo 15 and 16 gamma ray spectrometer experiments. The components of the continuum background have been estimated. The elements Th, K, Fe and Mg give useful results; results for Ti are significant only for a few high Ti regions. Errors are given, and the results are checked by other methods. Concentrations are reported for about sixty lunar regions; the ground track has been subdivided in various ways. The borders of the maria seem well-defined chemically, while the distribution of KREEP is broad. This wide distribution requires emplacement of KREEP before the era of mare formation. Its high concentration in western mare soils seems to require major vertical mixing

    Lunar elemental analysis obtained from the Apollo gamma-ray and X-ray remote sensing experiment

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    Gamma-ray and X-ray spectrometers carried in the service modules of the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 spacecraft were employed for compositional mapping of the lunar surface. The measurements involved the observation of the intensity and characteristic energy distribution of gamma rays and X-rays emitted from the lunar surface. A large-scale compositional map of over 10 percent of the lunar surface was obtained from an analysis of the observed spectra. The objective of the X-ray experiment was to measure the K spectral lines from Mg, Al, and Si. Spectra were obtained and the data were reduced to Al/Si and Mg/Si intensity ratios and ultimately to chemical ratios. Analyses of the results have indicated (1) that the Al/Si ratios are highest in the lunar highlands and considerably lower in the maria, and (2) that the Mg/Si concentrations generally show the opposite relationship. The objective of the gamma-ray experiment was to measure the natural and cosmic-ray-induced activity emission spectrum. At this time, the elemental abundances for Th, U, K, Fe, Ti, Si, and O have been determined over a number of major lunar regions. Regions of relatively high natural radioactivity were found in the Mare Imbrium and Oceanus Procellarum regions

    Fire protection and recompression systems for a hypobaric research chamber Final report, Jul. - Dec. 1967

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    Fire detection-extinguishment and automatic rapid recompression systems for hypobaric spacecraft cabin simulator

    Lunar elemental analysis obtained from the Apollo gamma-ray and X-ray remote sensing experiment

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    Gamma ray and X-ray spectrometers carried in the service module of the Apollo 15 and 16 spacecraft were employed for compositional mapping of the lunar surface. The measurements involved the observation of the intensity and characteristics energy distribution of gamma rays and X-rays emitted from the lunar surface. A large scale compositional map of over 10 percent of the lunar surface was obtained from an analysis of the observed spectra. The objective of the X-ray experiment was to measure the K spectral lines from Mg, Al, and Si. Spectra were obtained and the data were reduced to Al/Si and Mg/Si intensity ratios and ultimately to chemical ratios. The objective of the gamma-ray experiment was to measure the natural and cosmic ray induced activity emission spectrum. At this time, the elemental abundances for Th, U, K, Fe, Ti, Si, and O have been determined over a number of major lunar regions

    The formation of high-field magnetic white dwarfs from common envelopes

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    The origin of highly-magnetized white dwarfs has remained a mystery since their initial discovery. Recent observations indicate that the formation of high-field magnetic white dwarfs is intimately related to strong binary interactions during post-main-sequence phases of stellar evolution. If a low-mass companion, such as a planet, brown dwarf, or low-mass star is engulfed by a post-main-sequence giant, the hydrodynamic drag in the envelope of the giant leads to a reduction of the companion's orbit. Sufficiently low-mass companions in-spiral until they are shredded by the strong gravitational tides near the white dwarf core. Subsequent formation of a super-Eddington accretion disk from the disrupted companion inside a common envelope can dramatically amplify magnetic fields via a dynamo. Here, we show that these disk-generated fields are sufficiently strong to explain the observed range of magnetic field strengths for isolated, high-field magnetic white dwarfs. A higher-mass binary analogue may also contribute to the origin of magnetar fields.Comment: Accepted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Under PNAS embargo until time of publicatio

    Surface chemistry of selected lunar regions

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    A completely new analysis has been carried out on the data from the Apollo 15 and 16 gamma ray spectrometer experiments. The components of the continuum background have been estimated. The elements Th, K, Fe and Mg give useful results; results for Ti are significant only for a few high Ti regions. Errors are given, and the results are checked by other methods. Concentrations are reported for about sixty lunar regions; the ground track has been subdivided in various ways. The borders of the maria seem well-defined chemically, while the distribution of KREEP is broad. This wide distribution requires emplacement of KREEP before the era of mare formation. Its high concentration in western mare soils seems to require major vertical mixing

    Mercury 2000: Stereoscopic Observations of Gamma Ray Flares

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    Stereoscopic observations of gamma ray radiation from solar flares would provide further scientific impetus to recent proposals for a planetary observer mission to Mercury in the late 1990's. The solar monitoring phase of this mission could continue through the period of maximum flare activity in the years 2002-2006 with a dawn-dusk polar orbit which would allow continuous solar visibility and minimize solar tracking requirements. Simultaneous measurements of flare radiation from gamma ray instruments with comparable solar flux sensitivity in orbits around Mercury and Earth would provide stereoscopic information on directivity and altitude location in the solar atmosphere of the flare radiation sources and might significantly advance understanding of energy release and particle acceleration processes in solar flares. The closer proximity of Mercury to the Sun would allow use of a much smaller gamma ray spectrometer system than required at 1 A.U. and would also provide the first opportunity for direct detection of solar neutrons at energies of 1-10 MeV. The Mercury orbiter would also be capable of monitoring 1-500 MeV solar protons to search for decay protons from solar neutron flares and to provide automatic early warning of large proton flares which would be a hazard to manned space operations near Earth and beyond
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