48 research outputs found

    Afgræsning og bælgplanter bevarer smagen i mælken

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    Økologisk mælk har et højt indhold af de ønskede flerumættede fedtsyrer. Men disse gør samtidigt mælken følsom over for oxidation. Forskning viser nu, at en kombination af megen afgræsning og bælgplanter gør mælken stabil

    Økologisk mælk og afgræsning

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    Økologisk mælk har et højt indhold af de ønskede flerumættede fedtsyrer. Men disse gør samtidigt mælken følsom over for oxidation. Forskning viser nu, at en kombination af megen afgræsning og bælgplanter gør mælken stabil

    ORMILKQUAL, presentation of project

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    Overall presentation of ORMILKQUAL projec

    Content of fatty acids, vitamin E and carotenoids in milk and herbage as affected by sward composition and period of grazing

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    The quality of organic milk is affected by feed composition, and especially the high use of legumes has been identified as the reason for high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and tocopherols in organic milk. Four different pastures composed of mainly white clover (WCL), red clover (RCL), lucerne (LUC) or chicory (CIK), respectively, were established to investigate the influence of sward composition on the milk quality of grazing cows. On three occasions during the grazing period (May, June and August), groups of 12 Holstein cows were grazing the pastures for two weeks. About 70% of the daily dry matter intake was pasture, and the remaining dry matter intake was a mixture of oats, hay and minerals (82%, 16%, 2%, respectively). The swards were sampled, and their feed quality as well as their composition of carotenoids, tocopherols and fatty acids was analysed. On each occasion, milk was sampled after two weeks of grazing, and the content of tocopherols and carotenoids as well as the composition of fatty acids was analysed. The overall feed quality expressed as IVOMD (in vitro organic matter disappearance) and NDF (neutral detergent fibre) was affected by period and to a lesser extent by forage type. The content of carotenoids was higher in RCL compared to the other forages, while no effect of period was observed. Alpha-tocopherol was neither affected by period nor by forage type. Fatty acid content, in particular content of linolenic acid, decreased during the grazing period, and it was highest in RCL, intermediate in CIK and lowest in WCL and LUC. Milk yield was neither affected by period nor by forage type. Milk fatty acid composition and content of alpha-tocopherol and carotenoids showed minor differences between forage types and sampling occasions. However, multivariate analysis of these data showed grouping according to sampling occasion, but no clear grouping according to forage types. Despite the differences in composition of forage and in composition of milk, it was not possible to predict milk content of specific fatty acids, carotenoids or tocopherols from the feed content of these compounds. This was partly explained by differences in feed digestibility. Comparison of the milk with previous studies showed higher concentrations of beneficiary compounds such as linolenic acid (12 mg/g fatty acids), conjugated linoleic acid (13 mg/g fatty acids), carotenoids (6 µg/g milk fat) and alpha-tocopherol (21 µg/g milk fat), and it was concluded that all the forages tested could be used in production of a milk with such properties

    Mælkens indholdsstoffer ved afgræsning

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    Forsøgene viser hvordan mængden af afgræsning har betydning for mælkens sammensætning, og denne effekt er væsentlig højere for Holstein køer end for Jersey. Specielt skal bemærkes, at det ved øget afgræsning er muligt at øge mælkens indhold af linolensyre for Holstein, hvilket ikke er tilfældet for Jersey. Mælkens E-vitaminindhold øges ligeledes ved afgræsning, og dermed opnås en vis beskyttelse mod oxidation af den højere andel af umættet fedt

    Diagnostic Yield of Genetic Testing in Young Patients With Atrioventricular Block of Unknown Cause

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    BACKGROUND: The cause of atrioventricular block (AVB) remains unknown in approximately half of young patients with the diagnosis. Although variants in several genes associated with cardiac conduction diseases have been identified, the contribution of genetic variants in younger patients with AVB is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using the Danish Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Registry, we identified all patients younger than 50 years receiving a pacemaker because of AVB in Denmark in the period from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 2015. From medical records, we identified patients with unknown cause of AVB at time of pacemaker implantation. These patients were invited to a genetic screening using a panel of 102 genes associated with inherited cardiac diseases. We identified 471 living patients with AVB of unknown cause, of whom 226 (48%) accepted participation. Median age at the time of pacemaker implantation was 39 years (interquartile range, 32–45 years), and 123 (54%) were men. We found pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in genes associated with or possibly associated with AVB in 12 patients (5%). Most variants were found in the LMNA gene (n=5). LMNA variant carriers all had a family history of either AVB and/or sudden cardiac death. CONCLUSIONS: In young patients with AVB of unknown cause, we found a possible genetic cause in 1 out of 20 participating patients. Variants in the LMNA gene were most common and associated with a family history of AVB and/or sudden cardiac death, suggesting that genetic testing should be a part of the diagnostic workup in these patients to stratify risk and screen family members