20 research outputs found

    Blogs - Læringsfællesskab med rum til refleksion

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    Anvendelse af blogs i læringssituationer kan give studerende mulighed for at reflektere i fællesskab. Derfor blev blogs afprøvet blandt universitetsstuderende med det formål at undersøge, hvordan studerende oplever anvendelsen af blogmediet, samt undersøge hvilke former for refleksion, som blogs kan understøtte. Undersøgelsen var baseret på en sociokulturel forståelse af læring, hvor læring ses som en proces, der konstrueres gennem interaktioner. Blogs blev afprøvet som en del af et undervisningsforløb for 24 studerende. Blogindlæggene blev analyseret mhp at identificere refleksionsniveauet, og der blev gennemført et fokusgruppeinterview med fem studerende for at afdække de studerendes oplevelser med at blogge. Konklusionen er at blogmediet tilbyder et læringsfælleskab, som giver de studerende mulighed for refleksion. Desuden tyder det på, at muligheden for refleksion forringes ved uklarhed over opgaven og usikkerhed på hvordan blogmediet anvendes. Endelig kan anvendelsen af blogs i læringssituationer udfordre de gængse opfattelser af læring, hvilket kan skabe forvirring hos de studerende

    Roles, outcomes, and enablers within research partnerships: A rapid review of the literature on patient and public involvement and engagement in health research

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies mention a need to investigate partnership roles and dynamics within patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in health research, and how impact and outcomes are achieved. Many labels exist to describe involvement processes, but it is unknown whether the label has implications on partnerships and outcomes. This rapid review investigates how roles between patients, relatives and researchers in a broad variety of PPIE activities in health research are described in peer reviewed papers and explores what enables these partnerships. METHODS: Rapid review of articles published between 2012 and February 2022 describing, evaluating, or reflecting on experiences of PPIE in health research. All research disciplines and research areas were eligible. Four databases (Medline, Embase, PsychInfo and CINAHL) were searched between November 2021 and February 2022. We followed PRISMA guidelines and extracted descriptive factors: year, origin, research area and discipline, study focus, framework used and co-authorship. On a selection of articles, we performed a narrative analysis of partnership roles using Smits et al.'s. Involvement Matrix. Lastly, we performed a meta synthesis of reported enablers and outcomes of the partnerships. Patients and Relatives (PRs) have been involved in the whole rapid review process and are co-authors of this article. RESULTS: Seventy articles from various research disciplines and areas were included. Forty articles were selected for a narrative analysis of the role description of PRs and researchers, and a meta synthesis of enablers and outcomes. Most articles described researchers as decision-makers throughout the research cycle. PRs most often were partners when they were included as co-authors; they were mostly partners in the design, analysis, write-up, and dissemination stages. Enablers of partnerships included: PR training, personality of PRs and communication skills, trust, remuneration and time. CONCLUSIONS: Researchers' decision-making roles gives them control of where and when to include PRs in their projects. Co-authorship is a way of acknowledging patients' contributions which may lead to legitimation of their knowledge and the partnership. Authors describe common enablers, which can help future partnership formation

    Wider institutional research cultures and their influence on patient and public involvement and engagement in health research - An institutional ethnography

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    Focus on patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) is increasing in health policy and research governance. PPIE is considered by some to be a democratic right, and by others to be a way to improve health care and research outcomes and implementation. Most recently, policy makers, funders and (clinical) research institutions are making PPIE a strategic requirement for health research urging researchers to invite patients and relatives into their research activities. Our study is based in a Danish university hospital where PPIE has been introduced as one of five strategic research goals. We investigated how researchers experienced this new practice and how their research practices connect to the wider context of the Danish health care system. Ten cases were studied during a year using observations, interviews, and document analysis. As our method of inquiry, we used institutional ethnography to look at researchers' work from their perspective and to understand how PPIE practices are part of a larger institutional research culture reaching far beyond the individual. We found that current research culture has implications for the selection of patients and relatives and for what they are asked to do. Researchers who experienced that PPIE outcomes aided their existing research practices felt motivated. Researchers who engaged patients and relatives before it was a strategy, were ideologically driven and their approaches resulted in an increased diversity of inclusion and researcher assimilation. These findings add to the current knowledge on PPIE practices and help us understand that further development towards collaborative research practices require a change in key performance indicators and training and perhaps call for attention to our shared acceptance of knowledge generation in research

    Assessment of a support garment in parastomal bulging from a patient perspective: a qualitative study

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    Aim To investigate patients’ experiences of the assessment of support garments in relation to a parastomal bulge. Methods We conducted a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews preceded by field observations. The 11 in-dept interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results In the assessment process patients lacked information from professionals on the advantages, disadvantages as well as criteria for choosing between garments. Garments had to fit patients’ needs and personal preferences; being comfortable, flexible and user-friendly. The garment created new possibilities and challenges; well-assessed garments reduced symptoms while poorly assessed worsened or induced symptoms and ended up unworn. When comorbidities were not accounted for, garments were unmanageable to patients. Patients needed guidance on how to apply and use the garment. Lack of hands-on-guidance left patients confused and helpless with unworn garments. Re-assessment of a garment before it could be worn was time consuming, stressful and required patients’ physical and mental resources. Conclusion Exploring patients’ expectations, symptoms, needs and comorbidity was vital for patients’ subsequent use and benefit of garments. Tailor-made information, hands-on-guidance and professional assistance are important in the assessment process. Interventions to support a patient centred, individual and systematic approach is warranted

    Blogs - Læringsfællesskab med rum til refleksion

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    Anvendelse af blogs i læringssituationer kan give studerende mulighed for at reflektere i fællesskab. Derfor blev blogs afprøvet blandt universitetsstuderende med det formål at undersøge, hvordan studerende oplever anvendelsen af blogmediet, samt undersøge hvilke former for refleksion, som blogs kan understøtte. Undersøgelsen var baseret på en sociokulturel forståelse af læring, hvor læring ses som en proces, der konstrueres gennem interaktioner. Blogs blev afprøvet som en del af et undervisningsforløb for 24 studerende. Blogindlæggene blev analyseret mhp at identificere refleksionsniveauet, og der blev gennemført et fokusgruppeinterview med fem studerende for at afdække de studerendes oplevelser med at blogge. Konklusionen er at blogmediet tilbyder et læringsfælleskab, som giver de studerende mulighed for refleksion. Desuden tyder det på, at muligheden for refleksion forringes ved uklarhed over opgaven og usikkerhed på hvordan blogmediet anvendes. Endelig kan anvendelsen af blogs i læringssituationer udfordre de gængse opfattelser af læring, hvilket kan skabe forvirring hos de studerende