6 research outputs found

    Annotation files for bins of Ca. Grellia alia genomes obtained in the study.

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    Files in .gbk (Genbank) format containing annotations (generated by prokka tool) for draft genomes of Ca. Grellia alia, obtained from sequencing single host cells (SC1-3) or bulk host culture.</p

    Full assemblies derived from single cells (SC1-SC3) and bulk culture DNA of <i>Eutreptiella</i> CCMP3347.

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    Contains fasta files of assemblies generated in SPAdes from Illumina reads. </p

    Phylogenetic tree and corresponding alignment of 16S rRNA genes of members of family Midichloriaceae.

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    Midichloriaceae_16S.contree - file for phylogenetic tree of Midichloriaceae 16S rRNA genes.Midichloriaceae_16S_alignment.fa - file with trimmed alignment used for calculation of Midichloriaceae 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree.</p

    Genomic bins of Ca. Grellia alia retrieved from single-cell (SC1-3) and bulk culture assemblies.

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    Bins of Ca. Grellia alia obtained in the study. Bins were derived from single-cell assemblies of the host algae (SC1-3) and from bulk culture of the host. </p

    Phylogenomic trees and corresponding trimmed and concatenated phylogenomic alignment of family Midichloriaceae (with Anaplasmataceae and Rickettsiaceae root) on 179 genes.

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    Midichloriaceae_phylogenomic_LG+C60+I+G4.contree - phylogenomic tree file calculated under LG+C60+I+G4 substitution model.Midichloriaceae_phylogenomic_LG+F+R5.contree - phylogenomic tree file calculated under LG+F+R5 substitution model.Midichloriaceae_concatenated_trimmed.fas - alignment based on dataset created by Gianotti et al. 2022 (DOI: 10.1128/aem.02432-21), supplemented orthologs from three additional genomes. For further details, see the publication.</p

    Separate untrimmed ortholog alignments for phylogenomic tree of Midichloriaceae (with Anaplasmataceae and Rickettsiaceae root) (179 genes).

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    Separate untrimmed alignments of 179 orthologs for Midichloriaceae phylogenomic tree, based on dataset by Gianotti et al. 2022 (DOI: 10.1128/aem.02432-21).</p