15 research outputs found

    Undergrowth vegetation response to fuel reduction treatments in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon

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    Fungal Endophytes Directly Increase the Competitive Effects of an Invasive Forb

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    Competitive outcomes among plants can vary in different abiotic and biotic conditions. Here we tested the effects of two phylotypes of Alternaria endophytes on the growth, competitive effects, and competitive responses of the exotic invasive forb Centaurea stoebe. Centaurea stoebe was a better competitor against North American grass species than grasses from its European home range in the absence of endophytes. However, one endophyte both increased the biomass of C. stoebe and reduced the competitive effect of North American grasses on C. stoebe. The competitive effects of C. stoebe on grass species native to North America were enhanced by both fungal endophytes, but not for native European grasses. We do not know the mechanism by which endophytes increased C. stoebe\u27s competitive ability, and particularly against biogeographically new neighbors, but one endophyte increased the competitive ability of C. stoebe without increasing its size, suggesting mechanisms unrelated to increased growth. We tested only a fraction of the different endophytic fungi that have been found in C. stoebe, only scratching the surface of understanding their indirect effects. However, our results are the first to demonstrate such effects of a fungal endophyte infecting an invasive forb, and one of the few to show that endophyte effects on competition do not have to be mediated through herbivory

    Nitrogen Spatial Heterogeneity Influences Diversity Following Restoration in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, Montana

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    The resource heterogeneity hypothesis (RHH) is frequently cited in the ecological literature as an important mechanism for maintaining species diversity. The RHH has rarely been evaluated in the context of restoration ecology in which a commonly cited goal is to restore diversity. In this study we focused oil the spatial heterogeneity of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) following restoration treatments in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)/Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga inenziesii) forest in western Montana, USA. Our objective was to evaluate relationships between understory species richness and TIN heterogeneity following mechanical thinning (thin-only), prescribed burning (burn-only), and mechanical thinning with prescribed burning (thin/burn) to discern the ecological and management implications of these restoration approaches. We employed a randomized block design, with three 9-ha replicates of each treatment and an untreated control. Within each treatment, we randomly established a 20 X 50 in (1000 m(2)) Plot in which we measured species richness across the entire plot and in 12 I-m 2 quadrats randomly placed within each larger plot. Additionally, we measured TIN from a grid consisting of 112 soil samples (0-5 cm) in each plot and computed standard deviations as a measure of heterogeneity. We found a correlation between the net increase in species richness and the TIN standard deviations one and two years following restoration treatments, supporting RHH. Using nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination and chi-squared analysis, we found that high and low TIN quadrats contained different understory communities in 2003 and 2004, further supporting RHH. A comparison of restoration treatments demonstrated that thin/burn and burn-only treatments created higher N heterogeneity relative to the control. We also found that within prescribed burn treatments, TIN heterogeneity was positively correlated with fine-fuel consumption, a variable reflecting burn severity. These findings may lead to more informed restoration decisions that consider treatment effects on understory diversity in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystems

    Fire Treatment Effects on Vegetation Structure, Fuels, and Potential Fire Severity in Western US Forests

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    Forest structure and species composition in many western U. S. coniferous forests have been altered through. re exclusion, past and ongoing harvesting practices, and livestock grazing over the 20th century. The effects of these activities have been most pronounced in seasonally dry, low and mid-elevation coniferous forests that once experienced frequent, low to moderate intensity,. re regimes. In this paper, we report the effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) forest stand treatments on fuel load profiles, potential fire behavior, and fire severity under three weather scenarios from six western U. S. FFS sites. This replicated, multisite experiment provides a framework for drawing broad generalizations about the effectiveness of prescribed. re and mechanical treatments on surface fuel loads, forest structure, and potential. re severity. Mechanical treatments without. re resulted in combined 1-, 10-, and 100-hour surface fuel loads that were significantly greater than controls at three of five FFS sites. Canopy cover was significantly lower than controls at three of five FFS sites with mechanical-only treatments and at all five FFS sites with the mechanical plus burning treatment;. re-only treatments reduced canopy cover at only one site. For the combined treatment of mechanical plus. re, all five FFS sites with this treatment had a substantially lower likelihood of passive crown. re as indicated by the very high torching indices. FFS sites that experienced significant increases in 1-, 10-, and 100-hour combined surface fuel loads utilized harvest systems that left all activity fuels within experimental units. When mechanical treatments were followed by prescribed burning or pile burning, they were the most effective treatment for reducing crown fire potential and predicted tree mortality because of low surface fuel loads and increased vertical and horizontal canopy separation. Results indicate that mechanical plus fire, fire-only, and mechanical-only treatments using whole-tree harvest systems were all effective at reducing potential. re severity under severe. re weather conditions. Retaining the largest trees within stands also increased. re resistance

    Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States

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    Increasing fire severity and warmer, drier postfire conditions are making forests in the western United States (West) vulnerable to ecological transformation. Yet, the relative importance of and interactions between these drivers of forest change remain unresolved, particularly over upcoming decades. Here, we assess how the interactive impacts of changing climate and wildfire activity influenced conifer regeneration after 334 wildfires, using a dataset of postfire conifer regeneration from 10,230 field plots. Our findings highlight declining regeneration capacity across the West over the past four decades for the eight dominant conifer species studied. Postfire regeneration is sensitive to high-severity fire, which limits seed availability, and postfire climate, which influences seedling establishment. In the near-term, projected differences in recruitment probability between low- and high-severity fire scenarios were larger than projected climate change impacts for most species, suggesting that reductions in fire severity, and resultant impacts on seed availability, could partially offset expected climate-driven declines in postfire regeneration. Across 40 to 42% of the study area, we project postfire conifer regeneration to be likely following low-severity but not high-severity fire under future climate scenarios (2031 to 2050). However, increasingly warm, dry climate conditions are projected to eventually outweigh the influence of fire severity and seed availability. The percent of the study area considered unlikely to experience conifer regeneration, regardless of fire severity, increased from 5% in 1981 to 2000 to 26 to 31% by mid-century, highlighting a limited time window over which management actions that reduce fire severity may effectively support postfire conifer regeneration. © 2023 the Author(s)

    The North American tree-ring fire-scar network

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    Fire regimes in North American forests are diverse and modern fire records are often too short to capture important patterns, trends, feedbacks, and drivers of variability. Tree-ring fire scars provide valuable perspectives on fire regimes, including centuries-long records of fire year, season, frequency, severity, and size. Here, we introduce the newly compiled North American tree-ring fire-scar network (NAFSN), which contains 2562 sites, >37,000 fire-scarred trees, and covers large parts of North America. We investigate the NAFSN in terms of geography, sample depth, vegetation, topography, climate, and human land use. Fire scars are found in most ecoregions, from boreal forests in northern Alaska and Canada to subtropical forests in southern Florida and Mexico. The network includes 91 tree species, but is dominated by gymnosperms in the genus Pinus. Fire scars are found from sea level to >4000-m elevation and across a range of topographic settings that vary by ecoregion. Multiple regions are densely sampled (e.g., >1000 fire-scarred trees), enabling new spatial analyses such as reconstructions of area burned. To demonstrate the potential of the network, we compared the climate space of the NAFSN to those of modern fires and forests; the NAFSN spans a climate space largely representative of the forested areas in North America, with notable gaps in warmer tropical climates. Modern fires are burning in similar climate spaces as historical fires, but disproportionately in warmer regions compared to the historical record, possibly related to under-sampling of warm subtropical forests or supporting observations of changing fire regimes. The historical influence of Indigenous and non-Indigenous human land use on fire regimes varies in space and time. A 20th century fire deficit associated with human activities is evident in many regions, yet fire regimes characterized by frequent surface fires are still active in some areas (e.g., Mexico and the southeastern United States). These analyses provide a foundation and framework for future studies using the hundreds of thousands of annually- to sub-annually-resolved tree-ring records of fire spanning centuries, which will further advance our understanding of the interactions among fire, climate, topography, vegetation, and humans across North America

    Using patchy plant invasions to understand how diffuse interactions modify facilitation and competition

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    Indirect interactions among plants promote conditionality in competitive outcomes that affect plant community structure and function. I utilized spatially patchy distributions of two invasive exotic plants, Centaurea stoebe and Bromus tectorum, to explore conditionality in plant interactions and the implications of this conditionality for community invasibility. Additionally, I expanded this research to investigate how these two invaders interact with each other as they overrun native ecosystems. Throughout intermountain prairie of western Montana Centaurea was found at high abundances in open prairie, but was a relatively minor component of the plant community under isolated Pinus ponderosa. In contrast, Bromus was also common in open prairie, but it was most dominant under Pinus canopies. I then experimentally investigated the complex dynamics potentially driving apparent biotic resistance by Pinus to one exotic species but facilitation of a second. I found that Pinus directly inhibited Centaurea growth through shade and litter effects and attenuated the competitive effects of Centaurea. While Pinus litter strongly suppressed Centaurea establishment, Festuca and Bromus where much less effected. The native plant community and Bromus were thereby indirectly facilitated. Additionally, the allelochemical (±)-catechin that is exuded by Centaurea roots was more phytotoxic to Festuca in open prairie than under Pinus canopies and in prairie soils than in conifer soils when tested in a greenhouse. Plant-soil feedbacks were important as well. When Centaurea was grown in full sunlight it “cultivated” the soil such that legacy effects inhibited recruitment of Festuca long after Centaurea had been removed, but these feedback effects did not occur when Centaurea cultivated soil in experimentally shaded plots. Bromus was directly facilitated by Pinus shade and soil but these effects were highly moderated by the native grass Festuca idahoensis. While many relatively straightforward pair-wise studies have shown direct facilitative effects of one species on another, these results demonstrate another form of biotic conditionality; strong facilitative effects manifest in pair-wise experiments can be eliminated or diminished by the presence of other competitors. In general, my results illustrate the importance of the competitive and facilitative interactions that occur among natives and exotics ultimately structuring plant communities on natural landscapes

    Developing and Implementing Climate Change Adaptation Options in Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study in Southwestern Oregon, USA

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    Climate change will likely have significant effects on forest ecosystems worldwide. In Mediterranean regions, such as that in southwestern Oregon, USA, changes will likely be driven mainly by wildfire and drought. To minimize the negative effects of climate change, resource managers require tools and information to assess climate change vulnerabilities and to develop and implement adaptation actions. We developed an approach to facilitate development and implementation of climate change adaptation options in forest management. This approach, applied in a southwestern Oregon study region, involved establishment of a science–manager partnership, a science-based assessment of forest and woodland vulnerabilities to climate change, climate change education in multiple formats, hands-on development of adaptation options, and application of tools to incorporate climate change in planned projects. Through this approach, we improved local manager understanding of the potential effects of climate change in southwestern Oregon, and enabled evaluation of proposed management activities in the context of climatic stressors. Engaging managers throughout the project increased ownership of the process and outcomes, as well as the applicability of the adaptation options to on-the-ground actions. Science–management partnerships can effectively incorporate evolving science, regardless of the socio-political environment, and facilitate timely progress in adaptation to climate change

    Integrating Forest Restoration, Adaptation, and Proactive Fire Management: Rogue River Basin Case Study

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    Uncharacteristic disturbances exacerbated by climate change are challenging forests and social systems of North America. To improve efficiency and effectiveness of forest management to address these challenges, we demonstrated structured decision making in the collaborative development of a novel 20-year dry forest management strategy for southwestern Oregon, USA. We framed priorities and evaluated options with a wildfire risk assessment, then modeled stand-scale prescriptions to estimate management outputs (e.g. area treated, fuels reduced, and timber volume). We mapped landscape-scale objectives and used optimization software to prioritize treatment placement constrained by realistic access considerations and robust habitat protections. The resulting prioritization integrated proactive forest adaptation and fire management (ecological forest thinning, prescribed fire) with protection of imperiled species. To evaluate tradeoffs, we tested three 20-year scenarios, finding that the All-Lands scenario best mitigated wildfire risk: reducing risk overall by 70%, to homes by 50%, and to core northern spotted owl habitat by 47%. This scenario treated 25% of the 1.9-million-ha landscape, including 31% of federal land and 40% of the community at risk. Clear articulation of collaborative objectives and evaluation of scenarios have expanded partnerships and co-investment in actions supporting a shared vision of resilient southwestern Oregon forests applicable to other landscapes.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Identifying opportunity hot spots for reducing the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss in western US conifer forests

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    The escalating climate and wildfire crises have generated worldwide interest in using proactive forest management (e.g. forest thinning, prescribed fire, cultural burning) to mitigate the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss in forests. To estimate the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss in western United States (US) conifer forests, we used a generalizable framework to evaluate interactions among wildfire hazard and carbon exposure and vulnerability. By evaluating where high social adaptive capacity for proactive forest management overlaps with carbon most vulnerable to wildfire-caused carbon loss, we identified opportunity hot spots for reducing the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss. We found that relative to their total forest area, California, New Mexico, and Arizona contained the greatest proportion of carbon highly vulnerable to wildfire-caused loss. We also observed widespread opportunities in the western US for using proactive forest management to reduce the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss, with many areas containing opportunities for simultaneously mitigating the greatest risk from wildfire to carbon and human communities. Finally, we highlighted collaborative and equitable processes that provide pathways to achieving timely climate- and wildfire-mitigation goals at opportunity hot spots