9 research outputs found

    Çocuklarda ve adolesanlarda periodontal hastalıklar

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    Periodontal diseases are frequently seen in children as in adults even though periodontal tissues of children differ from those of adults. Among the two most common periodontal diseases, gingivitis, compared to the periodontitis, is more frequently seen in children. The initial phase of a periodontal disease in a child may be a strong indicator of an advanced periodontal disease later in the life of the child. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are important. If at-risk patients and families are determined and special treatment programs are applied then the prevalence of the periodontal diseases may be reduced in the society   ÖZET Çocukların periodontal dokuları yetişkinlerden farklı olmasına rağmen, periodontal hastalıklar yetişkinlerde olduğu gibi çocuklarda da sık olarak görülmektedir. Yaygın olarak görülen periodontal hastalıklardan gingivitis periodontitise oranla çocuklarda daha sık görülmektedir. Çocuklukta başlangıç aşamasındaki periodontal hastalık gelecekte daha ileri periodontal hastalığın güçlü bir göstergesi olabilir. Bu nedenle, bu hastalıkların erken teşhis ve tedavisi önemlidir. Risk altındaki hastalar ve aileleri belirlenir ve özel tedavi programlarına alınırlarsa, toplumda periodontal hastalık prevalansı düşürülebilir

    Mandibular Keratokistik Odontojenik Tümörün Kişiye Özel Çıkarılabilir Aparey Yardımıyla Dekompresyon Tedavisi

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    Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a rare, bening intraosseous tumor of odontogenic origin with a potential of aggressive and infiltrative behavior. It shows specific histopathological features, and has a high recurrence rate. In this report, we present a case of 17 year old female patient with large-sized KCOT associated with impacted third molar in the mandibular ramus region and its decompression treatment. Decompression was applied by a customized removable appliance to prevent the closing of the cyst cavity. On the 3rd and 6th months of the control radiography, it was seen that the calcification foci began to be seen and erupting the impacted teeth as a result of shrinkage of the lesion volume. After 18 months, there was a normal contrast image on the tomography and the intraoral healing was uneventfully.Keywords: Customized removable aparey, decompression treatment, keratocystic odontogenic tumor

    Periodontoloji kliniğine başvuran hastalarda periodontal durum ve sistemik hastalıkların değerlendirilmesi

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    <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The present study aims to determine the periodontal status and frequencies of the systemic diseases encountered in individuals admitted to Periodontology Department of Faculty of Dentistry at Cumhuriyet University.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The present study included 1400 individuals aged between 12-82, 834 of whom were female, and 566 of whom were male. The factors investigated were periodontal status, oral hygiene habits, smoking and presence of systemic diseases. Clinical and radiological examinations were utilized in the diagnosis of periodontal disease.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> When periodontal conditions were investigated, it was found that 0.3% of the patients were healthy, 51.9% had gingivitis, 46,4% had chronic periodontitis and 1.4% had aggressive periodontitis. The prevalence of systemic diseases in the sample group of the study was 39.2%. 31.4 % of the patients with gingivitis, 47.9% of the patients with chronic periodontitis and 50% of the patients with aggressive periodontitis were also found to have systemic disease. 2.1% of the patients included in the study had hepatitis and 24.4% were smokers.</p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The prevalence of periodontal and systemic diseases in the sample group of the study was found to be high. A detailed medical history of all patients with periodontal disease should be obtained and investigated and an appropriate treatment should be planned accordingly.</p><p> </p><p><strong>ÖZET</strong></p> <p><strong>Amaç: </strong>Bu çalışmada, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Diş hekimliği Fakültesi Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalına başvuran bireylerin periodontal durumlarının ve bu hastalarda karşılaşılan sistemik hastalıkların sıklıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlandı.</p> <p><strong>Gereç ve Yöntem: </strong>834 kadın, 566 erkek 12-82 yaş arasındaki 1400 birey çalışmaya dahil edildi. Periodontal durum, oral hijyen alışkanlıkları, sigara alışkanlığı ve sistemik hastalık varlığı araştırıldı. Klinik ve radyolojik muayene sonrası periodontal hastalık teşhisi konuldu.</p> <p><strong>Bulgular:</strong> Periodontal durumlarına göre hastaların %0,3 periodontal açıdan sağlıklı, %51.9’u gingivitis, %46,4 kronik periodontitis, %1,4 agresif periodontitis olarak saptandı. Çalışmadaki bireylerin sistemik hastalık prevalansı %39.2 olarak tespit edildi. Gingivitis tanısı olan hastaların %31,4’de, kronik periodontitisli hastaların %47,9 ve agresif periodontitisli hastaların %50'sinde sistemik hastalık gözlendi. Bu çalışmaya katılan bireylerin %2,1’nin hepatit olduğu ve  %24,4’nün sigara içtiği tespit edildi.</p> <p><strong>Sonuçlar: </strong>Bu çalışma, periodontal ve sistemik hastalıkların görülme sıklığının incelenen bireyler arasında yüksek olduğunu gösterdi. Periodontal hastalığı bulunan tüm bireylerden tedavi öncesi detaylı anamnez alınmalı, buna göre uygun tedavi planlanmalıdır.</p> <p><strong>Anahtar Kelimeler: </strong>Periodontal hastalık, tıbbi öykü, sistemik hastalık.<strong> </strong></p&gt

    Oxidative stress, DNA damage and apoptosis levels in those who use borderline high level fluoride content drinking water

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    Aim: Fluoride is necessary for tooth and bone development, but when exposed to excessive levels can cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, apoptosis, fluorosis and cancer. The aim of this study is to reveal the underlying mechanism of fluoride toxicity and to clarify, in part, the uncertainty of the fluoride level in the reference value ranges of drinking water. Material and Methods: Two groups were included in the study as exposure and control groups. Serum Total Oxidant Status and Total Antioxidant Status were measured with colorimetric; Urine 8-OHdG (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine) (CUSABIO) levels as DNA damage biomarkers and serum M30 and M65 levels (PEVIVA) as apoptosis biomarkers were studied by ELISA method. In addition, all participants underwent a dental examination by the dentist. Results: Serum total antioxidant status (TAS) were lower in the exposure group compared to the control group (p <0.001); serum total oxidant status (TOS) (p <0.001), OSI (p <0.001), M30 (p <0.001) and M65 (p <0.001) levels and urine 8-OHdG (p = 0.011) levels were high. However, the M30 / M60 ratio was not statistically different between the two groups (p = 0.371). Dental fluorosis was detected in all participants in the exposure group. Conclusion: This study showed increased levels of oxidative stress, DNA damage and apoptosis biomarkers in drinking water users with borderline high level fluoride. Therefore, instead of the World Health Organization's reference value range (0.5-1.5 mg/L) for fluoride levels in drinking water, the US Public Health Service’s (0.7 mg/L) reference value range seems to be more appropriate to the precaution

    COVID-19 pandemic and the global perspective of Turkish Thoracic Society

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    It has been more than 3 months now since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Turkey. Globally, the number of confirmed cases and deaths reached 9,653,048 and 491,128 respectively, as reported by 216 countries by June 27, 2020. Turkey had 1,396 new cases, 194,511 total cases, and 5,065 deaths by the same date. From the first case until today, the Turkish Thoracic Society (TTS) has been very proactive in educating doctors, increasing public awareness, undertaking academic studies, and assisting with public health policies. In the present report, social, academic, and management perspectives of the pandemic are presented under appropriate subtitles. During this critical public health crisis, TTS has once again demonstrated its readiness and constructive stance by supporting public health, healthcare workers, and the environment. This review summarizes the perspective of TTS on each aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic and casts light on its contributions

    Case Reports Presentations

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    Oral Research Presentations

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