756 research outputs found

    System Design for a Long-Line Quantum Repeater

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    We present a new control algorithm and system design for a network of quantum repeaters, and outline the end-to-end protocol architecture. Such a network will create long-distance quantum states, supporting quantum key distribution as well as distributed quantum computation. Quantum repeaters improve the reduction of quantum-communication throughput with distance from exponential to polynomial. Because a quantum state cannot be copied, a quantum repeater is not a signal amplifier, but rather executes algorithms for quantum teleportation in conjunction with a specialized type of quantum error correction called purification to raise the fidelity of the quantum states. We introduce our banded purification scheme, which is especially effective when the fidelity of coupled qubits is low, improving the prospects for experimental realization of such systems. The resulting throughput is calculated via detailed simulations of a long line composed of shorter hops. Our algorithmic improvements increase throughput by a factor of up to fifty compared to earlier approaches, for a broad range of physical characteristics.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. v2 includes one new graph, modest corrections to some others, and significantly improved presentation. to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networkin

    Solitude, Silence, and the Training of Psychotherapists: A Preliminary Study

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    The spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude have long been practiced within the contemplative Christian tradition as a means of character transformation and experiencing God. Do these disciplines affect the use of silence in psychotherapy for Christian clinicians in a graduate training program? Nineteen graduate students in clinical psychology were assigned to a wait-list control condition or a training program involving the disciplines of solitude and silence, and the groups were reversed after the ftrst cohort completed the spiritual disciplines training. One group, which was coincidentally comprised of more introverted individuals, demonstrated a striking increase in the number of silent periods and total duration of silence during simulated psychotherapy sessions during the period of training. The other group, more extraverted in nature, did not show significant changes in therapeutic silence during the training. These results cause us to pose research questions regarding the interaction of personality characteristics and spiritual disciplines in training Christian psychotherapists

    On the Effect of Quantum Interaction Distance on Quantum Addition Circuits

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    We investigate the theoretical limits of the effect of the quantum interaction distance on the speed of exact quantum addition circuits. For this study, we exploit graph embedding for quantum circuit analysis. We study a logical mapping of qubits and gates of any Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n)-depth quantum adder circuit for two nn-qubit registers onto a practical architecture, which limits interaction distance to the nearest neighbors only and supports only one- and two-qubit logical gates. Unfortunately, on the chosen kk-dimensional practical architecture, we prove that the depth lower bound of any exact quantum addition circuits is no longer Ω(logn)\Omega(\log {n}), but Ω(nk)\Omega(\sqrt[k]{n}). This result, the first application of graph embedding to quantum circuits and devices, provides a new tool for compiler development, emphasizes the impact of quantum computer architecture on performance, and acts as a cautionary note when evaluating the time performance of quantum algorithms.Comment: accepted for ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

    Arithmetic on a Distributed-Memory Quantum Multicomputer

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    We evaluate the performance of quantum arithmetic algorithms run on a distributed quantum computer (a quantum multicomputer). We vary the node capacity and I/O capabilities, and the network topology. The tradeoff of choosing between gates executed remotely, through ``teleported gates'' on entangled pairs of qubits (telegate), versus exchanging the relevant qubits via quantum teleportation, then executing the algorithm using local gates (teledata), is examined. We show that the teledata approach performs better, and that carry-ripple adders perform well when the teleportation block is decomposed so that the key quantum operations can be parallelized. A node size of only a few logical qubits performs adequately provided that the nodes have two transceiver qubits. A linear network topology performs acceptably for a broad range of system sizes and performance parameters. We therefore recommend pursuing small, high-I/O bandwidth nodes and a simple network. Such a machine will run Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers efficiently.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, ACM transactions format. Extended version of Int. Symp. on Comp. Architecture (ISCA) paper; v2, correct one circuit error, numerous small changes for clarity, add reference

    A high bandwidth quantum repeater

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    We present a physical- and link-level design for the creation of entangled pairs to be used in quantum repeater applications where one can control the noise level of the initially distributed pairs. The system can tune dynamically, trading initial fidelity for success probability, from high fidelity pairs (F=0.98 or above) to moderate fidelity pairs. The same physical resources that create the long-distance entanglement are used to implement the local gates required for entanglement purification and swapping, creating a homogeneous repeater architecture. Optimizing the noise properties of the initially distributed pairs significantly improves the rate of generating long-distance Bell pairs. Finally, we discuss the performance trade-off between spatial and temporal resources.Comment: 5 page

    An Annotated List of the Fishes of Lake Erie and its Tributary Waters Exclusive of the Detroit River

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    Author Institution: U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Sandusky Biological Station, Sandusky, Ohio ; Curator of Vertebrate Collections and Professor, Faculty of Zoology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OhioDramatic fluctuations have occurred in the abundance of many species in Lake Erie and its tributary waters in the last century. Some fishes of former economic importance have become commercially extinct. Several species apparently have been extirpated, especially in the tributaries. It is believed that further changes in the abundance of other species will occur in the near future. This publication consolidates the confirmed records of fish species for Lake Erie and its tributaries. One hundred and thirty-eight species of fishes are listed and, where appropriate, brief comments on present and past distribution, and abundance and economic status are given. Selected references are listed as additional sources of information for each species

    Emission Control in Diesel Engines By Alcohol Fumigation

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    Exhaust emissions from diesel engines are a substantial source of air pollution in this country. In recognition of this fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has issued strict new regulations due to take effect -in 1991 and 1994 that will drastically reduce the amount of some pollutants these engines will be allowed to emit. The technology is not currently available to produce diesel engines that can meet these regulations without large penalties in engine performance and efficiency. One technique that offers promise of being able to reduce emissions from both existing engines and new engines is alcohol fumigation