3,859 research outputs found

    MT SCORP: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: Outdoor Recreation and Resident Health

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    The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) provides state-based data on health and risk behaviors among adults. Several supplemental outdoor recreation related questions were included in the 2011 questionnaire to assist with the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan process and are analyzed in this report

    Optical properties of V2O3 in its whole phase diagram

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    Vanadium sesquioxide V2O3 is considered a textbook example of Mott-Hubbard physics. In this paper we present an extended optical study of its whole temperature/doping phase diagram as obtained by doping the pure material with M=Cr or Ti atoms (V1-xMx)2O3. We reveal that its thermodynamically stable metallic and insulating phases, although macroscopically equivalent, show very different low-energy electrodynamics. The Cr and Ti doping drastically change both the antiferromagnetic gap and the paramagnetic metallic properties. A slight chromium content induces a mesoscopic electronic phase separation, while the pure compound is characterized by short-lived quasiparticles at high temperature. This study thus provides a new comprehensive scenario of the Mott-Hubbard physics in the prototype compound V2O3

    Manipulation of Single Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    We analyze a scheme to manipulate quantum states of neutral atoms at individual sites of optical lattices using focused laser beams. Spatial distributions of focused laser intensities induce position-dependent energy shifts of hyperfine states, which, combined with microwave radiation, allow selective manipulation of quantum states of individual target atoms. We show that various errors in the manipulation process are suppressed below 10−410^{-4} with properly chosen microwave pulse sequences and laser parameters. A similar idea is also applied to measure quantum states of single atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent Control of Ultracold Collisions with Chirped Light: Direction Matters

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    We demonstrate the ability to coherently control ultracold atomic Rb collisions using frequency-chirped light on the nanosecond time scale. For certain center frequencies of the chirp, the rate of inelastic trap-loss collisions induced by negatively chirped light is dramatically suppressed compared to the case of a positive chirp. We attribute this to a fundamental asymmetry in the system: an excited wavepacket always moves inward on the attractive molecular potential. For a positive chirp, the resonance condition moves outward in time, while for a negative chirp, it moves inward, in the same direction as the excited wavepacket; this allows multiple interactions between the wavepacket and the light, enabling the wavepacket to be returned coherently to the ground state. Classical and quantum calculations support this interpretation

    Quasiparticle evolution and pseudogap formation in V2O3: An infrared spectroscopy study

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    The infrared conductivity of V2O3 is measured in the whole phase diagram. Quasiparticles appear above the Neel temperature TN and eventually disappear further enhancing the temperature, leading to a pseudogap in the optical spectrum above 425 K. Our calculations demonstrate that this loss of coherence can be explained only if the temperature dependence of lattice parameters is considered. V2O3 is therefore effectively driven from the metallic to the insulating side of the Mott transition as the temperature is increased.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Bichromatic Slowing of Metastable Helium

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    We examine two approaches for significantly extending the velocity range of the optical bichromatic force (BCF), to make it useful for laser deceleration of atomic and molecular beams. First, we present experimental results and calculations for BCF deceleration of metastable helium using very large BCF detunings, and discuss the limitations of this approach. We consider in detail the constraints, both inherent and practical, that set the usable upper limit of the BCF. We then show that a more promising approach is to utilize a BCF profile with a relatively small velocity range in conjunction with chirped Doppler shifts, to keep the force resonant with the atoms as they are slowed. In an initial experimental test of this chirped BCF method, helium atoms are slowed by ∌370\sim 370 m/s using a BCF profile with a velocity width of â‰Č125\lesssim 125 m/s. Straightforward scaling of the present results indicates that a decelerator for He* capable of loading a magneto-optical trap (MOT) can yield a brightness comparable to a much larger Zeeman slower.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Levy distribution in many-particle quantum systems

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    Levy distribution, previously used to describe complex behavior of classical systems, is shown to characterize that of quantum many-body systems. Using two complimentary approaches, the canonical and grand-canonical formalisms, we discovered that the momentum profile of a Tonks-Girardeau gas, -- a one-dimensional gas of NN impenetrable (hard-core) bosons, harmonically confined on a lattice at finite temperatures, obeys Levy distribution. Finally, we extend our analysis to different confinement setups and demonstrate that the tunable Levy distribution properly reproduces momentum profiles in experimentally accessible regions. Our finding allows for calibration of complex many-body quantum states by using a unique scaling exponent.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, results are generalized, new examples are adde

    Structural dichroism in the antiferromagnetic insulating phase of V_2O_3

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    We performed near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) at V K edge in the antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) phase of a 2.8% Cr-doped V_2O_3 single crystal. Linear dichroism of several percent is measured in the hexagonal plane and found to be in good agreement with ab-initio calculations based on multiple scattering theory. This experiment definitively proves the structural origin of the signal and therefore solves a controversy raised by previous interpretations of the same dichroism as non-reciprocal. It also calls for a further investigation of the role of the magnetoelectric annealing procedure in cooling to the AFI phase.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B (2005

    Loss of molecules in magneto-electrostatic traps due to nonadiabatic transitions

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    We analyze the dynamics of a paramagnetic, dipolar molecule in a generic "magneto-electrostatic'' trap where both magnetic and electric fields may be present. The potential energy that governs the dynamics of the molecules is found using a reduced molecular model that incorporates the main features of the system. We discuss the shape of the trapping potentials for different field geometries, as well as the possibility of nonadiabatic transitions to untrapped states, i.e., the analog of Majorana transitions in a quadrupole magnetic atomic trap. Maximizing the lifetime of molecules in a trap is of great concern in current experiments, and we assess the effect of nonadiabatic transitions on obtainable trap lifetimes.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
