232 research outputs found

    Evidence for He I 10830 \AA~ absorption during the transit of a warm Neptune around the M-dwarf GJ 3470 with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder

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    Understanding the dynamics and kinematics of out-flowing atmospheres of hot and warm exoplanets is crucial to understanding the origins and evolutionary history of the exoplanets near the evaporation desert. Recently, ground based measurements of the meta-stable Helium atom's resonant absorption at 10830 \AA~has become a powerful probe of the base environment which is driving the outflow of exoplanet atmospheres. We report evidence for the He I 10830 \AA~in absorption (equivalent width ∼\sim 0.012±0.0020.012 \pm 0.002 \AA) in the exosphere of a warm Neptune orbiting the M-dwarf GJ 3470, during three transits using the Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF) near infrared spectrograph. This marks the first reported evidence for He I 10830 \AA\, atmospheric absorption for a planet orbiting an M-dwarf. Our detected absorption is broad and its blueshifted wing extends to -36 km/sec, the largest reported in the literature to date. We modelled the state of Helium atoms in the exosphere of GJ3470b based on assumptions on the UV and X-ray flux of GJ 3470, and found our measurement of flux-weighted column density of meta-stable state Helium (NHe32S=2.4×1010cm−2)(N_{He^2_3S} = 2.4 \times 10^{10} \mathrm{cm^{-2}}), derived from our transit observations, to be consistent with model, within its uncertainties. The methodology developed here will be useful to study and constrain the atmospheric outflow models of other exoplanets like GJ 3470b which are near the edge of the evaporation desert.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    Impact of crosshatch patterns in H2RGs on high-precision radial velocity measurements: exploration of measurement and mitigation paths with the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder

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    Teledyne’s H2RG detector images suffer from crosshatch like patterns, which arise from subpixel quantum efficiency (QE) variation. We present our measurements of this subpixel QE variation in the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder’s H2RG detector. We present a simple model to estimate the impact of subpixel QE variations on the radial velocity and how a first-order correction can be implemented to correct for the artifact in the spectrum. We also present how the HPF’s future upgraded laser frequency comb will enable us to implement this correction

    Long-term operation of a laser frequency comb with the Habitable Zone Planet Finder

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    Laser frequency combs are an ideal calibration source for precision astronomical spectrographs. We report on the demonstrated long term operation of a laser frequency comb that we designed and built as the primary calibrator for the Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF). The core technology of the comb is based on robust, polarization maintaining fiber coupled electro-optic modulators and broadband supercontinuum generation spanning 700-1600 nm in an efficient silicon nitride waveguide. The comb is continuously maintained on and ready to use, and since May 2018 the laser frequency comb has had a total uptime of 97%

    Impact of crosshatch patterns in H2RGs on high-precision radial velocity measurements: exploration of measurement and mitigation paths with the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder

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    Teledyne’s H2RG detector images suffer from crosshatch like patterns, which arise from subpixel quantum efficiency (QE) variation. We present our measurements of this subpixel QE variation in the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder’s H2RG detector. We present a simple model to estimate the impact of subpixel QE variations on the radial velocity and how a first-order correction can be implemented to correct for the artifact in the spectrum. We also present how the HPF’s future upgraded laser frequency comb will enable us to implement this correction

    Persistent starspot signals on M dwarfs: multi-wavelength Doppler observations with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder and Keck/HIRES

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    Young, rapidly-rotating M dwarfs exhibit prominent starspots, which create quasiperiodic signals in their photometric and Doppler spectroscopic measurements. The periodic Doppler signals can mimic radial velocity (RV) changes expected from orbiting exoplanets. Exoplanets can be distinguished from activity-induced false positives by the chromaticity and long-term incoherence of starspot signals, but these qualities are poorly constrained for fully-convective M stars. Coherent photometric starspot signals on M dwarfs may persist for hundreds of rotations, and the wavelength dependence of starspot RV signals may not be consistent between stars due to differences in their magnetic fields and active regions. We obtained precise multi-wavelength RVs of four rapidly-rotating M dwarfs (AD Leo, G 227-22, GJ 1245B, GJ 3959) using the near-infrared (NIR) Habitable-zone Planet Finder, and the optical Keck/HIRES spectrometer. Our RVs are complemented by photometry from Kepler, TESS, and the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) network of telescopes. We found that all four stars exhibit large spot-induced Doppler signals at their rotation periods, and investigated the longevity and optical-to-NIR chromaticity for these signals. The phase curves remain coherent much longer than is typical for Sunlike stars. Their chromaticity varies, and one star (GJ 3959) exhibits optical and NIR RV modulation consistent in both phase and amplitude. In general, though, we find that the NIR amplitudes are lower than their optical counterparts. We conclude that starspot modulation for rapidly-rotating M stars frequently remains coherent for hundreds of stellar rotations, and gives rise to Doppler signals that, due to this coherence, may be mistaken for exoplanets.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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