276 research outputs found

    NonClassicality Criteria in Multiport Interferometry

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    Interference lies at the heart of the behavior of classical and quantum light. It is thus crucial to understand the boundaries between which interference patterns can be explained by a classical electromagnetic description of light and which, on the other hand, can only be understood with a proper quantum mechanical approach. While the case of two-mode interference has received a lot of attention, the multimode case has not yet been fully explored. Here we study a general scenario of intensity interferometry: we derive a bound on the average correlations between pairs of output intensities for the classical wavelike model of light, and we show how it can be violated in a quantum framework. As a consequence, this violation acts as a nonclassicality witness, able to detect the presence of sources with sub-Poissonian photon-number statistics. We also develop a criterion that can certify the impossibility of dividing a given interferometer into two independent subblocks.Comment: 5 + 3 pages, published versio

    Anisotropic sub-Doppler laser cooling in dysprosium magneto-optical traps

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    Magneto-optical traps (MOTs) of Er and Dy have recently been shown to exhibit population-wide sub-Doppler cooling due to their near degeneracy of excited and ground state Lande g factors. We discuss here an additional, unusual intra-MOT sub-Doppler cooling mechanism that appears when the total Dy MOT cooling laser intensity and magnetic quadrupole gradient increase beyond critical values. Specifically, anisotropically sub-Doppler-cooled cores appear, and their orientation with respect to the quadrupole axis flips at a critical ratio of the MOT laser intensity along the quadrupole axis versus that in the plane of symmetry. This phenomenon can be traced to a loss of the velocity-selective resonance at zero velocity in the cooling force along directions in which the atomic polarization is oriented by the quadrupole field. We present data characterizing this anisotropic laser cooling phenomenon and discuss a qualitative model for its origin based on the extraordinarily large Dy magnetic moment and Dy's near degenerate g factors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    An Optimal Design for Universal Multiport Interferometers

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    Universal multiport interferometers, which can be programmed to implement any linear transformation between multiple channels, are emerging as a powerful tool for both classical and quantum photonics. These interferometers are typically composed of a regular mesh of beam splitters and phase shifters, allowing for straightforward fabrication using integrated photonic architectures and ready scalability. The current, standard design for universal multiport interferometers is based on work by Reck et al (Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 58, 1994). We demonstrate a new design for universal multiport interferometers based on an alternative arrangement of beam splitters and phase shifters, which outperforms that by Reck et al. Our design occupies half the physical footprint of the Reck design and is significantly more robust to optical losses.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Loss of molecules in magneto-electrostatic traps due to nonadiabatic transitions

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    We analyze the dynamics of a paramagnetic, dipolar molecule in a generic "magneto-electrostatic'' trap where both magnetic and electric fields may be present. The potential energy that governs the dynamics of the molecules is found using a reduced molecular model that incorporates the main features of the system. We discuss the shape of the trapping potentials for different field geometries, as well as the possibility of nonadiabatic transitions to untrapped states, i.e., the analog of Majorana transitions in a quadrupole magnetic atomic trap. Maximizing the lifetime of molecules in a trap is of great concern in current experiments, and we assess the effect of nonadiabatic transitions on obtainable trap lifetimes.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Spectroscopy of a narrow-line laser cooling transition in atomic dysprosium

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    The laser cooling and trapping of ultracold neutral dysprosium has been recently demonstrated using the broad, open 421-nm cycling transition. Narrow-line magneto-optical trapping of Dy on longer wavelength transitions would enable the preparation of ultracold Dy samples suitable for loading optical dipole traps and subsequent evaporative cooling. We have identified the closed 741-nm cycling transition as a candidate for the narrow-line cooling of Dy. We present experimental data on the isotope shifts, the hyperfine constants A and B, and the decay rate of the 741-nm transition. In addition, we report a measurement of the 421-nm transition's linewidth, which agrees with previous measurements. We summarize the laser cooling characteristics of these transitions as well as other narrow cycling transitions that may prove useful for cooling Dy.Comment: 6+ pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Prospects for the cavity-assisted laser cooling of molecules

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    Cooling of molecules via free-space dissipative scattering of photons is thought not to be practicable due to the inherently large number of Raman loss channels available to molecules and the prohibitive expense of building multiple repumping laser systems. The use of an optical cavity to enhance coherent Rayleigh scattering into a decaying cavity mode has been suggested as a potential method to mitigate Raman loss, thereby enabling the laser cooling of molecules to ultracold temperatures. We discuss the possibility of cavity-assisted laser cooling particles without closed transitions, identify conditions necessary to achieve efficient cooling, and suggest solutions given experimental constraints. Specifically, it is shown that cooperativities much greater than unity are required for cooling without loss, and that this could be achieved via the superradiant scattering associated with intracavity self-localization of the molecules. Particular emphasis is given to the polar hydroxyl radical (OH), cold samples of which are readily obtained from Stark deceleration.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Tomography of photon-number resolving continuous-output detectors

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    We report a comprehensive approach to analysing continuous-output photon detectors. We employ principal component analysis to maximise the information extracted, followed by a novel noise-tolerant parameterised approach to the tomography of PNRDs. We further propose a measure for rigorously quantifying a detector's photon-number-resolving capability. Our approach applies to all detectors with continuous-output signals. We illustrate our methods by applying them to experimental data obtained from a transition-edge sensor (TES) detector.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, also includes supplementary informatio

    Magneto-Optical Trap for Polar Molecules

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    We propose a method for laser cooling and trapping a substantial class of polar molecules, and in particular titanium (II) oxide (TiO). This method uses pulsed electric fields to nonadiabatically remix the ground-state magnetic sublevels of the molecule, allowing us to build a magneto-optical trap (MOT) based on a quasi-cycling J′=J"−1J'=J"-1 transition. Monte-Carlo simulations of this electrostatically remixed MOT (ER-MOT) demonstrate the feasibility of cooling TiO to a temperature of 10 μK\mathrm{\mu}K and trapping it with a radiation-pumping-limited lifetime on the order of 80 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table v2: updated to final published text and figure

    Quantum teleportation on a photonic chip

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    Quantum teleportation is a fundamental concept in quantum physics which now finds important applications at the heart of quantum technology including quantum relays, quantum repeaters and linear optics quantum computing (LOQC). Photonic implementations have largely focussed on achieving long distance teleportation due to its suitability for decoherence-free communication. Teleportation also plays a vital role in the scalability of photonic quantum computing, for which large linear optical networks will likely require an integrated architecture. Here we report the first demonstration of quantum teleportation in which all key parts - entanglement preparation, Bell-state analysis and quantum state tomography - are performed on a reconfigurable integrated photonic chip. We also show that a novel element-wise characterisation method is critical to mitigate component errors, a key technique which will become increasingly important as integrated circuits reach higher complexities necessary for quantum enhanced operation.Comment: Originally submitted version - refer to online journal for accepted manuscript; Nature Photonics (2014
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