158 research outputs found

    Human Tissue Plasminogen Activator

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    Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has long been considered the flagship product of the biotechnology industry. This protein is a popular treatment for heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Genentech has held a patent for the development of tPA-producing cells and sold it for approximately 2,000per100mgdose.WithinthenextfewyearsthispatentwillexpireandtheopportunitywillexisttoproduceagenericformoftPAatafractionofthecost.Thisdesignreportdescribesaplantthatcanmanufacturethisrecombinantproteinwithoutspending2,000 per 100-mg dose. Within the next few years this patent will expire and the opportunity will exist to produce a generic form of tPA at a fraction of the cost. This design report describes a plant that can manufacture this recombinant protein without spending 500 MM on research and development costs. A cheap, generic form of tPA can acquire a large share of the current 300MMtPAmarket.TheFDAhasrecentlyprohibitedthesaleAbbottLaboratories2˘7thrombolyticdrug,urokinase.Theonlyotherthrombolyticmedicationavailableisstreptokinase(SK);whileitismuchcheaper,SKcausesmoreseveresideeffectsandissomewhatlesseffectivethantPA.ItisthereforelikelythatthemarketforagenerictPAwillexpandasthepricedecreases.Forthisreasonwehavedesignedourplanttoproduceapproximately80kgperyear.PlantcalculationswerecompletedbyhandandwiththeuseoftheSuperProDesignerprogram(fortheSeparationSection).CostingwascompletedusingtheeconomicspreadsheetcreatedbyHolgerNickisch.Purchasecostswereobtainedascompanyquotesorestimatesfromthedesignconsultants.Ourpharmaceuticalplanthasaninvestor2˘7srateofreturnof59.7300 MM tPA market. The FDA has recently prohibited the sale Abbott Laboratories\u27 thrombolytic drug, urokinase. The only other thrombolytic medication available is streptokinase (SK); while it is much cheaper, SK causes more severe side effects and is somewhat less effective than tPA. It is therefore likely that the market for a generic tPA will expand as the price decreases. For this reason we have designed our plant to produce approximately 80 kg per year. Plant calculations were completed by hand and with the use of the SuperPro Designer program (for the Separation Section). Costing was completed using the economic spreadsheet created by Holger Nickisch. Purchase costs were obtained as company quotes or estimates from the design consultants. Our pharmaceutical plant has an investor\u27s rate of return of 59.7% based on a total capital investment of 104 MM. Given the profitability of this process we highly recommend construction of this plant

    Inhibition of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier protects from excitotoxic neuronal death.

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    Glutamate is the dominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, but under conditions of metabolic stress it can accumulate to excitotoxic levels. Although pharmacologic modulation of excitatory amino acid receptors is well studied, minimal consideration has been given to targeting mitochondrial glutamate metabolism to control neurotransmitter levels. Here we demonstrate that chemical inhibition of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) protects primary cortical neurons from excitotoxic death. Reductions in mitochondrial pyruvate uptake do not compromise cellular energy metabolism, suggesting neuronal metabolic flexibility. Rather, MPC inhibition rewires mitochondrial substrate metabolism to preferentially increase reliance on glutamate to fuel energetics and anaplerosis. Mobilizing the neuronal glutamate pool for oxidation decreases the quantity of glutamate released upon depolarization and, in turn, limits the positive-feedback cascade of excitotoxic neuronal injury. The finding links mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism to glutamatergic neurotransmission and establishes the MPC as a therapeutic target to treat neurodegenerative diseases characterized by excitotoxicity

    Adipose tissue mTORC2 regulates ChREBP-driven de novo lipogenesis and hepatic glucose metabolism

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    Adipose tissue de novo lipogenesis (DNL) positively influences insulin sensitivity, is reduced in obesity, and predicts insulin resistance. Therefore, elucidating mechanisms controlling adipose tissue DNL could lead to therapies for type 2 diabetes. Here, we report that mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) functions in white adipose tissue (WAT) to control expression of the lipogenic transcription factor ChREBPbeta. Conditionally deleting the essential mTORC2 subunit Rictor in mature adipocytes decreases ChREBPbeta expression, which reduces DNL in WAT, and impairs hepatic insulin sensitivity. Mechanistically, Rictor/mTORC2 promotes ChREBPbeta expression in part by controlling glucose uptake, but without impairing pan-AKT signalling. High-fat diet also rapidly decreases adipose tissue ChREBPbeta expression and insulin sensitivity in wild-type mice, and does not further exacerbate insulin resistance in adipose tissue Rictor knockout mice, implicating adipose tissue DNL as an early target in diet-induced insulin resistance. These data suggest mTORC2 functions in WAT as part of an extra-hepatic nutrient-sensing mechanism to control glucose homeostasis

    Posttranscriptional Upregulation of IDH1 by HuR Establishes a Powerful Survival Phenotype in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.

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    Cancer aggressiveness may result from the selective pressure of a harsh nutrient-deprived microenvironment. Here we illustrate how such conditions promote chemotherapy resistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Glucose or glutamine withdrawal resulted in a 5- to 10-fold protective effect with chemotherapy treatment. PDAC xenografts were less sensitive to gemcitabine in hypoglycemic mice compared with hyperglycemic mice. Consistent with this observation, patients receiving adjuvant gemcitabine (n = 107) with elevated serum glucose levels (HgbA1C \u3e 6.5%) exhibited improved survival. We identified enhanced antioxidant defense as a driver of chemoresistance in this setting. ROS levels were doubled in vitro by either nutrient withdrawal or gemcitabine treatment, but depriving PDAC cells of nutrients before gemcitabine treatment attenuated this effect. Mechanistic investigations based on RNAi or CRISPR approaches implicated the RNA binding protein HuR in preserving survival under nutrient withdrawal, with or without gemcitabine. Notably, RNA deep sequencing and functional analyses in HuR-deficient PDAC cell lines identified isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) as the sole antioxidant enzyme under HuR regulation. HuR-deficient PDAC cells lacked the ability to engraft successfully in immunocompromised mice, but IDH1 overexpression in these cells was sufficient to fully restore chemoresistance under low nutrient conditions. Overall, our findings highlight the HuR–IDH1 regulatory axis as a critical, actionable therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer

    Adipocyte ACLY Facilitates Dietary Carbohydrate Handling to Maintain Metabolic Homeostasis in Females

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    Sugars and refined carbohydrates are major components of the modern diet. ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY) is upregulated in adipocytes in response to carbohydrate consumption and generates acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) for both lipid synthesis and acetylation reactions. Here, we investigate the role of ACLY in the metabolic and transcriptional responses to carbohydrates in adipocytes and unexpectedly uncover a sexually dimorphic function in maintaining systemic metabolic homeostasis. When fed a high-sucrose diet, Acly(FAT-/-) females exhibit a lipodystrophy-like phenotype, with minimal fat accumulation, insulin resistance, and hepatic lipid accumulation, whereas Acly(FAT-/-) males have only mild metabolic phenotypes. We find that ACLY is crucial for nutrient-dependent carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) activation in adipocytes and plays a key role, particularly in females, in the storage of newly synthesized fatty acids in adipose tissue. The data indicate that adipocyte ACLY is important in females for the systemic handling of dietary carbohydrates and for the preservation of metabolic homeostasis

    Oncogenic K-Ras decouples glucose and glutamine metabolism to support cancer cell growth

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    A systems approach using 13C metabolic flux analysis (MFA), non-targeted tracer fate detection (NTFD), and transcriptional profiling was applied to investigate the role of oncogenic K-Ras in metabolic transformation.K-Ras transformed cells exhibit an increased glycolytic rate and lower flux through the oxidative tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle.K-Ras transformed cells show a relative increase in glutamine anaplerosis and reductive TCA metabolism.Transcriptional changes driven by oncogenic K-Ras suggest control nodes associated with the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells