610 research outputs found


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    PEDESTRIAN is inspired by my daily walking routines and my relationship to the spaces in which I walk. Through additional instruction-guided walks with volunteers, this project examines the seemingly mundane travels of walkers and their relationship to and absorption of the space around them, and encourages a reconsideration of the environmental everyday into a venue for play and discovery

    Rapid-Acting Antidepressants and Underlying Mechanisms

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    Loss of glial cells with resulting atrophy of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) as well as the hippocampal area is demonstrated in depressed patients by brain imaging and postmortem studies. The mPFC is the master control of mood and emotional response. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system, the main function of which is to regulate emotions. The mPFC depends on the hippocampus for rapid learning and memory consolidation. Unlike monoamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, which take 6 to 8 weeks to exert their full effects, and with 30 - 40% unresponsive rate, ketamine acts rapidly, within a couple of hours, and has higher responsive rates. It suggests that in theory, due to its rapid effect, Ketamine could well serve as a bridging remedy to lower the rate of suicidal risk before Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) reach their full effect for long-term depression management. Yet, ketamine has long been linked with abusive potential and possible neurotoxicity if used in large doses over a prolonged period. Even though there are no collected data to prove the associated adverse effects, awareness of this negative aspect of ketamine is sufficiently widespread to propel the psychiatric community to look for other rapidly acting antidepressant alternatives. Recent studies have shown that scopolamine, the Yueju pill, and magnesium are rapid-onset antidepressants that have mechanisms comparable to that of ketamine. These rapid-acting antidepressant agents promise to be effective and safer choices for depression management in the future, providing that further studies and investigations to produce a better and fuller understanding of their effects and limitations

    Kajian Pengolahan Sirkulasi Ruang Luar dan Fasilitas Khusus pada Taman Rekreasi Dunia Fantasi Bagi “Diffable People

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    Recreation and entertainment have become an important element in the modern society's life. Behavior's changes and people's way of life make the recreation not only become necessity but also become a lifestyle. Dunia Fantasi (DuFan) Recreation Park, offers concept and experience entertainment excursion and recreation which unforgettable for the visitor with many content of vehicle games that can be enjoyed for all kind of people, children, teenagers, adults, and also for Diffable People. Judging from the function, Dufan Recreation Park needs outdoor circulation order, outdoor circulation cultivation, special facilities exsistence, and consist of support factor that influence convenience, comfort, and savety for outdoor circulation for Diffable People

    Road Safety Capacity Building in Belarus through the development of Road Safety Master Courses

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    The risk of traffic fatalities varies significantly across high, medium and low-income countries. Among the reasons for this in the latter ones, there is often a lack of road safety knowledge and political will. Road safety is a multidisciplinary topic and requires trained professionals able to identify and implement efficient measures in the areas of engineering, enforcement, education and emergency services, taking into consideration social and economic aspects as well. However, in some Eastern Europe Countries there are potential barriers to train adequately professionals, generally due to a lack of specialised training and training standardization. Such an example can be seen in Belarus where, although road safety is a key issue, it is not managed on an evidence-based approach and there seems to be insufficient funding for related research. An initiative towards increasing knowledge capacity is the Be-Safe project (EC Tempus), a joint effort between three EU Universities and four Belarusian Universities. The objective of this paper is to describe the methodology carried out in Be-Safe to develop and test for two years two 1st level Road Safety Master Courses (60 ECTS) in Belarus according to the Bologna process requirements. Initially, a User Needs Analysis was carried out to understand local conditions and needs in terms of teaching and research on road safety. The analysis highlighted a lack of research due to insufficient funding, linguistic barriers and inadequate international relationships. This isolation led to a need of updating contents and methods of courses for students as well as research topics. Then, expected learning outcomes and Masters' curricula, one for the Technical Universities and one for the Economics Universities, were defined and developed respectively. Finally, Masters' courses in four Belarusian Universities were tested. Quality results were ensured through a Quality Board and assessment tools to monitor the Masters' process as a whole

    Opportunistic zoster non HIV-related

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    Pengaruh Modal Kerja, Tenaga Kerja, Jam Kerja terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan Tradisional di Nagari Koto Taratak Kecamatan Sutera Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    This study aims to reveal (1) the effect of working capital on the traditional fishermens income, (2) the effect of labor on the traditional fishermens income, (3) the effect of working hours on the traditional fishermens income, (4) the effect of working capital, labor and working hours toward the traditional fishermens income. Fishermen are a group of people who are actively engaged in fishing activities, which directly or indirectly it depend on seafood.This study was conducted in September 2013. Types of the research is descriptive correlation study. The population of the research is located in the traditional fishing Nagari Koto Taratak. Samples taken in this study were 35 people by purposive sampling. Analysis of the independent and dependent variables through descriptive analysis and regression as well as to prove the hypothesis used the t test and F test.From the results of the analysis were obtained regression equation Log Y = 0.965 + 0.762LogX1 - 0,281LogX2 + 0.441 LogX3 + e with sig 0.000, 0.130 and 0.003. F test with a score of 815.476 sig . 0.000 < 0.05. Thus the variable capital income (X1), revenue hours (X3) partially significant effect on the income of traditional fishermen (Y), while the variable labor (X2) partially no significant effect on the income of traditional fishermen (Y). Simultaneously variables capital income (X1), labor (X2) and revenue hours (X3) significantly influence the traditional fishermens income (Y). Thus the results of this study are expected to provide benefits in formulating policies and strategies are effective and efficient in improving the traditional fishermens income Nagari Koto Taratak. Keywords: Fishermen working, capital income, labor, revenue hour

    Time-dependent Density Functional calculation of e-H scattering

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    Phase shifts for single-channel elastic electron-atom scattering are derived from time-dependent density functional theory. The H−^- ion is placed in a spherical box, its discrete spectrum found, and phase shifts deduced. Exact-exchange yields an excellent approximation to the ground-state Kohn-Sham potential, while the adiabatic local density approximation yields good singlet and triplet phase shifts.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Improving sustainable mobility in university campuses. The case study of Sapienza University

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    The pursue of sustainable mobility is one of the greatest environmental challenges nowadays. It requires a people mind shift, where the use of private vehicles give way to different modes of public transport like buses, bicycles, car sharing, electric cars, and walking lanes. This new call to make mobility sustainable has already been undertaken by policymakers and public managers in many urban contexts around the world, as well as, more recently, by the managers of university systems. The paper shows the work developed in 2018 for the Sapienza Sustainable University Mobility Plan (SUMP). The study stems from the need to understand and improve, in the sustainability direction, modes of travel for the students and staff of one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in Europe (112,142 students enrolled and 23,101 between academic staff and no academic staff), with its premises located in a complex and challenging urban context such as the city of Rome. The SUMP has been developed in two phases. The first one investigated travel patterns and the reasons for the modal shift and highlighted the main issues. The second phase defined strategies and interventions to be implemented in the short, medium, and long term to make students and staff's mobility more environmentally sustainable. The methodology used in the fact-finding stage was the online survey that was carried out through the use of a diversified questionnaire for staff and students of the University. The sample of students who participated in the survey amounted to 14,719 units, while the sample of faculty and staff was 9,403. The main questionnaire outcomes showed that the attitudes recorded were largely different between faculty and staff and students. While for the first ones the choice of private vehicles is the first option (36%), for students public transport is the prevailing preference (78%). According to the critical aspects found in this first stage, the SUMP objectives were defined, leading to the identification of macro-areas of intervention and specific actions. At a policy and strategic level, the attention was focused on the guidelines issued by the United Nations, the European Commission, and the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development, of which Sapienza University is a member. For this reason, the identification of strategies and interventions results from the combination of the first phase analysis, the Sapienza Governance objectives, and the national and international context in which the SUMP was drafted. Five macro-areas of intervention have been identified: Smart Strategies, Pedestrian Mobility, Cycling, Local Public Transport, Private Transport, and for each one specific intervention to be implemented in different time frames have been defined

    The risk of falling

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    Abstract: In the late 1960s, much interest was raised in regard to biomedical applications of various ceramic materials. A little bit later, such materials were named bioceramics. This review is limited to bioceramics prepared from calcium orthophosphates only, which belong to the categories of bioactive and bioresorbable compounds. There have been a number of important advances in this field during the past 30–40 years. Namely, by structural and compositional control, it became possible to choose whether calcium orthophosphate bioceramics were biologically stable once incorporated within the skeletal structure or whether they were resorbed over time. At the turn of the millennium, a new concept of calcium orthophosphate bioceramics—which is able to promote regeneration of bones—was developed. Presently, calcium orthophosphate bioceramics are available in the form of particulates, blocks, cements, coatings, customized designs for specific applications and as injectable composites in a polymer carrier. Current biomedical applications include artificial replacements for hips, knees, teeth, tendons and ligaments, as well as repair for periodontal disease, maxillofacial reconstruction, augmentation and stabilization of the jawbone, spinal fusion and bone fillers after tumor surgery. Exploratory studies demonstrate potential applications of calcium orthophosphate bioceramics as scaffolds, drug delivery systems, as well as carriers of growth factors, bioactive peptides and/or various types of cells for tissue engineering purposes
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