9 research outputs found

    Geographical Distribution of Settlements in the Province of Malatya According to Historical Periods

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    Settlements in this field of study, created from the time period, according to the present day distribution comparisons reasons outlined will be put in place as a chronological in terms of historical geography. People gathered and hunting periods are necessary for the whole year of life lived in the area of nutrients, grows spontaneously begins to produce its own did not find a way. This produced a revolution in human life and the action to this event is known as agriculture. Agriculture as a result of this activity obtained from the products to be consumed at a later time produce must be stored in protected locations. The caves and sheltered places in the existing in nature as most people are made by the housing. Whether single, many want it in terms of geography; place of residence or to create residential communities. Settlements in the field of research Prehistoric Neolithic period, Chalcolitic, Bronze Age period of history with the Hittites, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republic periods are organized on the basis of data were examined. To ensure easy understanding of issues as a result of research using data obtained by settling distribution maps were made. Days of our previous place, irrespective of the nature of the lists as have been transferred to the map, but to our place and period to be treated as a permanent place in their own are classified. According to this term in place mezra, plateau, and as neighbors, continued to place the district, village, town and city maps are made as they are classified. Executed using this map also placed in the Malatya province and the distribution of the particular geographic factors affecting the distribution has been emphasized

    Tarihi Coğrafya Bakımından Önemli Bir Kaynak: Cihannüma

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    Due to this year is the 400th birthday of Kâtip Çelebi, 2009 was accepted as the year of Kâtip Çelebi by Unesco. In the memory of this, the achievement of Kâtip Çelebi “Cihannüma” has been analysed and introduced at geographical point in this work. There are a lot of researches about Kâtip Çelebi and his life. A few of them are about his geographical achievements. Being known as “Hacı Halife” in the East of the World and “Hacı Kalfa” in the West, Kâtip Çelebi wrote numerous achievements during his life. Some of them is considerably important for historical geography. Kâtip Çelebi examined the geographical achievements written in the East and the West. He understood from them how important geography is and indicated that the places, which can not be gone, can be learnt from geographical achievements. Then he wrote two books called as Cihannüma”. He wrote the first book according to the opinions of the people who consider right. However this book didn’t adapt the geographical views of the West. Therefore between 1650-1655 he wrote the second book. Besides, Kâtip Çelebi emphasised on the importance of the cartography and making map in geography. Accordingly, he specified the necessity of maps in the geography books. For this reason, he translated Mercator Atlas. In 1732 İbrahim Müteferrika published “Cihannüma”, when he saw the importance of this geographical achievement. He added some extra information to this achievement. At the end, Kâtip Çelebi and his achievement “Cihannüma” were known at short notice in the West and the East of the World. Being 762 pages, Cihannüma is an achievement of Regional Geography. It informs about the continents and many of countries of the Wold. There are 38 shapes in this achievement and 25 of them are maps. Seas, continents, islands, rivers, settlements, roads, economical activities are also mentioned in Cihannüma. Kâtip Çelebi offered all of thems by geographical methods, which were not used before. The achievement is completely important for historical geograph

    Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu’nun Zonguldak İli Ekonomisine Etkisi

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    Taş kömürü çıkarımı yapan ve yaptıran tek kurum olan Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu (TTK), Batı Karadeniz bölgesinde hatta tüm Karadeniz Bölgesi açısından ekonomik anlamda büyük katkılar sağlamıştır. Bu kurumun özellikle Zonguldak ilinin gelişimi açısından belirleyici bir etkisi olmuştur.Kurumda yapılan kömür çıkarımı zorlu süreçlerden geçmektedir. Kurumun işletmeleri, fabrikaları, kuyuları ve lavuarlarının bulunduğu yerler hem şehirsel gelişim alanlarını hem de göçün yönünü tayin etmiştir. Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu'na bağlı olarak bölgede birçok sanayi kuruluşu kurulmuş olmakla birlikte ağırlıklı olarak demir-çelik sektörü bölge ekonomisine hakimdir. Kurumda çalışan işçilerin yapmış olduğu diğer faaliyetlerde bile Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu'nun önemli etkileri olmuştur. Yapılan tarım, hayvancılık, ormancılık, sanayi ve ticari faaliyetler Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu etkisinde kalmakta kurumdaki üretime göre şekillenmektedir. Kamu yatırımlarında da en büyük payın madencilikte olduğu görülmektedir. Turkish Hard Coal Agency -the only institution engaged in coal extraction- has made great contributions in the economic sense, in the western Black Sea region or even the entire Black Sea region. That institution Turkish Hard Coal Agency, particularly in terms of the development of the province of Zonguldak has been a decisive influence.The extraction of coal in the institution goes through in a challenging process. The businesses, factories, the location of lavuars, wells of Turkish Hard Coal Agency have appointed both urban development areas as well as the direction of migration. Depending on Turkish Hard Coal Agency, many industries have been established in this region but the region's economy is mainly dominated by iron and steel sector. Turkish Hard Coal Agency has made some significant impacts in the other activities of the workers in the institution. The agriculture, livestock, forestry, industrial and commercial activities remain under the influence of Turkish Hard Coal Agency and these activities are being shaped by the production of Turkish Hard Coal Agency. There is also seen the largest share of public investments in mining


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    With openings on their walls, near to roads and waters and with also appearance different from study area’s dwellings call attention to in the sides of cotton fields which are one of the irrigated agricultural lands in the South-eastern Anatolian Region, especially in the east of Euphrates. During the land surveys done for long and different times we have seen these kinds of dwellings made up of sun-dried bricks, briquettes, rocks, reeds and rushes. The increases in holliks numbers are subject to time and irrigated land expansion, so they have spatially widespread diffusion areas. The dwellings in research area are called as hollik by the people living in them. Same of the holliks stand on the same palace and are used for a long time, some, however, are seasonally moved. Although individually constructed on the sides of fields, holliks have been, recently, seen as side by side units with more than one hollik in the quarter where irrigation is applied. In these respects mentioned above, holliks are typical settlements peculiar to the study area. In addition to cotton holliks, there exist vegetable, peanut, herdsman holliks. Therefore, we have thought it will be appropriate to study the holliks with periodic and temporary settlement properties in Şanlıurfa province. To give precedence to how kinds of settlement units the holliks are, and to introduce them to the scientific world are the aim of this stud