136 research outputs found

    On the onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks

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    Despite the great attention devoted to the study of phase oscillators on complex networks in the last two decades, it remains unclear whether scale-free networks exhibit a nonzero critical coupling strength for the onset of synchronization in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we systematically compare predictions from the heterogeneous degree mean-field (HMF) and the quenched mean-field (QMF) approaches to extensive numerical simulations on large networks. We provide compelling evidence that the critical coupling vanishes as the number of oscillators increases for scale-free networks characterized by a power-law degree distribution with an exponent 2<γ≤32 < \gamma \leq 3, in line with what has been observed for other dynamical processes in such networks. For γ>3\gamma > 3, we show that the critical coupling remains finite, in agreement with HMF calculations and highlight phenomenological differences between critical properties of phase oscillators and epidemic models on scale-free networks. Finally, we also discuss at length a key choice when studying synchronization phenomena in complex networks, namely, how to normalize the coupling between oscillators

    Grupo de renormalização numérico e Efeito Kondo: interlúdio didático e aplicação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Neste trabalho apresentamos de maneira didática a ferramenta matemática denominada grupo de renormalização numérico, NRG. Utilizando essa ferramenta estudamos a temperatura Kondo (TK ) de um experimento de junção de quebra na presença duma molécula magnética. Nós demonstramos que a TK depende dramaticamente da posição da molécula no fio formado entre os contatos. Pois a TK exibe uma forte oscilação quando a paridade do número de átomos do fio esquerdo e/ou direito (NL , NR ) é alterada. Para um dado conjunto de parâmetros o máximo valor de TK ocorre para a combinação (impar, impar), enquanto o valor minimo é observado para (par, par). Essas oscilações são explanadas em termos da análise da função de hibridização

    The transfer of names in various translations of brothers Grimm’s Rumpelstilzchen

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    Wielu badaczy wskazuje transfer nazw własnych jako jedną z trudności przekładu. Niniejsza praca dotyczy translacji imion w dwudziestu jeden przekładach baśni Rumpelstilzchen spod pióra braci Grimm. Analizie zostały poddane angielskie, brazylijskie, polskie, tureckie oraz japońskie wydania baśni napisanej pierwotnie w języku niemieckim. Praca skupia się na analizie prawdziwego imienia tytułowego skrzata oraz imion wymienianych przez baśniową królową. Artykuł zawiera pięć analiz opisujących onomastyczne aspekty przekładu oraz zastosowane techniki tłumaczeniowe. Wyniki wskazują na to, że podejście tłumaczy do przekładu imion było różnorodne na przestrzeni lat oraz wydań. Najczęściej wykorzystywanymi technikami były zamiana oraz transkrypcja, a ich bogactwo jest szczególnie widoczne w podejściu do przekładu powszechnych imion, np. Cunz i Heinz.Various scholars point out the transfer of proper nouns as a difficulty. This paper examines the transfer of names in twenty‑one translations of the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale originally titled Rumpelstilzchen. The article analyses English,Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, and Japanese editions of this originally German story. The analysis focuses on the true name of a title dwarf and other names provided by the Queen. The article includes five analyses describing the onomastic aspects of the translation and the applied translation strategies. The analysis suggests that the translators’ approach toward the matter of transfer of names varied throughout the years and editions. The dominant strategies were replacement and transcription, and vary the most in case of common names (Cunz and Heinz)
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