214 research outputs found

    Negotiation of values as driver in community-based PD

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    What are the lived experiences of siblings of children and young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? An interpretive phenomenological analysis

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent diagnosis affecting many children and young people (CYP) in the UK. Despite this, there is little previous research relating directly to CYP’s experiences of having a sibling with ADHD. Having a sibling with a disability or a mental health need can influence familial relationships and emotional well-being. In particular, sibling relationships can be affected and characterised by increased conflict. The purpose of the current research was to explore the lived experience of CYP with a sibling with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD, seeking to understand positive experiences and challenges. Listening to and valuing participants’ views was at the core of this research. Six participants aged eleven to 18 took part in semi-structured interviews. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to interpret participants’ experiences looking at individual experience and shared meaning across the data. Findings suggest CYP with a sibling with ADHD have positive experiences but there are several challenges and threats to their sibling relationship and their own emotional well-being. The findings are presented and used to inform ideas for future research and suggestions are made for professional practice

    Tight och loose kontroll - En studie om svenska myndigheters budgetefterlevnad och huruvida samband föreligger med tight och loose kontroll

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    Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva i vilken utsträckning statliga myndigheter efterlever sin finansiella budget och att analysera huruvida det finns ett samband mellan budgetefterlevnad och om myndigheterna upplever att de styrs med tight eller loose kontroll. Metod: Uppsatsen har ett deduktivt angreppssätt. De undersökningar som gjorts har skett genom ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt. Materialet analyseras genom statistisk bearbetning, kopplat till teorin. Materialet presenteras med tabeller och figurer. Teoretiska perspektiv:Studien baseras främst på Van der Stedes teori om tight och loose budgetkontroll, men även teorier om budget och ekonomistyrning behandlas i studien. Empiri: Empiri har insamlats genom en enkätundersökning och data från årsredovisningar hos svenska myndigheter. Studiens målpopulation består av samtliga myndigheter i Sverige som finansieras genom anslag från staten. Slutsatser: Myndigheterna efterlever sin finansiella budget i stor utsträckning. Majoriteten av myndigheterna anser att regeringen utövar relativ loose budgetkontroll. Den statistiska bearbetningen av det empiriska materialet har visat att vi inte med säkerhet kan uttala oss huruvida det finns ett samband eller ej mellan budgetefterlevnad och om myndigheterna upplever att de styrs med tight eller loose kontroll, då det genom tester påvisats signifikans, svag signifikans samt ingen signifikans

    Situated Sketching and Enactment for Pervasive Displays

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    International audienceSituated sketching and enactment aim at grounding designs in the spatial, social and cultural practices of a particular place. This is particularly relevant when designing for public places in which human activities are open-ended, multi-faceted, and difficult to anticipate, such as libraries, train stations, or commercial areas. In order to investigate situated sketching and enactment, we developed Ébauche. It enables designers to collaboratively sketch interfaces, distribute them across multiple displays and enact use cases. We present the lessons learned from six situated sketching and enactment workshops on public displays with Ébauche, and a controlled study with 8 pairs of designers who used paper and Ébauche. We describe how participants leveraged the place, and how paper or Ébauche influenced the integration of their designs in the place. Looking at the design outcomes, our results suggest that paper leads to broader exploration of ideas and deeper physical integration in the environment. Whereas Ébauche leads to more refined sketches and more animated enactments

    Supporting place-specific interaction through a physical/digital assembly

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    This article examines visitor interactions with and through a physical/digital installation designed for an open-air museum that displays historic buildings and ways of life from the past. The installation was designed following the “Assembly” design scheme proposed by Fraser et al. (2003), and centred around five principles for the design of interactive experiences. We discuss how the Assembly framework was adapted and applied to our work on the installation called Reminisce, and we then present qualitative data gathered through the shadowing and naturalistic observations of small groups of visitors using Reminisce during their exploration of the museum. Through these data excerpts we illustrate how interaction occurred among visitors and with the assembly. We reflect on the guiding principles of the adapted Assembly framework and on their usefulness for the design of place-specific interactional opportunities in heritage settings. Results from the empirical study show that the adapted Assembly principles provide HCI researchers and designers with ways in which to flexibly support collocated interactions at heritage sites across artefacts and locations in ways that both complement and enrich the physical setting of the visit and its character