58 research outputs found

    Lesen im Bild: Zur Ikonographie von Buch und LektĂŒreakten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert

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    Over the past twenty or more years, scholarship on the history of reading has augmented its study of textual sources by making use of images. Images do not merely serve to illustrate and confirm established insights into the history of reading practices; they also reveal additional circumstances unique to the roles of images in the history of reading. By focusing on the image - whether illustration, woodcut, oil-painting, etching, lithograph, photograph, or drawing - history of reading identifies and permits systematic analysis of, on the one hand, the involuntary and topical representations of reading and using codices, books, newspapers, manuscripts, letters, etc. On the other hand, this systematic analysis also extends to innovative and even idiosyncratic depictions of reading. Discursive (verbal) representations and visual depictions of reading do not always correspond and often feature alternative or diverging elements. Although images open up history of reading to new lines of inquiry and can serve as correctives to long-standing theoretical approaches, a systematic analysis of depictions of reading requires a cohesive corpus of material, a critique of the image as such, and a method tailored to the specific medial qualities of the image. As it stands, history of reading cannot proceed any further without taking into account the visual sources that constitute that history's fac

    Soil fertility - manure treatment

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    Well-treated manure is crucial for good soil fertility. However, the treatment requires effort that not all farmers are willing to make. The leaflet first lists some reasons why it is worth the effort. There is a short overview of different types of manure and of how they are formed. Additionally, their advantages and disadvantages are listed. The leaflet also contains a theoretical part about the stages in the composting process. Finally, there is a list of tips for treating manure on a farm. The information helps making rotted manure or manure compost. The leaflet might be interesting for all farmers who want to start or improve manure treatment. It can be used by organic and conventional farmers

    Alois Senti: (1930-2015)

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    ErzÀhl doch mal!

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    Blaubarts Wiederkehr oder : (Weiter-)erzÀhlen ist erklÀren

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    Im GesprÀch mit Isidor Levin

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    AnlĂ€ĂŸlich der Tagung Folklore als Tatsachenbericht (21.–23. September 2000), die von JĂŒrgen Beyer und Reet HiiemĂ€e am Estnischen Literaturmuseum (Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis) in Tartu organisiert worden war, hatte Alfred Messerli Gelegenheit, mit dem ErzĂ€hlforscher und Folkloristen Isidor Levin zu sprechen. Von seinem Lehrer, Rudolf Schenda, wußte er von dem Gelehrten Isidor Levin als einer ‚lebenden Legende‘. Teile dieses GesprĂ€chs sind im folgenden wiedergegeben. Levin hat den transkribierten Text in Hinblick auf die Publikation in Fabula gelesen und mit Erweiterungen versehe
