6 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Geospatial Mapping of Zero-Dose and Underimmunized Children Following Nigeria's 2021 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey/National Immunization Coverage Survey

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    BACKGROUND: “Zero-dose” children are those who are without any routine vaccination or are lacking the first dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis–containing vaccine. Based on global estimates from the World Health Organization/United Nations Children’s Fund in 2022, Nigeria has the highest number of zero-dose children, with >2.3 million unvaccinated. METHODS: We used data from the 2021 Nigeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey/National Immunization Coverage Survey to identify zero-dose and underimmunized children. Geospatial modeling techniques were employed to determine the prevalence of zero-dose children and predict risk areas with underimmunized children at a high resolution (1 × 1 km). RESULTS: Zero-dose and underimmunized children are more prevalent in socially deprived groups. Univariate and multivariate bayesian analyses showed positive correlations between the prevalence of zero-dose and underimmunized children and factors such as stunting, contraceptive prevalence, and literacy. The prevalence of zero-dose and underimmunized children varies significantly by region and ethnicity, with higher rates observed in the country's northern parts. Significant heterogeneity in the distribution of undervaccinated children was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Nigeria needs to enhance its immunization system and coverage. Geospatial modeling can help deliver vaccines effectively to underserved communities. By adopting this approach, countries can ensure equitable vaccine access and contribute to global vaccination objectives

    Surveys of measles vaccination coverage in eastern and southern Africa: a review of quality and methods used

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the methods used in the evaluation of measles vaccination coverage, identify quality concerns and provide recommendations for improvement. METHODS: We reviewed surveys that were conducted to evaluate supplementary measles immunization activities in eastern and southern Africa during 2012 and 2013. We investigated the organization(s) undertaking each survey, survey design, sample size, the numbers of study clusters and children per study cluster, recording of immunizations and methods of analysis. We documented sampling methods at the level of clusters, households and individual children. We also assessed the length of training for field teams at national and regional levels, the composition of teams and the supervision provided. FINDINGS: The surveys were conducted in Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Of the 13 reports we reviewed, there were weaknesses in 10 of them for ethical clearance, 9 for sample size calculation, 6 for sampling methods, 12 for training structures, 13 for supervision structures and 11 for data analysis. CONCLUSION: We recommend improvements in the documentation of routine and supplementary immunization, via home-based vaccination cards or other records. For surveys conducted after supplementary immunization, a standard protocol is required. Finally, we recommend that standards be developed for report templates and for the technical review of protocols and reports. This would ensure that the results of vaccination coverage surveys are accurate, comparable, reliable and valuable for programme improvement

    Association between childhood immunisation coverage and proximity to health facilities in rural settings: a cross-sectional analysis of Service Provision Assessment 2013–2014 facility data and Demographic and Health Survey 2015–2016 individual data in Malawi

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    Objectives Despite significant progress in childhood vaccination coverage globally, substantial inequality remains. Remote rural populations are recognised as a priority group for immunisation service equity. We aimed to link facility and individual data to examine the relationship between distance to services and immunisation coverage empirically, specifically using a rural population.Design and setting Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of facility data from the 2013–2014 Malawi Service Provision Assessment and individual data from the 2015–2016 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey, linking children to facilities within a 5 km radius. We examined associations between proximity to health facilities and vaccination receipt via bivariate comparisons and logistic regression models.Participants 2740 children aged 12–23 months living in rural areas.Outcome measures Immunisation coverage for the six vaccines included in the Malawi Expanded Programme on Immunization schedule for children under 1 year at time of study, as well as two composite vaccination indicators (receipt of basic vaccines and receipt of all recommended vaccines), zero-dose pentavalent coverage, and pentavalent dropout.Findings 72% (706/977) of facilities offered childhood vaccination services. Among children in rural areas, 61% were proximal to (within 5 km of) a vaccine-providing facility. Proximity to a vaccine-providing health facility was associated with increased likelihood of having received the rotavirus vaccine (93% vs 88%, p=0.004) and measles vaccine (93% vs 89%, p=0.01) in bivariate tests. In adjusted comparisons, how close a child was to a health facility remained meaningfully associated with how likely they were to have received rotavirus vaccine (adjusted OR (AOR) 1.63, 95% CI 1.13 to 2.33) and measles vaccine (AOR 1.62, 95% CI 1.11 to 2.37).Conclusion Proximity to health facilities was significantly associated with likelihood of receipt for some, but not all, vaccines. Our findings reiterate the vulnerability of children residing far from static vaccination services; efforts that specifically target remote rural populations living far from health facilities are warranted to ensure equitable vaccination coverage

    Sero-prevalence of yellow fever and related Flavi viruses in Ethiopia: a public health perspective

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    Abstract Background Yellow fever (YF) is a viral hemorrhagic fever, endemic in the tropical forests of Africa and Central and South America. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes infected with the yellow fever virus (YFV). Ethiopia was affected by the largest YF outbreak since the vaccination era during 1960–1962. The recent YF outbreak occurred in 2013 in Southern part of the country. The current survey of was carried out to determine the YF seroprevalence so as to make recommendations from YF prevention and control in Ethiopia. Methodology A multistage cluster design was utilized. Consequently, the country was divided into 5 ecological zones and two sampling towns were picked per zone randomly. A total of 1643 serum samples were collected from human participants. The serum samples were tested for IgG antibody against YFV using ELISA. Any serum sample testing positive by ELISA was confirmed by plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). In addition, differential testing was performed for other flaviviruses, namely dengue, Zika and West Nile viruses. Result Of the total samples tested, 10 (0.61%) were confirmed to be IgG positive against YFV and confirmed with PRNT. Nine (0.5%) samples were antibody positive for dengue virus, 15(0.9%) forWest Nile virus and 7 (0.4%) for Zika virus by PRNT. Three out of the five ecological zones namely zones 1, 3 and 5 showed low levels (< 2%) of IgG positivity against YFV. A total of 41(2.5%) cases were confirmed to be positive for one of flaviviruses tested. Conclusion Based on the seroprevalence data, the level of YFV activity and the risk of a YF epidemic in Ethiopia are low. However additional factors that could impact the likelihood of such an epidemic occurring should be considered before making final recommendations for YF prevention and control in Ethiopia. Based on the results of the serosurvey and other YF epidemic risk factors considered, a preventive mass vaccination campaign is not recommended, however the introduction of YF vaccine in routine EPI is proposed nationwide, along with strong laboratory based YF surveillance