7 research outputs found

    Hyperparathyroidism related to an ectopic parathyroid adenoma

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    A 46-year-old female with a history of muscle weakness, nephrolithiasis and peptic ulcer. She was found to have hypercalcemia (115 mg/l), hypophosphoremia (16 mg/l) and increased PTH serum level (1090 pg/l). In order to discriminate between PH and pseudohyperparathyroidism, a solid-phase, two site chemiluminescent enzyme-labeled immunometric assay directed towards the intact PTH molecule was used and a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism was made. Several studies were performed with the purpose to achieve a pre-operative localization of the oversecreting parathyroid tumor. A cervical sonography showed a normal thyroid gland and no evidence of the tumor was found in the neck. Therefore a 99-TC sesta MIBI was carried out and an accumulation area projected onto the anterior mediastinum was demonstrated (A). Finally a computed tomography scan of the thorax revealed a 4 cm nodule, in the thymic and paratracheal region of the anterior mediastinum (B). The patient underwent surgical resection of the tumor by a lower cervicotomy approach (C,D). Intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurements show a appropriate decrease in PTH levels. A 4x3x2 cm surgical specimen of a parathyroid tissu mass was removed. The anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma. The post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged in 4th post-operative day with an excellent functional and cosmetic result. A quarterly follow-up was started. PTH serum level and calcemia have been within normal ranges all through 18 months after surgery

    Pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate: major tumor in a minor gland

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    Salivary gland tumors are a relatively rare and morphologically diverse group of lesions. Pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor of the salivary gland that consists of a combination of epithelial and mesenchymal elements. The tumor most commonly arises from the parotid (60-70%) or submandibular glands. It develops less frequently in a minor salivary gland, presenting as an intraoral mass depend on the soft palate. We describe a case of benign pleomorphic adenoma of soft palate in a 45 year old female with computed tomography and histopathological findings. This patient presented in ENT department with history of gradually increasing mass lesion in the palatal region over a period of few months.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Primary B cell Lymphoma of the tongue: a case report

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    Malignant lymphoma of the oral cavity is rare and of the tongue even rarer. Location of oral lymphomas is more frequent in masticatory mucosa than in movable mucosa; the lingual and buccal mucosa is rarely involved; whereas the gingival vestibule and Waldeyer’s ring seem to be the most frequent site of occurrence. We describe a 78 year old male who presented with a mass lesion primarily involving the base of tongue and was diagnosed as diffuse large B cell lymphoma. The patient was treated with CHOP chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The lesion was completely disappeared). He has currently remained disease free for 16 months. Although oral lymphoma of tongue is very uncommon, it should always be considered in differential diagnosis of various benign and malignant lesions in this region .A proper clinical evaluation, histopathologic as well as immunohistochemical evaluation of biopsy specimen may aid in the diagnosis and thus, help in proper management.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:

    Apnée lors d’une intubation difficile prévisible pour un volumineux kyste laryngé

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    Les auteurs présentent un cas d'obstruction aiguë des voies aériennes supérieures au moment de la tentative d'une intubation endotrachéale difficile prévisible en rapport avec un volumineux kyste du larynx. A travers ce cas clinique, les auteurs insistent sur la coopération étroite entre médecin anesthésiste et chirurgien ORL en termes d'échanges d'informations pré-opératoires, en particulier les données de la fibroscopie et la tomodensitométrie.Key words: Apnée, intubation difficile, kyste laryng

    Castle man disease: a case report and review of the literature

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    The Castleman disease (CD) is a rare disease of unknown etiology, characterized histologically by angiofollicular lymphoid hyperplasia. It comes in two forms, unicentric and multicentric. We report a case of Castleman disease in a 58 year old man, who had consulted for chronic cervical lymphadenopathy. This case was a multicenteric and rapidly fatal despite aggressive treatment with corticosteroids, and chemotherapyKey words: Angiofollicularlymphoid hyperplasia, cervical tumefaction, angiomatous, lymphoid, hamartoma, lymphom

    Lambeau musculocutané infra hyoidien à palette cutané horizontale pour un angiomyxome agressif de la face interne de la joue

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    Décrit par Wang en 1986, le lambeau musculocutané infra hyoidien est vascularisé par l'artère  thyroïdienne supérieure et comporte les muscles sternohyoïdien, sternothyroïdien et le chef supérieur du muscle Omo hyoïdien. Le prélèvement horizontal de la palette cutanée ne modifie pas la fiabilité du lambeau et permet d'éviter des cicatrices supplémentaires. L'angiomyxome agressif est une tumeur mésenchymateuse  développée aux dépens du tissu conjonctif avec un site de prédilection pour les parties molles du périné  féminin. Cette tumeur croit progressivement mais n'est pas métastatique. Le traitement indiqué  actuellement est l'exérèse chirurgicale large. La tumeur a une tendance à la récidive locale, qui est fréquente,liée à la difficulté d'une exérèse initiale complète. Nous rapportons le cas d'un angiomyxome agressif de la joue chez un patient de 63 ans, qui a été traité par chirurgie avec reconstruction par un lambeau musculocutané infra hyoidien à palette cutanée horizontale. Les aspects cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques de la tumeur ont été discutés.Key words: lambeau musculocutane infrahyoïdien à palette cutanée horizontale, angiomyxome agressif, tumeur mésenchymateuse, exérèse, récidiv

    Thyroid function in adult Nigerians with metabolic syndrome

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