174 research outputs found

    The Export Spillover Effects of Multi National Companies on Local Firms: A Study Conducted in Ethiopia

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    The presences of MNCs have direct and indirect impacts on the performance of local firms in the host country. This study was conducted with the aim of empirically examining the indirect effects with particular emphasis to export spillover effects. The study employed balanced secondary panel data of Ethiopian Manufacturing firms from 2010-2014 and employed logistic regression method to examine the same. The outcome unveiled that the increasing presence of MNCs decreases the likely hood of local firms’ export decision and export propensity. Therefore, from the study it is concluded that the presences of MNCs negatively affect the export behavior of local firms in Ethiopia. Keywords: Export spillover, Multinational companies, local firms, Ethiopi

    Normalization of thyroid function tests among thyrotoxicosis patients attending a University Hospital in North-West Ethiopia

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    We would like to acknowledge the school of pharmacy and the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital for supporting us during conducting this study.Peer reviewe

    Uncertainties in the path to 2030:Increasing trends of under-five mortality in the aftermath of Millennium Development Goal in Eastern Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Although Ethiopia was applauded for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of reducing child mortality, whether the gains sustained beyond the MDG era was rarely studied. In this study, we reported the trends and determinants of under-five mortality (U5M) from 2015 to 2020 in a population based cohort under the Kersa Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS), eastern Ethiopia. METHODS: We followed pregnant women and their pregnancy outcomes from 2015 to 2020. Each year, data related to death and live births among the follow up population was retrieved. Automated verbal autopsy (InterVA-4) was used to assign the cause of death and Stata 14 was used for analysis. U5M rate was calculated as death among under five children divided by all live births during the study period and described per 1000 live births along with 95% Confidence Interval (CI). A multivariable Cox proportional regression model was used to identify determinant of U5M using adjusted hazard ratio (AHR). Finally, P value <0.05 was considered for declaring statistically significant association. RESULTS: From January 2015 to December 2020, a total of 28 870 live births were registered under the Kersa HDSS, of whom 1335 died before their fifth birthday. The overall U5M rate was 46.3 per 1000 live births (95% confidence interval (CI) = 43.79-48.79), with significant increase from 27.9 in 2015 to 54.7 in 2020 (P < 0.041). Diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory tract infection including pneumonia, meningitis and encephalitis, and HIV related deaths were the leading causes of U5M. The hazard of death was higher among children born to poor household (AHR = 1.52; 95% CI = 1.27-1.81), rural residents (AHR = 6.0; 95% CI = 3.65-9.91), born to adolescent mothers (AHR = 1.41; 95% CI = 1.02-1.95), whose mother didn’t receive antenatal care (AHR = 1.43; 95% CI = 1.21-1.69), were born preterm (AHR = 14.1; 95% CI = 9.96-19.89) and had low birth-weight (AHR = 1.74; 95% CI = 1.39-2.18). CONCLUSION: We found high level of U5M rate with an increasing trend in the aftermath of the praised MDG4 achievement. Achieving the ambitious U5M of 25 per 1000 live births by 2030 requires addressing diarrheal disease, and respiratory tract infections, and HIV/AIDS. Reasons behind the persistent increase over the study period require further inquiry

    Spatio-temporal expression patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula defensin-like genes

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    Plant genomes contain several hundred defensin-like (DEFL) genes that encode short cysteine-rich proteins resembling defensins, which are well known antimicrobial polypeptides. Little is known about the expression patterns or functions of many DEFLs because most were discovered recently and hence are not well represented on standard microarrays. We designed a custom Affymetrix chip consisting of probe sets for 317 and 684 DEFLs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula, respectively for cataloging DEFL expression in a variety of plant organs at different developmental stages and during symbiotic and pathogenic associations. The microarray analysis provided evidence for the transcription of 71% and 90% of the DEFLs identified in Arabidopsis and Medicago, respectively, including many of the recently annotated DEFL genes that previously lacked expression information. Both model plants contain a subset of DEFLs specifically expressed in seeds or fruits. A few DEFLs, including some plant defensins, were significantly up-regulated in Arabidopsis leaves inoculated with Alternaria brassicicola or Pseudomonas syringae pathogens. Among these, some were dependent on jasmonic acid signaling or were associated with specific types of immune responses. There were notable differences in DEFL gene expression patterns between Arabidopsis and Medicago, as the majority of Arabidopsis DEFLs were expressed in inflorescences, while only a few exhibited root-enhanced expression. By contrast, Medicago DEFLs were most prominently expressed in nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Thus, our data document salient differences in DEFL temporal and spatial expression between Arabidopsis and Medicago, suggesting distinct signaling routes and distinct roles for these proteins in the two plant species

    Outbreak investigation of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia.

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    An investigation of a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak was conducted between late October and mid-December 2019 in Tigray region. The outbreak investigation team collected epidemiological data from the six villages of Kafta Humera and Seharti Samre districts, including morbidity proportions, mortality proportions, and clinical signs, and cattle management and vaccination history were collected via participatory methods, including interviews and group discussions with local experts and farmers in Kafta Humera and reports from the district veterinarians in Seharti Samre. Twenty-two tissue samples were collected for laboratory confirmation. Overall, 4,299/9,811 (43.8%) and 13,654/16,921 (80.6%) cattle showed clinical signs for FMD in Kafta Humera and Seharti Samre, respectively. In Kafta Humera, the highest morbidity proportion was found in adult cows and heifers (48.1%), followed by 27.8% in oxen and 15.9% in calves. In Seharti Samre, the morbidity proportion was similar in all age groups at ~81%. No death of FMD-suspected cattle was reported throughout the outbreak. The serotype of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) identified by laboratory analysis differed between the two districts (serotype O in Kafta Humera and serotype A in Seharti Samre). We, therefore, suggest that the outbreaks in the two districts occurred independently from each other. Experts and farmers were interviewed and believed that the outbreak in Kafta Humera was most likely caused by interaction between cattle and wildlife from the surrounding Kafta Sheraro National Park, which share common grazing land. This outbreak investigation showed that FMD can cause devastating cattle morbidity. A regular vaccination program against the identified circulating FMDV serotypes with sufficient coverage is required to avoid future outbreaks

    Finger millet RNA-seq reveals differential gene expression associated with tolerance to aluminum toxicity and provides novel genomic resources

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    Eleusine coracana, finger millet, is a multipurpose crop cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was used in this study to obtain valuable genomic resources and identify genes differentially expressed between Al-tolerant and Al-susceptible genotypes. Two groups of finger millet genotypes were used: Al-tolerant (215836, 215845, and 229722) and Al-susceptible (212462, 215804 and 238323). The analysis of the RNA-seq data resulted in 198,546 unigenes, 56.5% of which were annotated with significant hits in one or more of the following six databases: NR (48.8%), GO (29.7%), KEGG (45%), PlantTFDB (19.0%), Uniprot (49.2%), and NT (46.2%). It is noteworthy that only 220 unigenes in the NR database had significant hits against finger millet sequences suggesting that finger millet’s genomic resources are scarce. The gene expression analysis revealed that 322 genes were significantly differentially expressed between the Al-tolerant and Alsusceptible genotypes, of which 40.7% were upregulated while 59.3% were downregulated in Al-tolerant genotypes. Among the significant DEGs, 54.7% were annotated in the GO database with the top hits being ATP binding (GO:0005524) and DNA binding (GO:0003677) in the molecular function, DNA integration (GO:0015074) and cell redox homeostasis in the biological process, as well as cellular anatomical entity and intracellular component in the cellular component GO classes. Several of the annotated DEGs were significantly enriched for their corresponding GO terms. The KEGG pathway analysis resulted in 60 DEGs that were annotated with different pathway classes, of which carbohydrate metabolism and signal transduction were the most prominent. The homologs of a number of significant DEGs have been previously reported as being associated with Al or other abiotic stress responses in various crops, including carboxypeptidase SOL1, HMA3, AP2, bZIP, C3H, and WRKY TF genes. A more detailed investigation of these and other DEGs will enable genomic-led breeding for Al tolerance in finger millet RNA-seq data analysis also yielded 119,073 SNP markers, the majority of which had PIC values above 0.3, indicating that they are highly informative. Additionally, 3,553 single-copy SSR markers were identified, of which trinucleotide SSRs were the most prevalent. These genomic resources contribute substantially to the enrichment of genomic databases for finger millet, and facilitate future research on this crop

    Transcript profiling of two alfalfa genotypes with contrasting cell wall composition in stems using a cross-species platform: optimizing analysis by masking biased probes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The GeneChip<sup>® </sup><it>Medicago </it>Genome Array, developed for <it>Medicago truncatula</it>, is a suitable platform for transcript profiling in tetraploid alfalfa [<it>Medicago sativa </it>(L.) subsp. <it>sativa</it>]. However, previous research involving cross-species hybridization (CSH) has shown that sequence variation between two species can bias transcript profiling by decreasing sensitivity (number of expressed genes detected) and the accuracy of measuring fold-differences in gene expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcript profiling using the <it>Medicago </it>GeneChip<sup>® </sup>was conducted with elongating stem (ES) and post-elongation stem (PES) internodes from alfalfa genotypes 252 and 1283 that differ in stem cell wall concentrations of cellulose and lignin. A protocol was developed that masked probes targeting inter-species variable (ISV) regions of alfalfa transcripts. A probe signal intensity threshold was selected that optimized both sensitivity and accuracy. After masking for both ISV regions and previously identified single-feature polymorphisms (SFPs), the number of differentially expressed genes between the two genotypes in both ES and PES internodes was approximately 2-fold greater than the number detected prior to masking. Regulatory genes, including transcription factor and receptor kinase genes that may play a role in development of secondary xylem, were significantly over-represented among genes up-regulated in 252 PES internodes compared to 1283 PES internodes. Several cell wall-related genes were also up-regulated in genotype 252 PES internodes. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR of differentially expressed regulatory and cell wall-related genes demonstrated increased sensitivity and accuracy after masking for both ISV regions and SFPs. Over 1,000 genes that were differentially expressed in ES and PES internodes of genotypes 252 and 1283 were mapped onto putative orthologous loci on <it>M. truncatula </it>chromosomes. Clustering simulation analysis of the differentially expressed genes suggested co-expression of some neighbouring genes on <it>Medicago </it>chromosomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The problems associated with transcript profiling in alfalfa stems using the <it>Medicago </it>GeneChip as a CSH platform were mitigated by masking probes targeting ISV regions and SFPs. Using this masking protocol resulted in the identification of numerous candidate genes that may contribute to differences in cell wall concentration and composition of stems of two alfalfa genotypes.</p