5 research outputs found

    Investigating Religious Education Students’ Awareness and Use of Theological Commons for Term Paper Writing and Research: Implications for Improving Students’ Research Skills

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    The study investigated religious education students\u27 awareness and use of theological commons for term paper writing and research in the federal universities in southeast Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to investigate 96 male students and 86 female students. The statistical analysis was done using an independent t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The finding of this study showed that there is no significant difference in the awareness of theological commons among religious education students for term paper writing and research by gender. The finding of this study also showed that there is a gender difference in the use of theological commons for term paper writing and research among religious education students. It was recommended that there should be seminars and workshops to intensify the use of theological commons among the students for term paper writing and improved research skills

    Perceived Role of Digital Theological Library and Term Paper Counselling in Undergraduate Religious Education Students’ Academic Success: Implications for University Librarians

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    The study investigated the perceived role of digital theological library and term paper counselling in undergraduate religious education students\u27 academic success in the federal universities in southeast Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. A structured questionnaire developed by the researchers was used for data collection. 166 undergraduate religious education students were chosen as respondents in this research. The results showed that items on the perceived role of digital theological library and term paper counselling were all accepted by the students as means of achieving academic success. There was a significant difference in the perceived role of the digital theological library in achieving academic success among religious education students by the university. There was a significant difference in the perceived role of term paper counselling in achieving academic success among religious education students based on university. There was also a significant difference in the perceived role of university librarians in achieving academic success among religious education students based on university. The researchers noted that these findings have implications for university librarians across the universities and it was recommended that the use of digital theological libraries for academic purposes and term paper counselling should be strengthened

    Perception, Utilization and Purposes of Using Cyberspace Information Resources and Services by Postgraduate Students

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    This study was carried out to investigate postgraduate students’ perception, utilization and purposes of using cyberspace information resources and services in five federal universities in southwest Nigeria. The descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 1058 postgraduate students from five federal universities. Instrument for data collection include a well-structured questionnaire. The study witnessed a 95% return rate of the distributed questionnaire. The study used mean score () and Standard Deviation (SD) for data analysis. Results revealed that postgraduate students use cyberspace information resources and services for research purposes. The results also revealed that PG students’ perception of cyberspace information resources and services were positive. Results showed that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of male and female postgraduate students on the utilization of cyberspace information resources and services for research in federal universities in southwest Nigeria. Also, it was found that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of male and female PG students on the perception of cyberspace information resources and services used for research in federal universities in southwest Nigeria. Results further revealed that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of male and female PG students on the purposes of using cyberspace information resources and services in federal universities in Southwest Nigeria. The study recommended that university should consider other means of generating funds as the need for further research increase daily, internet connection be improved and extended without limitation

    Relevance of Internet of Things to Health Institutions in Clinical Data Management: Implication for Librarians

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the internetworking of physical devices which consists of an embedded system with sensors, actuators and network connectivity that enable collection and exchange of data. Each day, we are witnessing the emergence of new technologies that have the capability to embed into our environment and measure the physical, social and contextual phenomenon. The technology behind IOT is driven by various technological forces such as smart devices, wireless network, and pervasive connectivity among others. Data collection, management and accessibility are made easy with Internet of Things IOT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is aimed at formulating a complex information system with the combination of sensor data acquisition, efficient data exchange through networking, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, and clouds. This paper, therefore, focused on the relevance of Internet of Things (IoT) in clinical data management for health institutions. This includes the impact on how data are collected, how they were being analyzed and stored, and its impact in terms of security and privacy-related issues

    Information Age and Knowledge Society: Implication for Libraries

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    The paper highlighted the concepts of information age and knowledge society and their implication for libraries. Basic concepts such as information and knowledge society were defined. A brief historical role of information and knowledge from the pre-historic period to modern concepts or information and knowledge society were examined. The role of libraries as facilitators to information age and knowledge society were also highlighted in the context of information and communication technology (ICT) in the present-day society, the arising need for ICT competencies was advocated. The paper concluded by making some recommendations like developing a workable ICT adequate and functional ICT facilities and services are required, developing a workable ICT policy to regulate library operation and services, regular training and retraining of library staff to equip them with skill and experiences to function maximally