10 research outputs found

    The new town square: Twitter discourses about balconies during the 2020 lockdown in Spain

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    This work is part of the results of the Research Project ‘Multi-methodological Approach to Residential Behaviour and Everyday Life (MARBEL)’, code PID2020.119569GA.I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033, and had financial support from the Project MOVICRA (P20_00571), funded by Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía, and by FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”.The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Spain during Spring 2020 resulted in a ban on most uses of public space, producing a social redefinition of not only public spaces, but also private spaces such as homes. This paper examines the discourses related to balconies that appeared at this time on Twitter (X), an intermediate microspace and hybrid between the public and private. The study uses data from tweets posted in Spain during the strictest phase of the lockdown (from 15 March to 1 May 2020). Based on a descriptive analytical approach – both quantitative and textual – the study applies text content analysis and natural language processing to identify and analyse the main topics of conversation related to the use of balconies. The study brought to light two primary and complementary results. Firstly, the balcony during the pandemic became a revitalized space in an exceptional situation, partially adapting to the most common practices characteristic of public space and thus reaffirming the importance of the existence of public spaces for citizen encounters. Secondly, the various uses of balconies received different types of attention and generated stronger or weaker interactions on social networks, demonstrating the complexity and diversity of relationships with public spaces.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PID2020.119569GA.I00Junta de Andalucía MOVICRA (P20_00571)FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa

    The Social Construction of Living Space: The Role of Place Attachment and Neighbourhood Perception

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    This work was funded by Project MOVICRA (P20_00571), Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía, and by FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”, and its results are part of the R&D project PID2020-119569GAI00, Multi-methodological Approach to Residential Behaviour and Everyday Life (MARBEL), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/).This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the social construction of living spaces by considering commonly studied variables such as sociodemographic characteristics, socioeconomic factors, and residential location. Additionally, it tests the significance of deeper sociological factors, specifically place attachment, bonds with the local community, and perceptions of the neighbourhood. An analysis, based on a description of the spatial structure of daily activities globally, the construction of living space dispersion indices, and a stepwise linear regression model, identified three types of living spaces: commuting spaces, self-realization spaces, and spaces of care, with different concentration and dispersion patterns. Commuting spaces are typically larger; self-realization takes place in the neighbourhood but is also frequently dispersed across multiple locations; and spaces of care are heavily concentrated. The analysis of subpopulations reveals distinct living space patterns based on two main factors: work and children. However, there are important differences in the age and gender composition of the subpopulations. The concentration/dispersion of living spaces is mainly driven by sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, but place attachment measures significantly affect their construction. The results encourage further exploration of the subjective, experienced dimension of urban phenomena, going beyond the concept of "living spaces" to think of them as "lived-in spaces".Project MOVICRA, Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía P20_00571FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa"Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) PID2020-119569GAI0

    El confinamiento por covid-19: efectos de las condiciones materiales y el contexto social en la salud percibida durante el confinamiento

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    Lockdown policies implemented to defeat the spread of COVID-19 have been shown to be effective from an epidemiological perspective, but little is known about how they affect wellbeing and individual health perception. Using information from the 2020 Social Survey for Andalusia (a southern region in Spain), this paper examines how lockdown affects selfreported health. Contrary to what might be expected, perceived population health generally improved, but not in every social group, with young people and low-income groups reporting a deterioration. Moreover, perceived health became more difficult to predict in terms of the classic health, socio-demographic, socio-economic and residential determinants, with lockdown-related changes being particularly relevant. Direct contact with COVID-19, economic problems resulting from the lockdown and changes in daily activities became key explanatory factors for perceived health, particularly affecting the mental and emotional state of the population.Los confinamientos para controlar la COVID-19 han demostrado ser efectivos desde la epidemiología, pero se sabe menos sobre cómo afectan al bienestar y a la percepción de salud de la población. Basado en la Encuesta Social 2020 para Andalucía (España), este documento tiene como objetivo averiguar cómo el encierro afecta a la salud autopercibida. Al contrario de lo que podría esperarse, la salud percibida de la población mejoró, pero no en todos los grupos sociales – empeoró en los grupos jóvenes y los de bajos ingresos -. La salud percibida se volvió más difícil de predecir con los determinantes clásicos de salud, sociodemográficos, socioeconómicos y residenciales, y los cambios relacionados con el confinamiento se volvieron más relevantes. El contacto con la enfermedad, los problemas económicos derivados del encierro y los cambios en las actividades diarias son factores explicativos clave, afectando especialmente al estado mental y emocional de la población.Unit of Excellence DEHUSO project “The unequal impact of COVID-19 on citizenship: social changes, welfare and sustainability” (Plan Propio, Universidad de Granada, 2020)Research project MOVICRA (P20_00571), funded by the Junta de Andalucía, PAIDI 2020 and FEDER Plan “Una manera de Hacer Europa

    A Systematic Review of EU-Funded Innovative Agri-Food Projects: Potential for Transfer between Territories

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    This research is part of the project "Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada" (LifeWatch-2019-10UGR-01), which has been co-funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the FEDER funds from the Spanish Pluriregional Operational Program 2014-2020 (POPE), LifeWatch-ERIC action line. The project has also been co-financed by the Provincial Council of Granada.This article presents a systematic review of innovative projects funded by EU Rural Development Programs that were designed and implemented in rural areas of the European Union to facilitate the territorialized production of foodstuffs and their sale through alternative networks. On the basis of the results obtained in this review, we designed a model for the transfer of knowledge to the local community in the Alpujarra Granadina (Granada, Spain) within the framework of the LifeWatch project. This study uses two consecutive methodological approaches. We began by developing a protocol for the systematic search and analysis of successful rural development projects carried out in the European Union between 2007 and 2020. After that, we created a model for the transfer of results using a participative methodological approach. The results of our analysis of the group of projects selected for review show that the main innovations were made in different aspects of the product, process, sales and distribution. These innovative ideas were implemented by rural communities with a high degree of collective initiative and intelligence and could potentially be replicated in other areas. The sample analyzed contains a wide array of novel, alternative formulas, which are transversal to the projects, so provide significant contents that could be used to activate a space for participation and debate, which could itself become fertile ground for the creation of new projects. In conclusion, this study provides the stakeholders in rural areas, in particular farmers, with a wide, systematically organized knowledge base that proposes solutions to shared challenges.project "Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada" LifeWatch-2019-10UGR-01Spanish GovernmentProvincial Council of Granad

    Base de datos de tweets sobre balcones del periodo de confinamiento domiciliario (marzo-mayo 2020)

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    Este archivo incluye una base de datos con los tweets publicados sobre balcones durante el confinamiento domiciliario de 2020, el código utilizado para la extracción de tweets y generación de la base de datos, y el código utilizado para el análisis mediante técnicas de procesamiento natural del lenguaje. Es parte de los resultados del artículo: Mesa-Pedrazas, Á., Nogueras-Zondag, R., & Duque-Calvache, R. (2023). The new town square: Twitter discourses about balconies during the 2020 lockdown in Spain. Cities, 143, 104595. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104595]Estos resultados son parte del proyecto Multi-methodological Approach to Residential Behaviour and Everyday Life, MARBEL (PID2020-119569GA-I00). Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España

    La construcción social de los espacios cotidianos

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    El espacio y la vida cotidiana son dos términos que, bien por conocidos, o bien por complejos, no suelen definirse con claridad en el ámbito académico. Por su parte, el espacio, concepto polisémico y deconstruido hasta la saciedad (Lefebvre, 2013 [1974]) ha recibido los más diferentes apodos o apellidos: espacio público, espacio colectivo, espacio híbrido, tercer espacio, espacio virtual, espacios de vida, espacios vividos, entre otros muchos (Borja y Muxí, 2000; Cerasi, 1990; Paköz et al., 2022; Cianciotto, 2020; Oldenburg, 1989; Delgado Perera, 2015; Morant-marco y Martín López, 2013; Nissen, 2008, Courgeau, 1988; Susino, 2003; De Pablos y Susino, 2010). Por la suya, el concepto de vida cotidiana ha sido sistemáticamente menospreciado como fuente de conocimiento, y solamente en los últimos tiempos está siendo reivindicada por parte de diversas disciplinas (Larrosa, 2006; Secchi, 2016); al igual que el concepto de experiencia (Bericat, 2022), como categorías analíticas válidas. El objetivo de esta tesis es reconocer el potencial de esos conceptos como formas mismas de lo social, para lo que se realiza una reflexión teórica y un compendio de estudios de caso, en el que se emplean tanto fuentes de datos primarias como secundarias y técnicas de producción y análisis de datos cuantitativas y cualitativas clásicas, además de integrar análisis con aprendizaje automático aplicado al procesamiento natural del lenguaje. Como resultado, se han obtenido hallazgos sobre fenómenos urbanos tales como la privatización del espacio público, la construcción social de los espacios de vida, y también sobre los cambios provocados por la pandemia por COVID-19 y sus confinamientos en la relación social e individual con el entorno más inmediato. Con ello, se aporta evidencia empírica sobre la experiencia del día a día en distintos contextos, y, teóricamente, se aspira a aportar una definición propia de los espacios cotidianos que supere la fragmentación teórica.Space and everyday life are two terms that, either because they are familiar or because they are complex, are not usually clearly defined in the academic sphere. For its part, space, a polysemous concept that has been deconstructed ad nauseam (Lefebvre, 2013 [1974]), has been given the most diverse nicknames: public space, collective space, hybrid space, third space, virtual space, living spaces, lived spaces, among many others (Borja and Muxí, 2000; Cerasi, 1990; Paköz et al., 2022; Cianciotto, 2020; Oldenburg, 1989; Delgado Perera, 2015; Morant-Marco and Martín López, 2013; Nissen, 2008, Courgeau, 1988; Susino, 2003; De Pablos and Susino, 2010). For its part, the concept of everyday life has been systematically undervalued as a source of knowledge, and only recently has it been vindicated by various disciplines (Larrosa, 2006; Secchi, 2016); as has the concept of experience (Bericat, 2022), as valid analytical categories. The aim of this thesis is to recognise the potential of these concepts as forms of the social itself, for which a theoretical reflection and a compendium of case studies are carried out, employing both primary and secondary data sources and classical quantitative and qualitative data production and analysis techniques, as well as integrating analysis with machine learning applied to natural language processing. As a result, findings have been obtained on urban phenomena such as the privatisation of public space, the social construction of living spaces, and also on the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its confinements in the social and individual relationship with their immediate environment. In doing so, it provides empirical evidence on the experience of everyday life in different contexts, and, theoretically, aims to provide its own definition of everyday spaces that goes beyond theoretical fragmentation.Tesis Univ. Granada.MCIN/AEI /10 .13039/501100011033Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de AndalucíaFEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa

    Privatization of the public space in the center of Granada (Spain)

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    Esta publicación es parte del Proyecto de investigación MARBEL (PID2020-119569GA-I00) financiado por MCIN/AEI 10.13039/50110001103"En este trabajo se aborda la privatización del espacio público en el barrio CentroSagrario de Granada, explorando las posibles relaciones de esta con distintos procesos de cambio urbano y con la terciarización económica. Partiendo de una reflexión sobre el proceso de privatización del espacio público de la ciudad, y a través de la observación directa, la elaboración de cartografía temática y el cálculo de indicadores cuantitativos, los resultados apuntan a una mayor concentración del tipo de privatización analizado en las zonas más turísticas del barrio, con las implicaciones socioeconómicas para el barrio y la ciudad que ello conllevaIn recent decades, the debate on the crisis of public space has not stopped growing, a transformation that combines two dimensions, one physical and another social. Despite the many texts that deal directly with public space, there is no consensus on its definition, to which must be added the fact that public space is framed in an urban context that is undergoing rapid transformations. Although many cities in the world share some of these changes, variations are also found depending on their cultural reality and their urban functions.MCIN/AEI 10.13039/50110001103 (PID2020-119569GA-I00

    Reflexões sobre a definição de espaço público: uma proposta de síntese

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    Public space is a concept used daily, and frequent in institutional discourse; however, fewer are the times that attention is paid to its own conceptualization. Furthermore, the processes of urban transformation, and their speed, make public space a changing reality, which further complicates its definition. This article reflects on the different currents followed in the academic literature to define what public space is, what its main dimensions are, and what processes of change it currently faces, with the aim of providing its own definition of public space according to these main characteristics and dimensions.El espacio público es un concepto utilizado de manera cotidiana, y frecuente en el discurso institucional; sin embargo, menos son las veces que se presta atención a su propia conceptualización. Además, los procesos de transformación urbana, y la velocidad de estos, hacen del espacio público una realidad cambiante, lo que complejiza aún más su definición. En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre las distintas corrientes seguidas en la literatura académica para definir qué es el espacio público, cuáles son sus principales dimensiones, y qué procesos de cambio enfrenta en la actualidad, con el objetivo de aportar una definición propia de espacio público según estas características y dimensiones principales.L'espace public est un concept utilisé au quotidien, et fréquent dans le discours institutionnel ; cependant, les fois où l'attention est accordée à leur propre conceptualisation sont rares. De plus, les processus de transformation urbaine, et leur rapidité, font de l'espace public une réalité changeante, ce qui complique encore sa définition. Cet article réfléchit aux différents courants suivis dans la littérature académique pour définir ce qu'est l'espace public, quelles sont ses principales dimensions, et à quels processus de changement il est actuellement confronté, dans le but de fournir sa propre définition de l'espace public selon ces principales caractéristiques et dimensions.Lo spazio pubblico è un concetto utilizzato quotidianamente e frequente nel discorso istituzionale; tuttavia, sono meno numerose le volte in cui presta attenzione alla propria concettualizzazione. Inoltre, i processi di trasformazione urbana, e la loro velocità, rendono lo spazio pubblico una realtà mutevole, che ne complica ulteriormente la definizione. Questo articolo riflette sulle diverse tendenze seguite nella letteratura accademica per definire cos'è lo spazio pubblico, quali sono le sue dimensioni principali e quali processi di cambiamento deve affrontare attualmente, con l'obiettivo di fornire una propria definizione di spazio pubblico secondo queste caratteristiche principali e dimensioni.Espaço público é um conceito utilizado no dia a dia e frequente no discurso institucional; no entanto, menos vezes é dada atenção à sua própria conceituação. Além disso, os processos de transformação urbana, e sua velocidade, tornam o espaço público uma realidade em mudança, o que complica ainda mais sua definição. Este artigo reflete sobre as diferentes correntes seguidas na literatura acadêmica para definir o que é o espaço público, quais são suas principais dimensões e quais os processos de mudança que ele enfrenta atualmente, com o objetivo de fornecer uma definição própria de espaço público de acordo com essas características principais. e dimensões

    Lockdown and adaptation: residential mobility in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis

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    The movement of individuals across territories has been shown to be a primary vector of COVID-19 transmission. As a result, lockdown policies have been decreed in many countries to stop the spread of the disease. Using information from an online survey conducted in Spain, we found a significant number of residential moves made in response to the lockdown. The current context has created new triggers for residential mobility: economic problems, feelings of fear and loneliness, the search for better housing and situations in which to spend the lockdown, and the need to be cared for and to care for others. This paper analyses the residential changes that occurred in Spain during the 2020 lockdown and the later de-escalation period, focusing on movement triggers, motivations and destinations. The results show how residential mobility changes, but also persists even when restricted, fuelled by the conditions of each social group, both pre-existing and generated by the new situation