358 research outputs found

    De l’infra-conceptuel Ă  des donnĂ©es Ă  horizon de pertinence focalisĂ©

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    Les propositions que Patrick Charaudeau avance dans « Pour une interdisciplinaritĂ© « focalisĂ©e » dans les sciences humaines et sociales » sont mises en dialogue avec les travaux de Mioara Mugur-SchĂ€chter qui explicitent et organisent la genĂšse et la structure du contenu de l’entier volume du conceptualisĂ©, en particulier de la connaissance scientifique. Partant de l’infra-conceptuel, qui se prĂ©sente comme un magma de perçus indistincts, les processus d’élaboration de reprĂ©sentations transforment les perçus en entitĂ©s signifiantes. Des procĂ©dures agrĂ©Ă©es de lĂ©gitimation permettant une normalisation du sens conduisent Ă  des significations, c’est-Ă -dire du sens nĂ©gociĂ© et partageable, dĂ©tachĂ© de son contexte, communicable, enseignable, apte Ă  circuler, dĂšs lors instituĂ© en objet social. En montrant comment s’entrelacent des concepts, des opĂ©rations, des donnĂ©es factuelles, une sĂ©mantique symbolique et une syntaxe qui assurent la communicabilitĂ©, le « canon descriptionnel » instaurĂ© met en relief les diverses composantes d’un « horizon de pertinence » que se doivent de partager des disciplines cherchant Ă  se construire des espaces interdisciplinaires « focalisĂ©s »

    QualitĂ© de l’évaluation en multimĂ©dia : vers un espace de classification des procĂ©dĂ©s d’interactivitĂ©

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    La qualitĂ© dĂ©signe la capacitĂ© d’une entitĂ© Ă  rĂ©pondre aux besoins de son client potentiel. L’élĂ©ment-clef d’une communication/produit de qualitĂ© doit permettre au client d’évaluer, avant achat, la capacitĂ© du produit Ă  satisfaire ses attentes. S’agissant des produits multimĂ©dia, peu d’informations fiables sont fournies sur les caractĂ©ristiques de l’objet proposĂ©. Celles-ci dĂ©finissent au mieux un nombre de fragments inertes sans estimation des capacitĂ©s d’interaction. Cet article propose un principe de classification des procĂ©dĂ©s d’interactivitĂ©. Il se fonde sur la nature des donnĂ©es, une forme de structure supportant leur architecture et les unitĂ©s d’information du document. Il permet de classer une application interactive. Des exemples d’applications illustrent les rĂ©sultats de la mĂ©thode pour un ensemble de titres significatifs du marchĂ©.Quality refers to the ability of an entity to meet potential customer needs. The key element of a quality-based communication/product is its ability to allow a customer to evaluate its capacity to satisfy his needs prior to its purchase. Regarding multimedia products, very little information is given concerning the specifications of the object in question. These details define, at best, only a certain number of passive fragments without evaluating its interactive capacities. This article proposes a system of classification regarding interactive processes. It is based on the nature of the data, the pattern of the structure underlying its architecture and the units of information of a given document. This facilitates the classification of multimedia documents. Some examples illustrate the method by using some major products currently available

    Rheotaxis facilitates upstream navigation of mammalian sperm cells

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    A major puzzle in biology is how mammalian sperm determine and maintain the correct swimming direction during the various phases of the sexual reproduction process. Whilst chemotaxis is assumed to dominate in the immediate vicinity of the ovum, it is unclear which biochemical or physical cues guide spermatozoa on their long journey towards the egg cell. Currently debated mechanisms range from peristaltic pumping to temperature sensing (thermotaxis) and direct response to fluid flow variations (rheotaxis), but little is known quantitatively about their relative importance. Here, we report the first quantitative experimental study of mammalian sperm rheotaxis. Using microfluidic devices, we investigate systematically the swimming behavior of human and bull sperm over the whole range of physiologically relevant shear rates and viscosities. Our measurements show that the interplay of fluid shear, steric surface-interactions and chirality of the flagellar beat leads to a stable upstream spiraling motion of sperm cells, thus providing a generic and robust rectification mechanism to support mammalian fertilisation. To rationalise these findings, we identify a minimal mathematical model that is capable of describing quantitatively the experimental observations. The combined experimental and theoretical evidence supports the hypothesis that the shape and beat patterns of mammalian sperm cells have evolved to optimally exploit rheotaxis for long-distance navigation.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information available at eLifesciences.or

    Effet captivant et apaisant de la mĂ©diation par tablette au musĂ©e : mesures physiologiques et motivationnelles

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    MusĂ©o+ PBA Lille est un dispositif de mĂ©diation musĂ©ale conçu pour permettre Ă  tous les publics, notamment les enfants en situation de handicap, de bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une visite guidĂ©e par tablette au musĂ©e. Il a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© grĂące Ă  un protocole original associant deux outils classiques de la psychologie cognitive : les mesures physiologiques (oculomĂ©triques et Ă©lectrodermales) et les mesures Ă©motionnelles via le diagramme valence-activation. Les rĂ©sultats convergent et rĂ©vĂšlent notamment que chaque expĂ©rience de visite (en termes de sensations, d’émotions et d’expĂ©riences vĂ©cues et/ou ressenties) est strictement personnelle. Ils montrent ainsi l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une recherche situĂ©e au niveau de l’individu.MusĂ©o+ PBA Lille is a mediation device designed to allow everyone, including children with disabilities, to enjoy a guided tour through museum spaces. It has been tested through an original protocol that combines two classic tools of cognitive psychology: physiological measures (eye tracking and electrodermal activity) and emotional measures via the valence-activation diagram. The results converge: they reveal that each particular visitor experience (in terms of sensations, emotions and lived and/or perceived experiences) is strictly personal. Results thus show the interest of research located at the individual level

    RÎle et place du non-verbal dans la rationalisation des projets multimédias

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    Introduction Communiquer fait intervenir deux types de signaux : verbaux et non verbaux. Dans le cas d’une communication mĂ©diatisĂ©e (comme par exemple par le biais du document multimĂ©dia) ces deux dimensions se confrontent. Alors que jusqu’à prĂ©sent les diffĂ©rents mĂ©dias se marquaient par une prĂ©dominance d’une dimension sur l’autre, le multimĂ©dia les associe pratiquement Ă  part Ă©gale. Cela ne va pas sans crĂ©er des problĂšmes de crĂ©ation et de rationalisation de l’organisation dans les projets..

    Regard info-communicationnel sur la prise de décision. Application au choix d'une université au Liban

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    La dĂ©cision est omniprĂ©sente dans l existence humaine. Dans nombre de cas, elle engage mĂȘme le reste d une existence. Cette recherche problĂ©matise le rapport entre information et communication, en lien avec l engagement et la dĂ©cision qui en rĂ©sulte. Elle montre que la dĂ©cision est contrainte par l information qui caractĂ©rise la situation et les Ă©lĂ©ments de connaissance communiquĂ©s. Son terrain expĂ©rimental concerne les lycĂ©ens devant choisir une universitĂ© future - dĂ©cision spĂ©cialement difficile au Liban, pays atypique assez complexe et influencĂ© par la religion et la situation gĂ©opolitique.L objectif principal de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©senter une Ă©tude exploratoire cherchant Ă  caractĂ©riser les facteurs majeurs qui dĂ©terminent les lycĂ©ens dans leur prise de dĂ©cision. Partant de l information telle qu elle est projetĂ©e dans la reprĂ©sentation documentaire, elle s attache concrĂštement Ă  Ă©tudier les formes de la mĂ©diation entre une universitĂ© et un futur candidat lycĂ©en, dans une optique de prise de dĂ©cision. L Ă©tude examine les expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par des Ă©tudiants en premiĂšre annĂ©e universitaire, qui ont donc dĂ©finitivement accompli leur prise de dĂ©cision ; elle Ă©tablit des liens entre la thĂ©orie de l engagement et la dĂ©cision, et vise Ă  dĂ©finir des liaisons entre l information construite Ă  partir d un document, le processus dĂ©cisionnel et l ingĂ©nierie de l aide Ă  la dĂ©cision. L originalitĂ© de cette recherche rĂ©side dans la mise en Ɠuvre d une mĂ©thode d Ă©coute des besoins et de hiĂ©rarchisation des attentes, dĂ©veloppĂ©e par le laboratoire DeVisU Ă  l UniversitĂ© de Valenciennes, basĂ©e sur le croisement et la complĂ©mentaritĂ© de mĂ©thodes qualitatives et quantitatives.L apport principal de cette recherche est de dĂ©voiler quelles caractĂ©ristiques des institutions universitaires emportent la dĂ©cision des lycĂ©ens. Car sous l effet de la concurrence nationale et internationale, la plupart des universitĂ©s soignent leur attractivitĂ© et se voient contraintes de dĂ©velopper de nouvelles stratĂ©gies de recrutement. L enjeu est de retenir les meilleurs Ă©tudiants. Ainsi, pour la population Ă©tudiĂ©e, ce n est pas l acquisition de connaissances mais la prĂ©paration au marchĂ© du travail qui importe le plus. En outre, a contrario de nombre d idĂ©es reçues, c est la mĂ©diation humaine qui s avĂšre avoir le pouvoir d instaurer une communication engageante et en aucun cas celle des systĂšmes documentaires, mĂȘme de technologie avancĂ©e.The decision is omnipresent in human existence. In many cases, it even engages the remains of an existence. This research emphasizes the link between information and communication, which are related to the commitment and the resulting decision. The research shows that the decision is constrained by information characterizing the situation and elements which are provided by knowledge. Its experimental framework concerns students, who are bound to choose faculties and universities a decision relatively difficult to be taken in Lebanon, an atypical country quite complex and influenced by religion and geopolitical situation.The main objective of this thesis is to present an exploratory study in order to characterize the major factors which determine the students decision-making. Based on the information as it is projected into the documentary presentation, it literally focuses on the study of mediation between university and a future high school candidate in a decision-making framework. The study discusses the experiences of students in their first academic year, so they have already made their decision; it establishes links between the theory of commitment and decision-making. It also seeks to define links between information built from a document, decision-making and decision support. The originality of this research lies in the implementation of a method of listening to the needs and hierarchy of needs, developed by DeVisU laboratory at the University of Valenciennes, based on the intersection and as a complement for qualitative and quantitative methods.The main contribution of this research is to reveal which characteristics of academic institutions outweigh the decision of students. As a result of national and international competition, most universities treat their attractiveness and are forced to develop new recruitment strategies. The challenge is to retain the best students. Thus, for the population being studied, it is not knowledge but preparation of labor market that matters most. In addition to that, and in contrast to received wisdom, it is human mediation that has the power to create an engaging communication and in any case, the documentation systems, even of advanced technology.VALENCIENNES-Bib. Ă©lectronique (596069901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Physiopathology of human embryonic implantation: clinical incidences.

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    Embryo implantation consists of a series of events promoting the invasion of the endometrium and then the uterine arterial system by the extra-embryonic trophoblast. In order for this semi-heterologous implantation to succeed, the endometrium has to first undergo a number of structural and biochemical changes (decidualization). The decidua's various constituents subsequently play a role in the embryonic implantation. The third step is the transformation of the uterine vascular system and the growth of the placenta, which will provide the foetoplacental unit with nutrients. Several physiopathological aspects will be discussed: 1) the implantation window, regulated by maternal and embryonic hormonal secretions and thus influenced by any defects in the latter: dysharmonic luteal phase, 21-hydroxylase block, abnormal integrin expression, 2) the successive trophoblast invasions of uterine vessels which, when defective, lead to early embryo loss or late-onset vascular pathologies, as preeclampsia, 3) the pregnancy's immunological equilibrium, with a spontaneously tolerated semi-allogeneic implant, 4) the impact of pro-coagulant factors (thrombophilia) on the pregnancy's progression, 5) the environment of the uterus, ranging from hydrosalpinx to uterine contractions. In summary, the least anatomical or physiological perturbation can interfere with human embryonic implantation - a very particular phenomenon and a true biological paradox

    The Use of Tenaculum During Intrauterine Insemination May Not Affect the Pregnancy Outcome

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    Purpose: The association between tenaculum application to the cervix just before embryo transfer and lower pregnancy rate has been reported. However, studies on the use of tenaculum in intrauterine insemination (IUT) cycles are not available. This study attempted to investigate whether the use of tenaculum affects the clinical outcomes of IUI. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and thirty three CC/hMG/IUI cycles of one hundred and forty three couples were recruited at Seoul National University Hospital from October 2006 to December 2008. Mock insemination and IUI with or without tenaculum application to the cervix were also performed, and clinical pregnancy rate was compared. Results: The incidence of difficult mock insemination at the beginning of cycle was higher in the tenaculum use group (p < 0.001). No significant statistical difference in the clinical pregnancy rate was observed between the groups with or without tenaculum application (12.1% vs. 18.5%; p = 0.175), which was not influenced by the difficulty of mock insemination. Conclusion: The use of tenaculum during IUI may not affect the pregnancy outcome. Our results need to be confirmed by a prospective study in a larger population.Merviel P, 2010, FERTIL STERIL, V93, P79, DOI 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.09.058Badawy A, 2009, FERTIL STERIL, V92, P1355, DOI 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.06.013Andersen AN, 2009, HUM REPROD, V24, P1267, DOI 10.1093/humrep/dep035STRAWN E, 2005, FERTIL STERIL, V84, pS159Van Voorhis BJ, 2001, FERTIL STERIL, V75, P661Lesny P, 1999, HUM REPROD, V14, P2367Nuojua-Huttunen S, 1999, HUM REPROD, V14, P698Fanchin R, 1998, HUM REPROD, V13, P1968Lesny P, 1998, HUM REPROD UPDATE, V4, P440Lesny P, 1998, HUM REPROD, V13, P1540Hughes EG, 1997, HUM REPROD, V12, P1865Manganiello PD, 1997, FERTIL STERIL, V68, P405Ombelet W, 1997, HUM REPROD, V12, P1458Campana A, 1996, HUM REPROD, V11, P732SILVERBERG KM, 1991, FERTIL STERIL, V56, P296
