12 research outputs found

    Separation of duties among turkish central and local administrations

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    Ülke idaresinde genel olarak iki kademeli yapı esas alınmaktadır. Bu ikili yapının ilk basamağı merkezi yönetim iken ikinci basamağı yerel yönetimlerdir. Merkezi yönetim ve yerel yönetimler kamusal hizmetlerin sunumunda esas yetkili birimlerdir. Ancak hizmet sunumunda hangi idarenin temel yetkili otorite olacağı ülkelerin anayasal yapısı, ekonomik durumu, sosyal düzeni, coğrafi şartları, tarihsel geçmişi, siyasi ideolojisi, kültürü gibi sebeplerden dolayı farklılık gösterebilmektedir. İki idarenin varlığı görev bölüşümünün yapılmasını gerektirmektedir. Ancak geçmişten günümüze kadar merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasında görev ve gelir bölüşümünün nasıl olması gerektiği sürekli olarak tartışılan bir konu olmuştur. İdareler arasında ilişkiler düzenlenmediği taktirde; bir hizmetin veya görevin kim tarafından sunulacağı, bir yerde birden fazla yetkilinin bulunması halinde hangi idarenin hangi alanda ve ölçülerde yetkili olunacağının bilinmeyeceğinden problemlerin çıkmasına neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasındaki görev bölüşümüne hangi hizmetlerin konu olduğu ve bölüşüm yapılırken hangi kriterlerin esas alındığı incelenmiştir. Merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasındaki görev bölüşümünün incelendiği bu yüksek lisans tezi teorik bir içeriğe sahiptir. Veriler detaylı bir literatür çalışması yapılarak toplanmıştır. Bu nedenle öncelikle ülkemizdeki idari teşkilatlanmanın temel kavramlarına değinilmiş, daha sonra kamu hizmeti kavramı açıklanmış sonrasında anayasalarımızda iki idarenin birbiri ile olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca görev bölüşümü kavramı ve idarelerin ortak yürüttükleri hizmetlere açıklanmıştır. Son olarak ülkemizdeki yerel yönetimlerin görevleri ve birbiri olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Bu içerikler doğrultusunda görev bölüşümünün kesin kriterlere göre bir ayrımının olmadığının her ülkenin kendisine uygun olarak bölüşüm yapması gerektiğine ve bölüşüm yapılırken çakışmaların önlemesi gerektiğine varılmıştır.In the country administration, two-tier structure is generally taken as a basis. While the first step of this dual structure is central government, the second step is local governments. Central government and local governments are the main authorized units in the provision of public services. However, which administration will be the main competent authority in service delivery may differ due to the reasons such as the constitutional structure, economic status, social order, geographical conditions, historical history, political ideology and culture of the countries. The existence of the two administrations requires that the division of tasks be made. However, how the division of duties and revenues should be between central government and local government has been constantly discussed. If relations between the administrations are not organized, it may cause problems to arise because of who will be provided with a service or a task, and in which area and extent to which authority will be authorized if there is more than one official in one place. In this study, the division of tasks between the central government and local governments in Turkey have been the topic of what services and distribution while the basis of criteria which were examined. This master's thesis, which examines the division of duties between central government and local government, has a theoretical content. The data were collected through a detailed literature study. For this reason, firstly, the basic concepts of administrative organization in our country were mentioned, then the concept of public service was explained, and then the relations between the two administrations were examined in our constitutions. In addition, the concept of task allocation and the services shared by the administrations are explained. Finally, the duties of local governments in our country and their relations with each other were examined. In line with these contents, it is concluded that the division of duties is not differentiated according to certain criteria, and that every country should allocate according to itself and conflicts should be prevented while dividing

    Separation of duties among turkish central and local administrations

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    YÖK Tez ID: 642652Ülke idaresinde genel olarak iki kademeli yapı esas alınmaktadır. Bu ikili yapının ilk basamağı merkezi yönetim iken ikinci basamağı yerel yönetimlerdir. Merkezi yönetim ve yerel yönetimler kamusal hizmetlerin sunumunda esas yetkili birimlerdir. Ancak hizmet sunumunda hangi idarenin temel yetkili otorite olacağı ülkelerin anayasal yapısı, ekonomik durumu, sosyal düzeni, coğrafi şartları, tarihsel geçmişi, siyasi ideolojisi, kültürü gibi sebeplerden dolayı farklılık gösterebilmektedir. İki idarenin varlığı görev bölüşümünün yapılmasını gerektirmektedir. Ancak geçmişten günümüze kadar merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasında görev ve gelir bölüşümünün nasıl olması gerektiği sürekli olarak tartışılan bir konu olmuştur. İdareler arasında ilişkiler düzenlenmediği taktirde; bir hizmetin veya görevin kim tarafından sunulacağı, bir yerde birden fazla yetkilinin bulunması halinde hangi idarenin hangi alanda ve ölçülerde yetkili olunacağının bilinmeyeceğinden problemlerin çıkmasına neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasındaki görev bölüşümüne hangi hizmetlerin konu olduğu ve bölüşüm yapılırken hangi kriterlerin esas alındığı incelenmiştir. Merkezi yönetim ile yerel yönetim arasındaki görev bölüşümünün incelendiği bu yüksek lisans tezi teorik bir içeriğe sahiptir. Veriler detaylı bir literatür çalışması yapılarak toplanmıştır. Bu nedenle öncelikle ülkemizdeki idari teşkilatlanmanın temel kavramlarına değinilmiş, daha sonra kamu hizmeti kavramı açıklanmış sonrasında anayasalarımızda iki idarenin birbiri ile olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca görev bölüşümü kavramı ve idarelerin ortak yürüttükleri hizmetlere açıklanmıştır. Son olarak ülkemizdeki yerel yönetimlerin görevleri ve birbiri olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Bu içerikler doğrultusunda görev bölüşümünün kesin kriterlere göre bir ayrımının olmadığının her ülkenin kendisine uygun olarak bölüşüm yapması gerektiğine ve bölüşüm yapılırken çakışmaların önlemesi gerektiğine varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Merkezi Yönetim, Yerel Yönetim, Kamu Hizmeti, Görev BölüşümüIn the country administration, two-tier structure is generally taken as a basis. While the first step of this dual structure is central government, the second step is local governments. Central government and local governments are the main authorized units in the provision of public services. However, which administration will be the main competent authority in service delivery may differ due to the reasons such as the constitutional structure, economic status, social order, geographical conditions, historical history, political ideology and culture of the countries. The existence of the two administrations requires that the division of tasks be made. However, how the division of duties and revenues should be between central government and local government has been constantly discussed. If relations between the administrations are not organized, it may cause problems to arise because of who will be provided with a service or a task, and in which area and extent to which authority will be authorized if there is more than one official in one place. In this study, the division of tasks between the central government and local governments in Turkey have been the topic of what services and distribution while the basis of criteria which were examined. This master's thesis, which examines the division of duties between central government and local government, has a theoretical content. The data were collected through a detailed literature study. For this reason, firstly, the basic concepts of administrative organization in our country were mentioned, then the concept of public service was explained, and then the relations between the two administrations were examined in our constitutions. In addition, the concept of task allocation and the services shared by the administrations are explained. Finally, the duties of local governments in our country and their relations with each other were examined. In line with these contents, it is concluded that the division of duties is not differentiated according to certain criteria, and that every country should allocate according to itself and conflicts should be prevented while dividing. Keywords: Central Government, Local Government, Public Service, Division of Dutie

    Antibacterial activity of fluoride varnishes containing different agents in children with severe early childhood caries: a randomised controlled trial

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    WOS:000529855300002PubMed: 32356211Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the antibacterial activity of fluoride varnishes containing different agents in children with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). Materials and methods The study was conducted in 92 children with S-ECC. Patients who completed dental treatment under general anaesthesia were included in the study. Patients were divided randomly into four groups: 5% sodium fluoride (SF) control group (n = 23), 5% SF with tricalcium phosphate (TCP) (n = 23), 5% SF with xylitol-coated calcium and phosphate (CXP) (n = 23) and 5% SF with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) (n = 23). Saliva mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) levels were evaluated by taking saliva samples at baseline (T-0), 1 month (T-1) and 3 months (T-2) after treatment. Results All groups showed a significant decrease in MS and LB levels at T-1 (P < 0.05) except the CXP group. Only the TCP group exhibited significantly decrease MS and LB levels indicating less than 10(5) CFU at both T-1 and T-2 compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion Fluoride varnish with TCP provided significantly more reduction in MS and LB levels than other fluoride varnishes. Clinical Trials registration number NCT03625310Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitKirikkale University [2015/032]This study was funded by the Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (project number 2015/032)

    A rare case of an immature incisor with horizontal root fracture traumatized at the time of eruption

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    Dental trauma resulting in root fracture is a rare condition that affects up to 7% of permanent teeth, and injury to immature teeth is even rarer. This case report aimed to show the prognosis of a horizontal root-fractured immature maxillary incisor traumatized at the time of eruption. Because of an accident, a 6-year-old boy was referred to our clinic with horizontal root fracture of the permanent maxillary left central incisor associated with an extrusive luxation. The coronal segment was repositioned, and a dental splint was applied for 7 weeks. After 48 months, clinical examination revealed a positive response to electrical pulp testing and an absence color change of the tooth. Continuation of root development and calcification of the coronal pulp space was observed radiographically. It was concluded that fixation of teeth is a conservative treatment for immature teeth with horizontal root fractures, resulting in the pulp vitality and spontaneous healing with no other treatment

    Postoperative morbidity in pediatric patients following dental treatment under general anesthesia

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    WOS: 000488851900003PubMed: 31579891Purpose The aims of this study were to investigate post-operative complications in pediatric patients 24 and 72 hours after general anesthesia (GA) and to identify any associations between dental procedures and complications. Materials and Methods One hundred and thirty three healthy pediatric patients who had undergone dental treatment under GA (age range: two to nine years) were included in this study. The project was designed as a prospective, observational study supported by a questionnaire that collected data on children's post-operative complaints. Preoperative data were obtained from patients' files and included age, gender, medical condition and admission type (inpatient or outpatient) variables. The postoperative complaints were assessed either by phone contact or by face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire 24 and 72 hours after treatment. Results 69.9% of children reported one or more complaints after 24 hours and 35.3% after 72 hours. Coughing and pain (27.1%), inability to eat (24.8%), psychological changes (24.1%) and a sore throat (21.1%) were the most common complaints during the first day. After 72 hours, the severity and rate of the complications decreased significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion Post-operative complaints following dental treatment under GA tended to be of mild severity and were mainly limited to the first day after the procedure

    Çocuk Hastalarda Gelişimsel Dental Anomalilerin Görülme Sıklığı ve Dağılımı

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Pedodonti Kliniği'ne başvuran çocuk hastalarda gelişimsel dental anomali görülme sıklığının değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, kliniğimize 1 Ağustos 2011-1 Ağustos 2012 tarihleri arasında başvuran, 0-15 yaşları arasındaki 9173 hasta dahil edilmiş ve bu hastalar klinik ve radyografik muayenede sayı, boyut, şekil, doku ve renk anomalileri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Değerlendirme sonucu, 166 çocukta (%1,8) gelişimsel dental anomali olduğu saptanmıştır. En sık olarak, diş eksikliği (%0,52), süpernümerer diş (%0,27) gibi sayı anomalileri tespit edilirken; dens invaginatus (%0,03), dilaserasyon (%0,02), dentinogenezis imperfekta (%0,02) gibi anomalilere daha nadir rastlandığı görülmüştür. Sonuç: Çocuklarda görülen dental anomali prevalansının tespiti ve erken teşhisi, tedavi planlaması açısından önem taşımaktadır.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in paediatric patients attending the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Kırıkkale University Faculty of Dentistry.Materials&shy; and&shy; Methods:&shy; The study consisted a sample of 9173 patients, aged between 0-15 years, referred to our clinic between 1 August 2011-1 August 2012. The patients were examined clinically and radiographically in terms of the number, size, shape, structure and color anomalies.Results: One hundred sixty six children (1.8%) were found to have developmental dental anomalies. The most frequently observed anomalies were congenitally missing teeth (0.52%) and supernumerary teeth (0.27%). Anomalies such as dens invaginatus (0.03%), dentinogenesis imperfecta (0.02%) and dilaceration (0.02%) were encountered more rarely.Conclusion: Early diagnosis and determination of the prevalence of dental anomalies in children is important in the treatment planning

    Prevalence and Distribution of Developmental Dental Anomalies in Pediatric Patients

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    WOS: 000410750200009Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in paediatric patients attending the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Kirikkale University Faculty of Dentistry. Materials and Methods: The study consisted a sample of 9173 patients, aged between 0-15 years, referred to our clinic between 1 August 2011-1 August 2012. The patients were examined clinically and radiographically in terms of the number, size, shape, structure and color anomalies. Results: One hundred sixty six children (1.8%) were found to have developmental dental anomalies. The most frequently observed anomalies were congenitally missing teeth (0.52%) and supernumerary teeth (0.27%). Anomalies such as dens invaginatus (0.03%), dentinogenesis imperfecta (0.02%) and dilaceration (0.02%) were encountered more rarely. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and determination of the prevalence of dental anomalies in children is important in the treatment planning

    Effects of different fissure sealant applications on laser fluorescence measurements

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    sonmez, isil/0000-0002-3530-0244WOS: 000285063100004PubMed: 20659181Objective. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of using only phosphoric acid or a self-etch bonding agent under clear and opaque fissure sealants on laser fluorescence (LF) readings and the reproducibility of the laser device. Methods. Eighty extracted permanent molars, ranged from sound to carious, were randomly divided into four groups: phosphoric acid + opaque sealant (group I), Clearfil S3 Bond (Kuraray, Kurashiki, Japan) + opaque sealant (group II), phosphoric acid + clear sealant (group III), and Clearfil S3 Bond + clear sealant (group IV). The teeth were measured using an LFpen device, before and after sealing. Data were analysed using the Spearman's correlation, Wilcoxon signed rank, and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. Except group IV, there was a statistically significant decrease in fluorescence after the application of sealants (P 0.05). Conclusions. There was a statistically significant decrease in fluorescence for both clear and opaque sealant groups. However, clear sealant with Clearfil S3 Bond does not influence the LFpen readings

    Efficacy of a sugar-free herbal lollipop for reducing salivary Streptococcus mutans levels: a randomized controlled trial

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    sonmez, isil/0000-0002-3530-0244WOS: 000398710700014PubMed: 27129589The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of an herbal lollipop containing licorice root extract on salivary Streptococcus mutans in caries-free and high-caries-risk children. The study was conducted in caries-free and high-caries-risk children, aged 5-11 years (n = 108). The groups were caries-free children (group A); high-caries-risk children whose dental treatment was completed before lollipop use (group B); and high-caries-risk children who did not comply with dental treatment (group C). The groups were divided into two subgroups: herbal (A-1, B-1, C-1) and placebo lollipops (A-2, B-2, C-2). Saliva samples were taken before dental treatment, before and after consuming lollipops, and at 3 months after consuming lollipops. The results were statistically analyzed with chi-squared test. Only in group C-1 (high-risk, using herbal lollipops) that significant reduction was observed in salivary S. mutans levels after lollipop use (p = 0.033), and only in the same group (C-1), there was significant difference between after lollipop use and third month levels (p = 0.006). Herbal lollipops could be recommended to children with high-caries risk who do not comply with dental treatment in place of high-carbohydrate snacks. The paper provides a perspective on using herbal products in high-risk children for reducing salivary S. mutans counts.Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitKirikkale University [2012/98]This study was funded by Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (project number 2012/98)