1,437 research outputs found

    The Kinematically Measured Pattern Speeds of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245

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    We have applied the Tremaine-Weinberg continuity equation method to derive the bar pattern speed in the SB(r)b galaxy NGC 2523 and the SB(r)0/a galaxy NGC 4245 using the Calcium Triplet absorption lines. These galaxies were selected because they have strong inner rings which can be used as independent tracers of the pattern speed. The pattern speed of NGC 2523 is 26.4 ±\pm 6.1 km s−1^{-1} kpc−1^{-1}, assuming an inclination of 49.7∘^{\circ} and a distance of 51.0 Mpc. The pattern speed of NGC 4245 is 75.5 ±\pm 31.3 km s−1^{-1} kpc−1^{-1}, assuming an inclination of 35.4∘^{\circ} and a distance of 12.6 Mpc. The ratio of the corotation radius to the bar radius of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245 is 1.4 ±\pm 0.3 and 1.1 ±\pm 0.5, respectively. These values place the bright inner rings near and slightly inside the corotation radius, as predicted by barred galaxy theory. Within the uncertainties, both galaxies are found to have fast bars that likely indicate dark halos of low central concentration. The photometric properties, bar strengths, and disk stabilities of both galaxies are also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 11 figures, 2 table

    The Distribution of Bar and Spiral Strengths in Disk Galaxies

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    The distribution of bar strengths in disk galaxies is a fundamental property of the galaxy population that has only begun to be explored. We have applied the bar/spiral separation method of Buta, Block, and Knapen to derive the distribution of maximum relative gravitational bar torques, Q_b, for 147 spiral galaxies in the statistically well-defined Ohio State University Bright Galaxy Survey (OSUBGS) sample. Our goal is to examine the properties of bars as independently as possible of their associated spirals. We find that the distribution of bar strength declines smoothly with increasing Q_b, with more than 40% of the sample having Q_b <= 0.1. In the context of recurrent bar formation, this suggests that strongly-barred states are relatively short-lived compared to weakly-barred or non-barred states. We do not find compelling evidence for a bimodal distribution of bar strengths. Instead, the distribution is fairly smooth in the range 0.0 <= Q_b < 0.8. Our analysis also provides a first look at spiral strengths Q_s in the OSU sample, based on the same torque indicator. We are able to verify a possible weak correlation between Q_s and Q_b, in the sense that galaxies with the strongest bars tend also to have strong spirals.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, August 2005 issue (LaTex, 23 pages + 11 figures, uses aastex.cls

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of 23 Spiral Bulges

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    We have obtained Integral Field Spectroscopy for 23 spiral bulges using INTEGRAL on the William Herschel Telescope and SPIRAL on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This is the first 2D survey directed solely at the bulges of spiral galaxies. Eleven galaxies of the sample do not have previous measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion (sigma*). These data are designed to complement our Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph program for estimating black hole masses in the range 10^6-10^8M_sun using gas kinematics from nucleated disks. These observations will serve to derive the stellar dynamical bulge properties using the traditional Mgb and CaII triplets. We use both Cross Correlation and Maximum Penalized Likelihood to determine projected sigma* in these systems and present radial velocity fields, major axis rotation curves, curves of growth and sigma* fields. Using the Cross Correlation to extract the low order 2D stellar dynamics we generally see coherent radial rotation and irregular velocity dispersion fields suggesting that sigma* is a non-trivial parameter to estimate.Comment: 11 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The properties of the Galactic bar implied by gas kinematics in the inner Milky Way

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    Longitude-velocity (l-V) diagrams of H I and CO gas in the inner Milky Way have long been known to be inconsistent with circular motion in an axisymmetric potential. Several lines of evidence suggest that the Galaxy is barred, and gas flow in a barred potential could be consistent with the observed ``forbidden'' velocities and other features in the data. We compare the H I observations to l-V diagrams synthesized from 2-D fluid dynamical simulations of gas flows in a family of barred potentials. The gas flow pattern is very sensitive to the parameters of the assumed potential, which allows us to discriminate among models. We present a model that reproduces the outer contour of the H I l-V diagram reasonably well; this model has a strong bar with a semimajor axis of 3.6 kpc, an axis ratio of approximately 3:1, an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR), and a pattern speed of 42 km/s/kpc, and matches the data best when viewed from 34\deg to the bar major axis. The behavior of the models, combined with the constraint that the shocks in the Milky Way bar should resemble those in external barred galaxies, leads us to conclude that wide ranges of parameter space are incompatible with the observations. In particular we suggest that the bar must be fairly strong, must have an ILR, and cannot be too end-on, with the bar major axis at 35\deg +/- 5\deg to the line of sight. The H I data exhibit larger forbidden velocities over a wider longitude range than are seen in molecular gas; this important difference is the reason our favored model differs so significantly from other recently proposed models.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, uses emulateapj and psfig, 640 kb. Submitted to Ap

    Trees with Given Stability Number and Minimum Number of Stable Sets

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    We study the structure of trees minimizing their number of stable sets for given order nn and stability number α\alpha. Our main result is that the edges of a non-trivial extremal tree can be partitioned into n−αn-\alpha stars, each of size ⌈n−1n−α⌉\lceil \frac{n-1}{n-\alpha} \rceil or ⌊n−1n−α⌋\lfloor \frac{n-1}{n-\alpha}\rfloor, so that every vertex is included in at most two distinct stars, and the centers of these stars form a stable set of the tree.Comment: v2: Referees' comments incorporate

    Kinematics of Spiral Arm Streaming in M51

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    We use CO and H alpha velocity fields to study the gas kinematics in the spiral arms and interarms of M51 (NGC 5194), and fit the 2D velocity field to estimate the radial and tangential velocity components as a function of spiral phase (arm distance). We find large radial and tangential streaming velocities, which are qualitatively consistent with the predictions of density wave theory and support the existence of shocks. The streaming motions are complex, varying significantly across the galaxy as well as along and between arms. Aberrations in the velocity field indicate that the disk is not coplanar, perhaps as far in as 20\arcsec\ (800 pc) from the center. Velocity profile fits from CO and H alpha are typically similar, suggesting that most of the H alpha emission originates from regions of recent star formation. We also explore vortensity and mass conservation conditions. Vortensity conservation, which does not require a steady state, is empirically verified. The velocity and density profiles show large and varying mass fluxes, which are inconsistent with a steady flow for a single dominant global spiral mode. We thus conclude that the spiral arms cannot be in a quasi-steady state in any rotating frame, and/or that out of plane motions may be significant.Comment: 50 pages, including 20 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ. PDF version with high resolution figures available at http://www.astro.umd.edu/~shetty/Research

    Molecular Gas Kinematics in Barred Spiral Galaxies

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    To quantify the effect that bar driven mass inflow can have on the evolution of a galaxy requires an understanding of the dynamics of the inflowing gas. In this paper we study the kinematics of the dense molecular gas in a set of seven barred spiral galaxies to determine which dynamical effects dominate. The kinematics are derived from observations of the CO J=(1-0) line made with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) millimeter array. We compare the observed kinematics to those predicted by ideal gas hydrodynamic and ballistic cloud-based models of gas flow in a barred potential. The hydrodynamic model is in good qualitative agreement with both the current observations of the dense gas and previous observations of the kinematics of the ionized gas. The observed kinematics indicate that the gas abruptly changes direction upon entering the dust lanes to flow directly down the dust lanes along the leading edge of the bar until the dust lanes approach the nuclear ring. Near the location where the dust lanes intersect the nuclear ring, we see two velocity components: a low velocity component, corresponding to gas on circular orbits, and a higher velocity component, which can be attributed to the fraction of gas flowing down the bar dust lane which sprays past the contact point toward the other half of the bar. The ballistic cloud-based model of the ISM is not consistent with the observed kinematics. The kinematics in the dust lanes require large velocity gradients which cannot be reproduced by an ISM composed of ballistic clouds with long mean-free-paths. Therefore, even the dense ISM responds to hydrodynamic forces.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal, Nov. 20, 199

    A burst search for gravitational waves from binary black holes

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    Compact binary coalescence (CBC) is one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. These sources are usually searched for with matched filters which require accurate calculation of the GW waveforms and generation of large template banks. We present a complementary search technique based on algorithms used in un-modeled searches. Initially designed for detection of un-modeled bursts, which can span a very large set of waveform morphologies, the search algorithm presented here is constrained for targeted detection of the smaller subset of CBC signals. The constraint is based on the assumption of elliptical polarisation for signals received at the detector. We expect that the algorithm is sensitive to CBC signals in a wide range of masses, mass ratios, and spin parameters. In preparation for the analysis of data from the fifth LIGO-Virgo science run (S5), we performed preliminary studies of the algorithm on test data. We present the sensitivity of the search to different types of simulated CBC waveforms. Also, we discuss how to extend the results of the test run into a search over all of the current LIGO-Virgo data set.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted for publication in CQG in the special issue for the conference proceedings of GWDAW13; corrected some typos, addressed some minor reviewer comments one section restructured and references updated and correcte

    Maximum Disk Mass Models for Spiral Galaxies

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    We present axisymmetric maximum disk mass models for a sample of 74 spiral galaxies taken from the southern sky Fabry-Perot Tully-Fisher survey (Schommer et al. 1993). The sample contains galaxies spanning a large range of morphologies and having rotation widths from 180 km/sec to 680 km/secs. For each galaxy we have an I-band image and a 2-d H_alpha velocity field. The distribution of mass is modeled as a sum of disk and bulge components with distinct, constant mass-to-light ratios. No dark matter halo is included in the fits. The models reproduce the overall structure of the rotation curves in the majority of galaxies, providing good fits to galaxies which exhibit pronounced structural differences in their surface brightness profiles. 75% of galaxies for which the rotation curve is measured to R_23.5 or beyond are well fit by a mass-traces-light model for the entire region within R_23.5. The models for about 20% of the galaxies do not fit well; the failure of most of these models is traced directly to non-axisymmetric structures, primarily bars but also strong spiral arms. The median I-band M/L of the disk plus bulge is 2.4+/-0.9 h_75 in solar units, consistent with normal stellar populations. These results require either that the mass of dark matter within the optical disk of spiral galaxies is small, or that its distribution is very precisely coupled to the distribution of luminous matter.Comment: accepted by AJ, 29 pages, 8 figures, uses emulateapj.st

    Decreased Frequency of Strong Bars in S0 Galaxies: Evidence for Secular Evolution?

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    Using data from the Near-Infrared S0 Survey (NIRS0S) of nearby, early-type galaxies, we examine the distribution of bar strengths in S0 galaxies as compared to S0/a and Sa galaxies, and as compared to previously published bar strength data for Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey (OSUBSGS) spiral galaxies. Bar strengths based on the gravitational torque method are derived from 2.2 micron Ks-band images for a statistical sample of 138 (98 S0, 40 S0/a,Sa) galaxies having a mean total blue magnitude <= 12.5 and generally inclined less than 65 degrees. We find that S0 galaxies have weaker bars on average than spiral galaxies in general, even compared to their closest spiral counterparts, S0/a and Sa galaxies. The differences are significant and cannot be due entirely to uncertainties in the assumed vertical scale-heights or in the assumption of constant mass-to-light ratios. Part of the difference is likely due simply to the dilution of the bar torques by the higher mass bulges seen in S0s. If spiral galaxies accrete external gas, as advocated by Bournaud & Combes, then the fewer strong bars found among S0s imply a lack of gas accretion according to this theory. If S0s are stripped former spirals, or else are evolved from former spirals due to internal secular dynamical processes which deplete the gas as well as grow the bulges, then the weaker bars and the prevalence of lenses in S0 galaxies could further indicate that bar evolution continues to proceed during and even after gas depletionComment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, September 2010 issue (LaTex, 29 pages + 3 figures, uses aastex.cls
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