159 research outputs found

    Hiperrealitas ā€œEndorseā€ dalam Instagram Studi Fenomenologi Tentang Dampak Media Sosial di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret

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    The research aims to explained (1) "endorse" in instagram can showed the existence among students Universitas Sebelas Maret; (2) "endorse" in instagram can influence behavior patterns among students Universitas Sebelas Maret. Informants selected are department of comunication Universitas Sebelas Maret 2017 force. This research approach uses qualitative descriptive approach with phenomenological type. Primary data was collected through documentation techniques by screenshoot against instagram social media accounts belonging to students. While secondary data obtained by interviews with informants. Test the validity of the data used triangulation sources and triangulation methods. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. The results showed that (1) "Endorse" can show the existence of students. In this studiy, ā€œendorseā€ can showed the existence of students. This is evidenced by students who are vying to get a lot of "endorse". So the more ā€œendorseā€ were obtained by a man, then he will be more popular; (2) ā€œendorseā€ was not only able to showed the existence of the students, but the ā€œendorseā€ can also affect the behavior patterns of the students. This is shown by the various activities undertaken by learners who organized a groups of promotion, always posting post promotional activities on their instagram, doing the recruitment organization.So that the ā€œendorseā€ to make the students to have a ā€œwasting postā€ in their instagram

    Nilai Anak pada Keluarga Suku Talang Mamak di Desa Talang Durian Cacar Kecamatan Rakit Kulim Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Mamak tribe community to a change is something that can not be denied. Currently Talang Mamak community little by little leads to modern life, ranging from clothing, the form of houses, education to information and communication technology they have started to use. So the child becomes the place of the parents to rely on the hope of a better life in the future. Parents\u27 perceptions of the value of the child affect the number of children desired. When parents feel the child has great benefits or usefulness then the parents will choose to have many children. But if the parents feel the cost or the burden of raising a child is high, then the parents will want fewer children. Each parent has a different view of the child\u27s desired sex. This research was conducted with the aim to know the view of the value of children according to gender in Talang Mamak tribe culture and which gender is considered high according to the community kinship system Talang Mamak tribe. Methods in this study using qualitative data analysis, data collected and then presented descriptively, with the technique of sampling non probability and the technique used is purposive sampling. The subject of this research is the customary figures and members of Talang Mamak tribe community in the village of Talang Durian Cacar. This study uses data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that Talang Mamak community preferred to have many children between 4-6 people. They prefer to have more daughters than boys. Children in addition to having a positive value also has a negative value that is a burden for parents. But the Talang Mamak community does not consider the child as a burden but it is the parent\u27s responsibility to the child

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam) Tirta Alami Kabupaten Kepahiang

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    Arminsyah, Merri Anitasari;An Analysis Of Services Quality at Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Alami Kepahiang. This research aims to investigate the quality of Services at drinking water Company (PDAM) Natural Tirta Kepahiang. This research then used questionnaire as the data collecting method. Quantitative analysis then also be used as a techniques for data analysis by using weighted average value formula formed by Men Pan decree Number KEP/25/m. PAN/2/2004 on the 14 items that are observed. From thequestionnaire it was obtained that the highest average of services is on the ease of servicing requirementswith a value of 3.03. While the lowest average value of service is on the services equity which gain a score 2.95. For IKM value,it get 63 which places between 62.51-81.25. This score means that the performance of PDAM Tirta Alami Kepahiang is good

    A Family Guide to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    One of the many challenges facing health care professionals practicing in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is providing appropriate care that is sensitive, individualized, and supportive to infant development and parental roles (Lawhon, 2002). Because the families are often the ultimate advocates and caregivers for infants in the NICU it is important that they understand and take part in their babies\u27 care. Therefore, by providing clear and easy to understand explanations of equipment, technology, and procedures that are a part of the NICU environment, professionals can help alleviate parental stress and promote parental involvement. An extensive review of literature was completed and it included the history of the NICU, current best practice, physical context of the NICU, infants in the NICU, infant occupations, occupational therapy interventions in the NICU, family experiences in the NICU, and continuing care. We also visited area neonatal intensive care units to gather information and examples of resources that are given to parents while their child is in the NICU. It was concluded that families may benefit from the provision of a concise and user friendly resource that can be utilized during their child\u27s stay in the NICU. A resource manual was developed to provide families with an easy to understand guide to help navigate the complex environment of the NICU. The manual is divided into sections and includes information about: staff and caregiver roles, common conditions that an infant in the NICU may experience, equipment that is typically seen in the NICU, behavioral cues that an infant may display, tips to promote bonding with an infant, information on feeding and positioning, and information that may ease the transition home. Each section provides easy to read descriptions of the various topics and pictures to facilitate understanding of the material presented

    Analisis Kepuasan Masyarakat Atas Kualitas Pelayanan Kepolisian pada Kantor Direktorat Intelijen Keamanan Polisi Daerah Bengkulu

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    Hendra Kusuma, Merri Anitasari; Purpose of this study was to determine the intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu. Method data collecting the used is questionnaire. Analysis method the used is Index Satisfaction of Society. Pursuant to result of data analysis and research about service analysis at intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu, hence can be pulled an conclusion that average value per highest service element is clarity care workers of service given by intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu that is with value of unsure service equal to 2,77 and average value per lowest service element that is at certainty of expense equal to 2,41. Value of IKM at intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu equal to 63,9 meaning that service unit performance at intelligence directorate office services at the regional police security Bengkulu is " goodness", because the value reside in among 62,51 - 81,25 residing in a quality of service of B (good)

    Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Produksi Berbasis Web Pada CV Semangat Jaya Lampung

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    Proses sistem pengolahan data produksi yang ada saat ini pada CV Semangat Jaya masih menggunakan buku besar sebagai pengarsipan data. Kesulitan dalam mengelola data diakibatkan banyaknya data yang masuk setiap harinya sehingga kesalahan-kesalahan fatal dalam pengolahan data sering terjadi. Untuk mengatasi solusi tersebut maka diperlukan pengembangan sistem informasi pengolahan data produksi berbasis website.  Sistem informasi pengolahan produksi ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP yang berbasis web dengan database mysql. Dalam sistem ini dibangun dengan fitur multilogin dan multileveling user. Data yang diinputkan meliputi data singkong yang mendasari dalam penginputan data produksi. Output yang dihasilkan adalah laporan data singkong dan produksi harian. Sistem informasi pengolahan produksi berbasis web ini menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi selama ini. dengan sistem yang berbasis web maka informasi pun bisa lebih cepat untuk diakses oleh pimpinan Perusahaan

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penilaian Karyawan Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Saw dan Ahp

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    STAI Ibnu Rusyd kotabumi adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi yang selalu berupaya dalam peningkatan mutu internal secara berkelanjutan agar dapat bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi swasta lain. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan penilaian terhadap karyawan. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan untuk mengetahui karyawan berprestasi, akan tetapi penilaian karyawan yang dilakukan selama ini masih menggunakan metode manual. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut maka diperlukan adanya metode yang tepat dan akurat dalam mengelola data penilaian karyawan.Menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dengan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) di hitung nilai masing-masing karyawan yang melibatkan beberapa kriteria yaitu kriteria komitmen, manajemen, kerjasama dan hasil kerja setelah perhitungan dilakukan maka ditentukan manakah metode yang paling tepat.Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) lebih tepat untuk studi kasus pemilihan karyawan berprestasi karena pemilihan karyawan berprestasi ini melibatkan banyak subkriteria, dimana AHP dianggap tepat untuk mewakili pemikiranalamiah yang cenderung mengelompokkan elemen sistemke level-level yang berbeda dari masing-masing level berisi elemen yang serupa dan juga menyediakan skala pengukuran

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Card Sort Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Josuushi Kelas XI SMA Taruna Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of card sort active learning strategy can improve students' comprehension in josuushi at grate XI SMA Taruna Pekanbaru. This research was experimental research which used pretest posttest. Obyects of this research consisted of 20 science and 20 social students' at grade XI SMA Taruna Pekanbaru.Data collection technigue used in this research was test. The researcher gave pretest and posttest to find out students' comprehension in josuushi before and after card sort strategy was applied in teaching and learning process. The result of pretest and posttest were statistically analyted using t formula manually to know the improvement of students' comprehension. Based on statistically analyzing data using t formula it was found that thitung 6,66 > ttabel 1,68 it means that there was asifnificant difference between students' who taught by card sort active learning strategy and students' who taight by conventional strategy during teaching and learning process

    Keefektifan Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) pada Materi Kata Sifat dalam Mata Kuliah Bunpou 1 (Penelitian Eksperimen terhadap Mahasiswa Bahasa Jepang Tingkat I Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 Universitas Riau)

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    The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of two stay two stray cooperative learning can improve students comprehension in Japanese adjective of the Japanese language student level I FKIP University of Riau. The research was experimental research which used the matching only posttest control group design. The object of this research is a Japanese student level I Riau University consisting of 45 samples of the research. Data collection technigue used this research was test and questioner. Post-test to find out students comprehension in Japanese adjective after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process. The result of post-test were statistically analyted using to formula manually to know the improvement of students' comprehension after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process Based on statistically analyzing data using t formula it was found that <(0.65 1,68) it means that there was not significant difference between students' who taught by and students two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process who taught by did not use that learning process. . questioner to find out students respondens and reason after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process. Based of questioner result, all of students attract to this learning method because student can improve the learning motivation of student, easly understand subject of learning and gain students memorize
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