20 research outputs found

    The Hydration Structure at Yttria-Stabilized Cubic Zirconia (110)-Water Interface with Sub-Angstrom Resolution

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    The interfacial hydration structure of yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (110) surface in contact with water was determined with ~0.5 Å resolution by high-resolution X-ray reflectivity measurement. The terminal layer shows a reduced electron density compared to the following substrate lattice layers, which indicates there are additional defects generated by metal depletion as well as intrinsic oxygen vacancies, both of which are apparently filled by water species. Above this top surface layer, two additional adsorbed layers are observed forming a characteristic interfacial hydration structure. The first adsorbed layer shows abnormally high density as pure water and likely includes metal species, whereas the second layer consists of pure water. The observed interfacial hydration structure seems responsible for local equilibration of the defective surface in water and eventually regulating the long-term degradation processes. The multitude of water interactions with the zirconia surface results in the complex but highly ordered interfacial structure constituting the reaction front.ope

    Cristallochimie et étude vibrationnelle de composés à base de TeVIO3

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    Ce travail de thÚse est consacré à l étude de la cristallochimie particuliÚre des matériaux cristallisés à base d oxyde de tellure VI (tellurates), candidats potentiels dans les technologies LTCC. L estimation de la susceptibilité d optique non linéaire d ordre 3, des phases cristallisées du systÚme TeO2-TeO3, par calculs ab initio, a montré des résultats prometteurs ouvrant des perspectives intéressantes pour l élaboration de verres à base d oxyde de tellure VI. Le composé TeO3-b est le plus simple des matériaux à base d oxyde de tellure VI. L étude vibrationnelle de sa structure spécifique met en évidence une structure de type tridimensionnelle semblable à la famille des pérovskites cubiques et trÚs différentes du composé élémentaire à base d oxyde de tellure IV, TeO2-a, de structure de type ilot. Cette étude a servi de base à l analyse vibrationnelle de composés tellurates complexes.This thesis is devoted to the study of particular crystal chemistry of crystallized tellurium VI oxide based materials (tellurates), potential candidates in the LTCC technology. The estimation of the 3rd order nonlinear optical susceptibility, by ab initio calculations, of the crystalline phases of the system TeO2-TeO3 showed promising results openning interesting perspectives for the development of tellurium VI oxide based glasses. The TeO3-bcompound is the simplest tellurium oxide VI based material. The vibrational study of its specific structure reveals a three-dimensional type structure similar to the cubic perovskite family and very different to the elemental tellurium oxide IV TeO2-a, island type structure. This study was the basis for the vibrational analysis of complex tellurate compounds.LIMOGES-BU Sciences (870852109) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Nous avons étudié une cordiérite à haute surface spécifique par spectroscopie infrarouge en transmission. AprÚs activation des échantillons, nous avons mis en évidence la présence des groupes hydroxyles. L'action du méthanol et l'échange isotopique avec le deutérium ont prouvé que tous ces groupes sont liés aux atomes de silicium de surface.A high specific surface area cordierite has been investigated by infrared transmission spectroscopy. After activation of the samples, we have evidenced the presence of hydroxyl groups. Treatments with methanol and isotopic exchange with deuterium have proved that all of them are bound to the surface silicium atoms

    Alimentation et nutrition dans les dĂ©partements et rĂ©gions d’Outre-mer/Food and nutrition in the French overseas departments and regions

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    L’état nutritionnel et les comportements alimentaires des populations dans les Outre-mer français constituent des enjeux socioĂ©conomiques et de santĂ© publique spĂ©cifiques. Les Drom font en effet face Ă  des prĂ©valences de surpoids, d’obĂ©sitĂ© et de diabĂšte plus Ă©levĂ©es que dans l’Hexagone. Ces territoires connaissent une transition dĂ©mographique, nutritionnelle et alimentaire aussi rapide que profonde, avec une Ă©volution des modes de vie pouvant conduire Ă  une activitĂ© physique insuffisante et une alimentation dĂ©sĂ©quilibrĂ©e. La Direction gĂ©nĂ©rale de la SantĂ© a confiĂ© Ă  l’Institut de recherche pour le dĂ©veloppement (IRD) la rĂ©alisation d’une expertise scientifique collective sur l’état nutritionnel et l’alimentation des populations ultramarines, afin d’envisager une dĂ©clinaison particuliĂšre du Programme national nutrition santĂ© dans les Outre-mer. Le pĂ©rimĂštre de l’expertise englobe la Guadeloupe, la Guyane, la Martinique, Mayotte et La RĂ©union. L’objectif est de dresser un constat actualisĂ© des disparitĂ©s et des similaritĂ©s entre les Drom. À cette fin, l’IRD a mobilisĂ© un comitĂ© pluridisciplinaire d’experts, composĂ© d’épidĂ©miologistes, de nutritionnistes, de mĂ©decins en santĂ© publique, d’économistes, d’un diabĂ©tologue endocrinologue et d’une sociologue. À travers l’analyse des donnĂ©es publiĂ©es sur l’alimentation et la nutrition dans les Outre-mer, le comitĂ© d’experts propose ici 24 recommandations d’actions et d’études pour Ă©clairer les politiques publiques de nutrition dans le domaine français ultramarin.The nutritional situation and food consumption habits of the inhabitants of the French overseas territories pose very specific socio-economic and public health-related challenges. Apart from having to deal with a prevalence of overweight, obesity and diabetes more significant than that of the French mainland, these territories are also undergoing both rapid and profound demographic, nutritional and food-related transformations leading to changes in lifestyle which could result in insufficient physical activity as well as uneven food consumption. Within this context, the Directorate General of Health has charged the French Research Institute for Development (IRD) to conduct a multidisciplinary scientific expert overview of the nutritional situation and food consumption of the inhabitants of the French overseas territories in order eventually to lend a specific orientation to the National Nutritional Health Plan for these areas. The scope of the overview includes Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte and La RĂ©union and the objective is to provide a picture of the differences and similarities between the various territories based on available data. To this end, the IRD has assembled a multidisciplinary committee of experts composed of epidemiologists, nutritionists, doctors specialising in public health issues, economists, endocrinologists, specialists in diabetic ailments and sociologists