1,417 research outputs found

    Hash-based signatures for the internet of things

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    While numerous digital signature schemes exist in the literature, most real-world system rely on RSA-based signature schemes or on the digital signature algorithm (DSA), including its elliptic curve cryptography variant ECDSA. In this position paper we review a family of alternative signature schemes, based on hash functions, and we make the case for their application in Internet of Things (IoT) settings. Hash-based signatures provide postquantum security, and only make minimal security assumptions, in general requiring only a secure cryptographic hash function. This makes them extremely flexible, as they can be implemented on top of any hash function that satisfies basic security properties. Hash-based signatures also feature numerous parameters defining aspects such as signing speed and key size, that enable trade-offs in constrained environments. Simplicity of implementation and customization make hash based signatures an attractive candidate for the IoT ecosystem, which is composed of a number of diverse, constrained devices

    Theoretical studies of a hydrogen abstraction tool for nanotechnology

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    In the design of a nanoscale, site-specific hydrogen abstraction tool, the authors suggest the use of an alkynyl radical tip. Using ab initio quantum-chemistry techniques including electron correlation they model the abstraction of hydrogen from dihydrogen, methane, acetylene, benzene and isobutane by the acetylene radical. By conservative estimates, the abstraction barrier is small (less than 7.7 kcal mol^-1) in all cases except for acetylene and zero in the case of isobutane. Thermal vibrations at room temperature should be sufficient to supply the small activation energy. Several methods of creating the radical in a controlled vacuum setting should be feasible. The authors show how nanofabrication processes can be accurately and inexpensively designed in a computational framework

    VerSum: Verifiable Computations over Large Public Logs

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    VerSum allows lightweight clients to outsource expensive computations over large and frequently changing data structures, such as the Bitcoin or Namecoin blockchains, or a Certificate Transparency log. VerSum clients ensure that the output is correct by comparing the outputs from multiple servers. VerSum assumes that at least one server is honest, and crucially, when servers disagree, VerSum uses an efficient conflict resolution protocol to determine which server(s) made a mistake and thus obtain the correct output. VerSum's contribution lies in achieving low server-side overhead for both incremental re-computation and conflict resolution, using three key ideas: (1) representing the computation as a functional program, which allows memoization of previous results; (2) recording the evaluation trace of the functional program in a carefully designed computation history to help clients determine which server made a mistake; and (3) introducing a new authenticated data structure for sequences, called SeqHash, that makes it efficient for servers to construct summaries of computation histories in the presence of incremental re-computation. Experimental results with an implementation of VerSum show that VerSum can be used for a variety of computations, that it can support many clients, and that it can easily keep up with Bitcoin's rate of new blocks with transactions.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (CRASH) Program (Contract N66001-10-2-4089)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1053143)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1413920

    Item Response Models of Probability Judgments: Application to a Geopolitical Forecasting Tournament

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    In this article, we develop and study methods for evaluating forecasters and forecasting questions in dynamic environments. These methods, based on item response models, are useful in situations where items vary in difficulty, and we wish to evaluate forecasters based on the difficulty of the items that they forecasted correctly. In addition, the methods are useful in situations where we need to compare forecasters who make predictions at different points in time or for different items. We first extend traditional models to handle subjective probabilities, and we then apply a specific model to geopolitical forecasts. We evaluate the model’s ability to accommodate the data, compare the model’s estimates of forecaster ability to estimates of forecaster ability based on scoring rules, and externally validate the model’s item estimates. We also highlight some shortcomings of the traditional models and discuss some further extensions. The analyses illustrate the models’ potential for widespread use in forecasting and subjective probability evaluation

    Interface Diffusion and Compatibility of (Ba,La)FeO3−δ Perovskite Electrodes in Contact with Barium Zirconate and Ceria

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    Ba1-x La (x) FeO3-delta perovskites (BLF) capable of conducting electrons, protons, and oxygen ions are promising oxygen electrodes for efficient solid oxide cells (fuel cells or electrolyzers), an integral part of prospected large-scale power-to-gas energy storage systems. We investigated the compatibility of BLF with lanthanum content between 5 and 50%, in contact with oxide-ion-conducting Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-delta and proton-conducting Ba-Zr0.825Y0.175O3-delta electrolytes, annealing the electrode-electrolyte bilayers at high temperature to simulate thermal stresses of fabrication and prolonged operation. By employing both bulk X-ray diffraction and synchrotron X-ray microspectroscopy, we present a space-resolved picture of the interaction between electrode and electrolyte as what concerns cation interdiffusion, exsolution, and phase stability. We found that the phase stability of BLF in contact with other phases is correlated with the Goldschmidt tolerance factor, in turn determined by the La/Ba ratio, and appropriate doping strategies with oversized cations (Zn2+, Y3+) could improve structural stability. While extensive reactivity and/or interdiffusion was often observed, we put forward that most products of interfacial reactions, including proton-conducting Ba-(Ce,Gd)-O3-delta and mixed-conducting (Ba,La)-(Fe,Zr,Y)-O3-delta, may not be very detrimental for practical cell operation

    Aluminium metallisation for interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells

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    Back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells with an efficiency of 22 were manufactured, featuring a simple aluminium metallisation directly on the doped amorphous silicon films. Both the open circuit voltage and the fill factor heavily depend on the parameters of the annealing step after aluminium layer deposition. Using numerical device simulations and in accordance with the literature, we demonstrate that the changes in solar cell parameters with annealing can be explained by the formation of an aluminium silicide layer at temperatures as low as 150 C, improving the contact resistance and thus enhancing the fill factor. Further annealing at higher temperatures initialises the crystallisation of the amorphous silicon layers, yielding even lower contact resistances, but also introduces more defects, diminishing the open circuit voltag

    Interplay of Chemical, Electronic, and Structural Effects in the Triple-Conducting BaFeO3-Ba(Zr,Y)O3 Solid Solution

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    Triple-conducting oxides with mobile protons, oxygen vacancies, and holes are key functional materials for protonic ceramic fuel/electrolysis cells. We comprehensively investigate the Ba(Zr,Y,Fe)O3-delta perovskite solid solution series ranging from electrolyte to electrode-type materials depending on iron content. From thermogravimetry and impedance spectroscopy, the proton and oxygen vacancy concentrations as well as electronic and ionic conductivities are determined. X-ray spectroscopy (Fe K-edge XANES, O K-edge Raman scattering, Fe, Zr, Y K-edge EXAFS) elucidates the finer features of the electronic structure and local distortions. A low Fe content of <= 10% strongly decreases the degree of hydration, while comparably high Fe concentrations of >= 70% are required to obtain an electronic conductivity sufficient for an electrode material. The transport of ionic and electronic carriers is interrelated in a complex way and is closely linked to details of the electronic structure (strength of Fe-O hybridization) and geometrical distortions (Fe-O-Fe and Fe-O-(Zr,Y) buckling). As a result, an optimum combination of proton concentration and electronic conductivity is not obtained in the middle of the solid solution series but rather found for Fe-rich materials with 20-30% doping with oversized, redox-inactive cations. A similar behavior is also expected for related solid solutions between a large-band gap electrolyte and small-band gap redox-active perovskites

    TRIP/NOPO E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Promotes Ubiquitylation of DNA Polymerase η

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    We previously identified a Drosophila maternal effect-lethal mutant named ‘no poles’ (nopo). Embryos from nopo females undergo mitotic arrest with barrel-shaped, acentrosomal spindles during the rapid cycles of syncytial embryogenesis because of activation of a Chk2-mediated DNA checkpoint. NOPO is the Drosophila homolog of human TNF receptor associated factor (TRAF)-interacting protein (TRIP), which has been implicated in TNF signaling. NOPO and TRIP contain RING domains closely resembling those of known E3 ubiquitin ligases. We herein sought to elucidate the mechanism by which TRIP/NOPO promotes genomic stability by performing a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential substrates/interactors. We identified members of the Y-family of DNA polymerases that facilitate replicative bypass of damaged DNA (translesion synthesis) as TRIP interactors. We show that TRIP and NOPO co-immunoprecipitate with human and Drosophila Polη, respectively, from cultured cells. We generated a null mutation in Drosophila Polη (dPolη) and found that dPolη-derived embryos have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation and exhibit nopo-like mitotic spindle defects. dPolη and nopo interact genetically in that overexpression of dPolηn hypomorphic nopo-derived embryos suppresses nopo phenotypes. We observed enhanced ubiquitylation of Polη by TRIP and NOPO E3 ligases in human cells and Drosophila embryos, respectively, and show that TRIP promotes hPolη localization to nuclear foci in human cells. We present a model in which TRIP/NOPO ubiquitylates Polη to positively regulate its activity in translesion synthesis

    Optimal strategies for a game on amenable semigroups

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    The semigroup game is a two-person zero-sum game defined on a semigroup S as follows: Players 1 and 2 choose elements x and y in S, respectively, and player 1 receives a payoff f(xy) defined by a function f from S to [-1,1]. If the semigroup is amenable in the sense of Day and von Neumann, one can extend the set of classical strategies, namely countably additive probability measures on S, to include some finitely additive measures in a natural way. This extended game has a value and the players have optimal strategies. This theorem extends previous results for the multiplication game on a compact group or on the positive integers with a specific payoff. We also prove that the procedure of extending the set of allowed strategies preserves classical solutions: if a semigroup game has a classical solution, this solution solves also the extended game.Comment: 17 pages. To appear in International Journal of Game Theor
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