4 research outputs found

    Liikennetekniikan perus- ja jatkokurssit:eräitä yleisiä teorioita, malleja ja käsitteitä

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    Abstract This document contains some of the relevant theoretical foundations, models and concepts used in transport engineering. The list is not exhaustive, but far from it. The purpose is to show the transport engineering course students that behind design and engineering principles, standards, and guidelines there is a vast scientific body of knowledge. This booklet is meant to be studied mainly independently by the students attending transport engineering courses. Some sections are used as course materials, for example in lecture presentations and demonstrating case examples.Tiivistelmä Tämä kirjanen sisältää liikennetekniikan perus- ja jatkokurssin suorittamista tukevia teoriaosuuksia. Teoriaosuudet on tarkoitettu opiskelijoiden itseopiskeluun ja tähtäävät liikennetekniikan syvällisempään ymmärtämiseen, erilaisiin teorioihin, malleihin ja käsitteisiin. Kirjaseen on koostettu vain pieni osa liikennetekniikassa sovellettavista teorioista, malleista ja käsitteistä ja tarkoitus onkin antaa valmiuksia syvällisempiin pohdintoihin ja kysymyksiin. Teoriaosuuksien materiaalia käytetään soveltuvin osin opetusaineistoissa sekä esimerkkilaskelmissa ja -tapauksissa

    Evolution paths of stakeholder-oriented smart transportation systems based on 5G

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    Abstract Societies are experiencing large-scale transformation through digitalization programs covering all private and public sectors. Digitalization advances also the growing demands of sustainable development, in which nations and cities all over the world have set ambitious targets. Transportation is one the cornerstone verticals of cities and has attracted wide attention from various stakeholders developing services and solutions for digitalization. In general, ICT solutions are in the core of digitalization and trailblazing technologies have been developed to enable modern transportation services. 5G technology covering wireless connectivity, IoT sensor technology, distributed edge computing, artificial intelligence, high power computing and service platforms offers numerous opportunities to the development of sophisticated smart transportation services. However, to adopt a pervasive approach for the evolvement of digital transportation services, it is important to examine the system level point of view. Developing occasional services for various transport modes without targeted inter-operability of services, the result of digitalization of transportation can be extremely fragmented. This paper aims to highlight the top-down angle of research and development of the smart transportation system. The development requires seamless co-operation of researchers and specialists of transport systems, urban design and planning and wireless technologies to integrate transport infrastructure, 5G wireless communication infrastructure and traffic management systems to enable advanced digital services for all transport modes. Moreover, this article introduces the stakeholders recognized from transport systems, urban design and planning and wireless technologies. The role of each stakeholder is described a like

    Tietekniikan kurssit:eräitä yleisiä teorioita, malleja ja käsitteitä

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    Abstract This document contains some of the relevant theoretical foundations, models and concepts used in road engineering. The list is not exhaustive, but far from it. The purpose is to show the road engineering courses students that behind design and engineering principles, standards, and guidelines there is a vast scientific body of knowledge. This booklet is meant to be studied mainly independently by the students attending road engineering courses. Some sections are used as course materials, for example in lecture presentations and demonstrating case examples.Tiivistelmä Tämä kirjanen sisältää Oulun yliopiston tietekniikan perusteet I ja II sekä tien suunnittelu ja rakentaminen -kurssien suorittamista tukevia teoriaosuuksia. Teoriaosuudet on tarkoitettu opiskelijoiden itseopiskeluun ja tähtäävät tietekniikan syvällisempään ymmärtämiseen, erilaisiin teorioihin, malleihin ja käsitteisiin. Kirjaseen on koostettu vain pieni osa tietekniikassa sovellettavista teorioista, malleista ja käsitteistä ja tarkoitus onkin antaa valmiuksia syvällisempiin pohdintoihin ja kysymyksiin. Teoriaosuuksien materiaalia käytetään soveltuvin osin opetusaineistoissa sekä esimerkkilaskelmissa ja -tapauksissa

    Non-visual sensing of metallic pavement markers from a moving vehicle

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    Abstract Snow and ice covering paved surfaces cause problems for roads and other vehicles operating in cold regions. There are notable risks for road accidents and reduced performance of vehicle movements, e.g., in industrial facilities such as ports, when road markings and marked pathways are not visually observable. In this study, metallic paved surface markers identified by metal sensors are tested. The sound signals captured by a metal detector attached to the vehicle are used to detect the markings. Results indicate that the tested method for reading markings through snow is effective at lower speeds. The main advantages of the tested technology are effectiveness in snowy and icy surface conditions, low upfront cost detection technology in some environments, robust system without moving parts, high sampling rate, and low operating costs. The procedure is not restricted to specific environmental conditions, such as snow and ice; it also has the potential to detect markings through layers of mud, tree leaves or sand. The detectors have application prospects in intelligent transportation system applications at airports, logistics terminals and industrial facilities