7 research outputs found

    Winter Growth Rate and Timing of Marketing on Economics of Yearling Systems

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    Economic analyses were conducted examining 18 years of Nebraska monthly- average auction data to ! nd the e ects of certain management decisions on the pro! tability of yearling production systems. A 2×2 experimental design was used to examine four possible scenarios. evariableswereeitherfastwintergrowth(dailygain,2.0lb/day)orslowwintergrowth(dailygain,0.8lb/day),andeitheraSeptemberoraJulymarketingdate.Inadditiontopro!tability,riskmanagementwasalsoexaminedinthisstudy.Averagepro!tabilityofallscenarioswasgood,rangingfrom e variables were either fast winter growth (daily gain, 2.0 lb/ day) or slow winter growth (daily gain, 0.8 lb/day), and either a September or a July marketing date. In addition to pro! tability, risk management was also examined in this study. Average pro! tability of all scenarios was good, ranging from 112 to $143 per calf. Utilizing fast winter growth combined with marketing steers in September was the most pro! table scenario

    Extended Communication Efforts Involved with College Long-Distance Relationships

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    The present phenomenological, qualitative research study involved in-depth interviews of all 16 female, sophomore students involved in respective distance relationships at a private, selective, comprehensive, Midwest university. Among other results found in the study, the present article focuses on communication dynamics involved with the relationships. Results showed key communication constructs to involve learning to communicate in a distance milieu, interpreting the tone of their boyfriend’s voice, compensating for their lack of contexts, working harder at communication, and committing themselves to the extra efforts involved with good communication. Generally, the women were content with their relationships. We interpret the findings to infer that it likely takes special individuals to make the communication in distance relationships work effectively. Further, we conclude that potential distance relationship couples should discuss the dynamics involved in the present findings prior to initiating distance relationships in order to best enhance the chances for distance relationship success

    Extended Communication Efforts Involved With College Long-Distance Relationships

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    The present phenomenological, qualitative research study involved in-depth interviews of all 16 female, sophomore students involved in respective distance relationships at a private, selective, comprehensive, Midwest university. Among other results found in the study, the present article focuses on communication dynamics involved with the relationships. Results showed key communication constructs to involve learning to communicate in a distance milieu, interpreting the tone of their boyfriend’s voice, compensating for their lack of contexts, working harder at communication, and committing themselves to the extra efforts involved with good communication. Generally, the women were content with their relationships. We interpret the findings to infer that it likely takes special individuals to make the communication in distance relationships work effectively. Further, we conclude that potential distance relationship couples should discuss the dynamics involved in the present findings prior to initiating distance relationships in order to best enhance the chances for distance relationship success

    Spiritual Dynamics Involved with an Oxford Study Abroad Program

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