10 research outputs found


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    Even though colorectal cancer is less prevalent than various other oncological diseases of other organs it still remains a very serious affliction. Complete resection of the tumor and its zone of lymphogenic metastasis still remains to be the main method of treatment. Common principles of surgical treatment of colon cancer are: radicalness, ablastics, asepticism and providing safe way for gastric contents to exit, preferably in a natural way. The success of surgical treatment is largely dependent on proper preparation of the colon. In the last years, colorectal cancer with regional extension forms requiring surgical and complex treatment, are more and more common

    The role of 3D-printing technologies in the management of breast cancer patients

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    Introduction. Breast cancer represents a current problem due to high morbidity, mortality and disability. About 685,000 women worldwide die from breast cancer annually. Only 1.3% are detected in the early stages, while 24% in the late stages. Although mastectomy is an important and definitive treatment option for some patients, it is often associated with substantial psychological, social, and sexual sequelae, as well as a significant distortion of body image. Along with the development of personalized medicine, the principles and methods of diagnosis and treatment, 3D printing technologies have a promising role, aimed at improving the management of breast cancer patients by creating anatomical models of tumors for explanatory and operational purposes, as well as of safe, compatible and easily tolerated breast implants. Materials and methods. A literature review was performed using scientific articles from PubMed, NCBI, Frontiersin, 3D Printing in Medicine, databases for a period of 5 years. Keywords used in the search: breast cancer, bioprinting, 3D printing, 3D implants, personalized medicine. Results. This review of scientific articles highlights the main achievements in the field of 3D printing in the management of breast cancer patients. Scanning and subsequent three-dimensional printing of tumors allows the detailed explanation of the tumor process to patients. Also, it facilitates the choice of an appropriate and personalized therapeutic tactic. New printing technologies, including bioprinting, allow the modeling and creation of mammary gland implants using hypoallergenic, durable and compatible materials with the formation of patient-specific bioabsorbable matrices (scaffolds). Different types of stem cells and growth factors can be seeded on the scaffolds, similar to the extracellular matrix, ensuring the processes of cell growth and angiogenesis. These scaffolds, which are later resorbed by the body, keep the injected adipose tissue safe and minimize the significant volume loss of breast adipose tissue typically seen in the lipofilling technique. Conclusion. Although 3D printing technologies are in development and testing stages yet, they represent an important chain in the appropriate future of personalized medicine in the management of breast cancer patients

    Dereglarile endocrine la bolnavele cu cancer al glandei mamare în menopauză

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    Catedra Oncologie, Hematologie și Radioterapie, Clinica mamologie, USMF „N.Testemitanu”, ISMP Institutul Oncologic, Republica Moldova, Primul Congres Naţional al Societăţii Endocrinologilor cu participare internaţională dedicat jubileului de 50 ani de la fondarea serviciului endocrinologic din Republica Moldova 9-11 octombrie 2014Endocrine disorders in the patients with cancer gland breast in menopause The complex study of hormonal homeostasis at the patients of breast cancer (BC) which correspond to hormonal homeostasis feature. It is specific a high level of LH, hyperprolactinemia, hyperestrogenemia, high level of cortisol, hypothyroidism. Thus, the distribution of patients with BC in menopause to any of ethiopathogenetical types and elaboration of a rational, hormonal therapy in complex breast cancer treatment is needed to be performed based on the values of hormonal homeostasis.Studiul complex al homeostazei hormonale la pacienții cu cancer de sân (CS) care corespund caracteristică homeostaziei hormonale. Este specific un nivel ridicat de LH, hiperprolactinemie, hiperestrogenemia, nivel ridicat de cortizol, hipotiroidism. Astfel, este necesară distribuția pacienților cu CS în menopauză cu oricare dintre tipurile etiopatogenetice și elaborarea unei terapii raționale, hormonale în tratamentul cancerului de sân complex să fie efectuată pe baza valorilor homeostaziei hormonale

    Colposcopic Assessment Among Women with Lower Genital Tract Pathology

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    A broad spectrum of conditions classically requires a colposcopic assessment for either diagnostic or treatment means, including atypical changes in the cervix-vagina and vulva, abnormal Pap tests, cervicitis, polyps, cervical warts, genital warts, and bleeding. Although the procedure is commonly considered as criteria for the management of cervical cancer, the sensitivity of colposcopy is quite limited as its ability to discriminate among dysplasia and microinvasive carcinoma is difficult. Most professional societies and international health organizations have already released guidelines and recommendation for the management for woman with abnormal cervical pathology (e.g., cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer); only women with positive human papillomavirus (HPV) tests, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), or severe cytology have clear indication for referral to a colposcopic evaluation. While most guidelines recommend colposcopy for any abnormal cytology or any positive HPV test, others apply only for woman with two consecutive unsatisfactory Pap tests or for those with some abnormalities. In conclusion, cervical cancer risk remains high; thus, the potential benefit of colposcopy examination should be balanced against the risk


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    Acumularea de grăsime viscerală determină un efect lipotoxic asupra hipotalamusului. Inflamația hipotalamică închide un cerc vicios, agravând perturbarea mecanismelor neuroendocrine de reglare a echilibrului metabolic, inclusiv coordonarea consumului de energie (în timpul metabolismului de bază, activității fizice, termogenezei) și comportamentul alimentar adecvat. Grupul de studiu a inclus 62 de indivizi (femei) cu obezitate. Fiecare pacient a îndeplinit criteriile de diagnostic pentru sindromul hipotalamic idiopatic – forma neuroendocrină cu obezitate. Studiul actual arată că obezitatea de origine hipotalamică este asociată cu o dislipidemie care progresează concomitent cu creșterea indicelui de masă corporală

    Psychosocial Aspects of Colposcopic Assessment: Perspectives and Strategies for Physicians

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    The purpose of this work is to determine perspectives, misconceptions, psychology adjustments and useful strategies of women living with dilemmas about their malignant lesions which can be detected through the colposcopy. Colposcopic assessment following abnormal Pap test has resulted in a long list of concerns: fear of having cancer, periodic obligations related to follow-up, balancing treatment of premalignant disease with quality of life, pain or discomfort and long-term impact on their families or limited social support. How prepared are they to adapt to their diagnosis? New diagnosis results in patient not being able to listen well or to understand her medical situation. The success of the outcome and procedure takes time to deduce the concerns she has regarding her diagnosis, treatment and appropriate follow-up. Several physicians endorse a wide range of barriers with respect to diagnosis and management of the disease: organizational or patient issues. Furthermore, patient appears to be important for the effective treatment than to identify and assess psychosocial problems among women diagnosed with cancer. In conclusion, physician provides effective treatment, but fails to address psychosocial issues associated with the illness. It is necessary to define the condition more clearly by studying patients and their psychosocial problems

    The results of clinical researches: the study of cytoprotective properties (chemo- /radioprotective) of Flamena 100 ml oral emulsion at pacients diagnosed with breast cancer and reproductive organs who undergo chemo- or radiotherapy

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    Simpozion Naţional de Oncologie cu participare internaţională „Vigilenţa oncologică în activitatea medicală, depistarea precoce şi tratamentul tumorilor” dedicat aniversării de 40 ani de activitate a Catedrei de Oncologie, Hematologie şi Radioterapie a USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Clinica Oncologie Generală şi Mamologie,  IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Centrul Ştiinţific al Medicamentului (CSM)al IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, SC ”CSK Grup Plus” SRL, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary: It is studied the Flamen indigenous combined medical substance 100 ml oral emulsion containing the active ingredients glycine and dihidroquercitina. In General Oncology Clinic and the IP Mammology Medical University “Nicolae Testemitanu” clinical trial was conducted according to the principles of good practice in research involving breast cancer and cancer of the reproductive organs. It was determined that 100ml of Flamen is harmless, easy to administer  and is recommended for those suffering from malignancies as adjuvant radiotherapy after polichymioterapy. It is considered to have antyoxydant effects, liver, immune stimulator and detoxifier


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    Mental and physical health of patients suffering from breast cancer is largely dependent on autogenous picture of the disease and the intensity of the psychological and professional stress by providing adequate conditions determining life satisfaction and motivation of those who suffer. Psycho diagnostic assessment of women with breast cancer in the process of comprehensive rehabilitation, is determined using various methods of psycho-diagnostics. The principle of comprehensive rehabilitation of cancer patients is recognized most effective as the pathological process characterized by lesions of many body systems (Grushin T. I.). Rehabilitation after treatment for breast cancer is one of the components of the complex treatment of cancer patients

    Cancerul glandei mamare în menopauză asociat cu patologii concomitente: dereglări endocrine

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    Catedra Oncologie,Hematologie și Radioterapie, Clinica mamologie, USMF „N.Testemitanu”, ISMP Institutul Oncologic, Republica Moldova, Primul Congres Naţional al Societăţii Endocrinologilor cu participare internaţională dedicat jubileului de 50 ani de la fondarea serviciului endocrinologic din Republica Moldova 9-11 octombrie 2014Breast cancer in postmenopausal associated with concurrent pathology: endocrine disorders The main type of hormonal disorders the patients of breast cancer (BC) is hyperprolactinemia during menopause is that probably hyperestrogenemia tissue in the patients of BC and concomitant pathologies associated, contributing to the risk BC. Diversity of, disorders in the patients with BC associated with thyroid and hepatobiliary system pathology in Republic Moldova dictates the necessity of study a hormonal homeostasis and individualizing hormonal treatment and concomitant pathology depending on the particular hormonal homeostasis.Principalul tip de dereglări hormonale la bolnavele de CGM în perioada menopauzală este hiperprolactinemia care, probabil, şi determină hiperestrogenemia tisulară, la bolnavele de CGM asociat cu patologii concomitente, contribuind la realizarea riscului în CGM. Diversitatea tipurilor de dereglări ale homeostazei hormonale la bolnavele de CGM, asociat cu patologia sistemului hepatobiliar şi patologia glandei tiroide, în Republica Moldova dictează necesitatea aprecierii homeostazei hormonale şi individualizarea tratamentului hormonal şi a patologiei concomitente în funcţie de particularităţile homeostazei hormonale

    Helium Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Effects on Two Cultivars of <i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.

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    The use of cold plasma in the treatment of seeds before sowing presents a promising technique for sustainable agriculture. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of cold plasma treatment on the morphology of wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Dacic’ and ‘Otilia’), their germination, biochemical composition, and the nutritional quality of wheat grass. Wheat seeds were morphologically and elementally characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray computer tomography (CT), and particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Helium was used as a working gas for plasma generation and the analysis of the species produced showed the presence of NOγ, OH, N2 and N2+ and O. Evaluation of germination and plant growth for 10 days (wheat grass stage) highlighted a specific trend for each cultivar. The biochemical analysis of wheat grass highlighted an increase in the chlorophyll content in the plasma-treated variants, an increase in the flavonoid and polyphenol content in ‘Dacic’-treated variant, while the soluble protein content, antioxidant activity, and color were not affected. The analysis of the nutritional quality of wheat grass by the FT-NIR analytical technique highlighted an increase in the ash content in the plasma-treated wheat cultivars, while the humidity, proteins, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and energy values were not affected