43 research outputs found

    Varmahagfræði greining á jarðvarma vinnsluferlum fyrir IDDP-1 klóríð ráðstafarnir

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    This thesis deals with the thermoeconomic analysis of four geothermal power cycles proposed for utilization of superheated steam from IDDP-1. These cycles mainly consider mitigation techniques applied for the removal of the chloride present in the fluid. Through executing a comparative thermoeconomic analysis, this research highlights the importance of the correlation between exergetic efficiency, exergy costing and capital costs. Exergy analysis and cost estimation were performed for each component and for the cycles as a whole. The cycles were proposed in literature and are designed to process efficient chloride-induced corrosion mitigation techniques to be applied to the world’s first magma-EGS well, IDDP-1. The work compares four cycles, three of them apply wet scrubbing technique while the fourth is a binary cycle. The base case cycle considered in this study is a single flash cycle where the superheat of the fluid is quenched before the turbine. A cycle with an additional turbine together with a cycle with heat recovery are the two alternative cycles utilizing wet scrubbing. The cycle with heat recovery performs best under every aspect as it is the one with the highest power output and the lowest unit cost of exergy of all cycles. Design and economic limitations of the other cycles also confirm the heat recovery cycle as being the most realistic one. On the contrary, the binary cycle resulted as the most expensive in unit cost of exergy and the base case cycle performed the worst in power output. In total, this work provides an idea of the path to follow in designing a geothermal power plant by accomplishing a component by component thermoeconomic analysis and combining the factors used to obtain the optimal cycle design.Lokaverkefni þetta skoðar varmahagfræði fjögurra tillagna að vinnsluhringjum fyrir yfirhitaða gufu úr IDDP-1. Vinnsluhringirnir nýta aðalega aðferðir sem ætlaðar eru til að fjarlægja klóríð úr vökvanum. Með því að framkvæma sambærilega varmahagfræði greiningu, undirstrikar rannsókn þessi mikilvægi fylgni á milli skilvirkni aðgengilegrar orku, kostnaðar aðgengilegrar orku og fjármagnskostnaðar. Greining á aðgengilegri orku og kostnaðaráætlun voru framkvæmdar fyrir hvern lið og fyrir vinnsluhringina í heild. Upplýsingar um vinnsluhringina voru teknar úr bókum og eru þeir hannaðir til að stemma stigu við tæringu vegna klóríðs í fyrstu kvikuholu í heiminum, IDDP-1. Verkefnið skoðar fjóra ferla, þrír þeirra notast við vothreinsun, á meðan sá fjórði notast við varmaskiptatækni. Viðmiðunar hringurinn sem notaður er hér er einnar hvellsuðu ferill þar sem yfirhitaða gufan er kæld fyrir hverfilinn. Ferill með auka hverfil ásamt varmaföngunar ferli eru tveir af skoðunar ferlunum sem nýta vothreinsun. Ferilinn með varmaföngunar ferlinu kemur best út í öllum liðum þar sem hann gefur af sér mesta aflið og lægsta einingakostnað aðgengenilegrar orku af öllum ferlunum. Hönnunar og efnahagslegar hömlur hinna ferlanna staðfesta einnig að varmaföngunar ferillinn er raunhæfasti kosturinn. Hinsvegar, ferillinn sem nýtti varmaskiptatækni var með hæsta einingakostnað aðgengilegrar orku og viðmiðunarferillinn gaf frá sér minnsta aflið. Verkefni þetta gefur hugmynd um í hvaða átt á að halda í hönnun á jarðvarmavirkjunum með því að búa til lið fyrir lið varmahagfræði greiningu og sameina hana með þáttum sem notaðir eru til að hanna sem bestan feril

    Increased frequency of micronucleated kidney cells in rats exposed to halogenated anaesthetics.

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    Splanchnic haemodynamic effects of ketanserin in anaesthetized cirrhotic rats.

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    DNA damage and micronuclei induced in rat and human kidney cells by six chemicals carcinogenic to the rat kidney

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    Six chemicals, known to induce kidney tumors in rats, were examined for their ability to induce DNA fragmentation and formation of micronuclei in primary cultures of rat and human kidney cells, and in the kidney of intact rats. Significant dosedependent increases in the frequency of DNA single-strand breaks and alkali-labile sites, as measured by the Comet assay, and in micronuclei frequency, were obtained in primary kidney cells from both male rats and humans of both genders with the following subtoxic concentrations of five of the six test compounds: bromodichlorometane (BDCM) from 0.5 to 4 mM, captafol (CF) from 0.5 to 2M, nitrobenzene (NB) from 0.062 to 0.5 mM, ochratoxin A (OTA) from 0.015 to 1.215 M, and trichloroethylene (TCE) from 1 to 4 mM. Benzofuran (BF), consistent with its carcinogenic activity for the kidney of female, but not of male rats, at concentrations from 0.125 to 0.5mM gave positive responses in cells from females but did not induce DNA damage and increased the frequency of micronuclei in cells from males to a lower extent; in contrast, it was active in cells from humans of both genders. DNA-damaging and micronuclei-inducing potencies were similar in the two species. In agreement with these findings, statistically significant increases in the average frequency of both DNA breaks and micronucleated cells were obtained in the kidney of rats, given p.o. a single dose (1/2 LD50) of the six compounds, BF in this assay being more genotoxic in female than in male rats. Taken as a whole, these findings give further evidence that kidney carcinogens may be identified by short-term genotoxicity assays, using as target kidney cells, and show that the six chemicals tested produce, in primary cultures of kidney cells from human donors, effects similar to those observed in rats

    Lymphatic laser-microsurgery: Experimental research and original clinical applications

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    The authors report their experimental studies and clinical observations regarding the use of CO2 laser in lymphatic microsurgery. The effects and advantages brought about by CO2 laser in their experimental studies on rats in performing lymphatic micro-anastomoses are particularly pointed out. g clinical observations of lympho-chyledema of lower limbs and genitalia, associated to chylous ascitis, are reported. Clinical outcome proved the remarkable advantages obtained by using laser ray welding power to cut and close insufficient and dilated lymphatic and chylous collectors. In over 3 year clinical follow-up no relapse of the pathology occurred in any patient

    Evaluation of effective renal plasma flow with I-127 ortho-iodohippurate and I-123 ortho-iodohippurate in rabbits

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