549 research outputs found

    La storia celata del trauma complesso. Una rassegna teorica tra realtĂ  clinica e problemi diagnostici

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    Il presente contributo si propone di analizzare le difficoltĂ  di riconoscimento e legittimazione, storicamente presenti nello studio del trauma psichico infantile, nonchĂ© di stimolare riflessioni aperte sulla possibilitĂ  che tali difficoltĂ  siano ancora attuali. Recenti contributi sullo studio del disturbo traumatico dello sviluppo sottolineano infatti l’importanza degli aspetti relazionali e cumulativi nonchĂ© del momento evolutivo in cui il soggetto vive le proprie esperienze traumatiche

    The Hanle and Zeeman Effects in Solar Spicules: A Novel Diagnostic Window on Chromospheric Magnetism

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    An attractive diagnostic tool for investigating the magnetism of the solar chromosphere is the observation and theoretical modeling of the Hanle and Zeeman effects in spicules, as shown in this letter for the first time. Here we report on spectropolarimetric observations of solar chromospheric spicules in the He I 10830 \AA multiplet and on their theoretical modeling accounting for radiative transfer effects. We find that the magnetic field in the observed (quiet Sun) spicular material at a height of about 2000 km above the visible solar surface has a strength of the order of 10 G and is inclined by approximately 35∘35^{\circ} with respect to the local vertical direction. Our empirical finding based on full Stokes-vector spectropolarimetry should be taken into account in future magnetohydrodynamical simulations of spicules.Comment: 12 pages and 2 figure

    The Invisible Pandemic: Domestic Violence and Health and Welfare Services in Italy and in the United Kingdom during Covid-19

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    Background: International research has shown how Domestic Violence (DV) can escalate during and after or large-scale crises or natural disaster. In many parts of the world, the introduction of lockdown, together with periods of global self-isolation in order to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, has put families, women and children in abusive relationships more at risk, in terms of an “invisible pandemic”. Objective: The purpose of this paper is examining specific reports from Italy and the United Kingdom and analysing how there has been a surge in the pattern of DV cases, recorded globally during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: For this purpose, starting from an increased number of DV reports, we examine the typology of Health and Welfare Services, delivered in Italy and in the UK, by a qualitative data collection as a way to show the problematic impact of pandemic measures for those living in and surviving abusive relationships. Results: Our findings allow a comparison between the two different countries and their Welfare Services, highlighting how lockdown has resulted in a reduction of available support for some families, while many others have experienced significant changes in how this care is provided. Conclusions: Our discussion and conclusions focus on the challenges posed by Covid-19, as well as on concerns and considerations regarding Governmental policies and Community services between these two countries

    Modelli di parenting multipli e benessere interpersonale. Una rassegna teorica sull\u2019evoluzione del sistema motivazionale diadico verso il network dell\u2019accudimento

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    Models of multiple parenting and interpersonal wellbeing. A theoretical review on the evolution of the dyadic motivational system toward the network of care A theoretical analysis on the evolution of the dyadic parenting model toward the multiple attachment perspective is presented. In particular, looking beyond the monotropic perspective (Bowlby, 1969), a theoretical framework about the integration model as a support of the elasticity of the Internal Working Models is highlighted. Based on these studies, the continuity in the quality of the attachment representations would remain in function also of the changes inside the care environment, in its aspects of risk and protection as well as on dyadic, family and social levels in which it is organised. The network of care is presented as a dynamic system in constant evolution, influenced by internal, external and cultural changes. For instance, some clinical and interpersonal wellbeing implications can glimpse in those family contexts characterised by traumatic experiences. These negative experiences/relationships may be offset by the positive effects of a functional attachment relationship (secure) with different caregivers. In other words, having established insecure relationships with the primary attachment figure may be compensated for the positive effects of a secure attachment relationship established with other caregivers. In accordance with the theoretical and empirical analyses of the integration model, the goodness of maternal working models cannot therefore be considered the unique determiner of the child development. It can be assumed, however, that security emerges from the experience of a network of caregivers mostly characterised by balanced and secure representations. This would give shape to a context of care in which everyone experiences the sensitivity and responsiveness to support his/her socio-emotional growth

    Using deterministic tourist walk as a small-world metric on Watts-Strogatz networks

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    The Watts-Strogatz model (WS) has been demonstrated to effectively describe real-world networks due to its ability to reproduce the small-world properties commonly observed in a variety of systems, including social networks, computer networks, biochemical reactions, and neural networks. As the presence of small-world properties is a prevalent characteristic in many real-world networks, the measurement of "small-worldness" has become a crucial metric in the field of network science, leading to the development of various methods for its assessment over the past two decades. In contrast, the deterministic tourist walk (DTW) method has emerged as a prominent technique for texture analysis and network classification. In this paper, we propose the use of a modified version of the DTW method to classify networks into three categories: regular networks, random networks, and small-world networks. Additionally, we construct a small-world metric, denoted by the coefficient χ\chi, from the DTW method. Results indicate that the proposed method demonstrates excellent performance in the task of network classification, achieving over 90%90\% accuracy. Furthermore, the results obtained using the coefficient χ\chi on real-world networks provide evidence that the proposed method effectively serves as a satisfactory small-world metric.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Evoluzione geomorfologica di un'area suburbana di Castronuovo S. Andrea (PZ) ed incidenza delle piogge su alcuni movimenti di massa

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    This work deals with the results obtained from geomorphological and hydrological investigation conducted in order to point out the complex geomorphological evolution related to a large part of the Castronuovo S. Andrea (Pz) territory, to identify the landslide typology of two different mass movements under investigation, as well as the influence caused by the rainfall. The landslide under study occurred on two opposite slopes of the low valley of torrent Mastro Ciardi, characterized by the same stratigraphic-structural, hydrogeological and geotechnical environment. The first slope e can be ascribed to a displacement of a first detachment, while the other one brat least 700io can be referred to a rimobilization phenomenon; both landslides, to a variable extent, have been influenced by tectonic joints following two different directions: NE - SW and WNW - ESE. As far as the last 40 years are concerned, the morphological evolution of the areas under study has been obtained resorting to analyses, even comparative, of aerial photos at different generation; the relationship between rainfall and landslide has been identified in an empirical way through special models

    Wnt Signaling in 3D: Recent Advances in the Applications of Intestinal Organoids

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    Intestinal organoids grown from adult stem cells have emerged as prototype 3D organotypic models for studying tissue renewal and homeostasis. Owing to their strict dependence on Wnt signaling, intestinal organoids offer an unprecedented opportunity to examine Wnt pathway regulation in normal physiology and cancer. We review how alterations in growth factor dependency and organoid morphology can be exploited to identify Wnt signaling mechanisms, characterize mutated pathway components, and predict responses of patient-derived tumors to targeted therapy. We discuss current deficits in the understanding of genotype–phenotype relationships that are to be considered when interpreting mutation-induced changes in organoid morphology

    Maximizing team synergy in AI-related interdisciplinary groups: an interdisciplinary-by-design iterative methodology

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    In this paper, we propose a methodology to maximize the benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation in AI research groups. Firstly, we build the case for the importance of interdisciplinarity in research groups as the best means to tackle the social implications brought about by AI systems, against the backdrop of the EU Commission proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act. As we are an interdisciplinary group, we address the multi-faceted implications of the mass-scale diffusion of AI-driven technologies. The result of our exercise lead us to postulate the necessity of a behavioural theory that standardizes the interaction process of interdisciplinary groups. In light of this, we conduct a review of the existing approaches to interdisciplinary research on AI appliances, leading to the development of methodologies like ethics-by-design and value-sensitive design, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. We then put forth an iterative process theory hinging on a narrative approach consisting of four phases: (i) definition of the hypothesis space, (ii) building-up of a common lexicon, (iii) scenario-building, (iv) interdisciplinary self-assessment. Finally, we identify the most relevant fields of application for such a methodology and discuss possible case studies
