12 research outputs found

    Vodeni kukci Parka prirode Kopački rit (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha i Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophiloidea)

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    Fauna and seasonal dynamics of aquatic insects have been investigated in the wider area of Kopački Rit Nature Park over a period of two years. The investigation, carried out at biological localities, included channels as permanent habitats of water insects. Among 42 species of water insects, 14 belong to the order Heteroptera and 28 to the order Coleoptera. Fluctuation in numbers of water insects during the season has been recorded and the greatest numbers of insects were recorded during August. The most abundant are Plea minutissima and Ilyocoris cimicoides. Situated in the midst of the floodplains, Kopački Rit provides specific ecological living conditions for water insects.Tijekom dvije godine istraživani su fauna i sezonska dinamika vodenih kukaca na širem području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Istraživanje je vršeno na biološkim lokalitetima, a obuhvatilo je i kanale kao stalna staništa vodenih kukaca. Od 42 vrste vodenih kukaca 14 ih pripada redu Heteroptera a 28 redu Coleoptera. Zabilježena je fluktuacija u brojnosti vodenih kukaca tijekom sezone, a najveći broj kukaca je zabilježen tijekom kolovoza. Najbrojnije vrste su Plea minutissima i Ilyocoris cimicoides. S obzirom na svoj položaj usred poplavne ravnice, Kopački rit omogućuje specifične ekološke uvjete potrebne za život vodenih kukaca

    Ose biljarice (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) u biotopima Kopačkog rita

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    During 2003, entomological investigations were carried out into the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Kopački rit Nature Park, supported by the Ministry of Culture, project Insect Research, and by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports project Entomofauna of Kopački rit. At three groups of stations: inundated, forest and open ground (a total of 8 stations) a total of 220 individuals were sampled selectively with a net and with sticky tablets. From this material, 73 species of sawfly were determined. There is a clear differentiation of the inundated area at which the presence of only 15 species was recorded, but with great abundance, 7 species being recorded only in such kind of habitat (they were recorded only in the inundated area). This investigation also demonstrated that the borderline area between forest and meadow was the best habitat for the sawfly. At this kind of station in Tikveš, the presence of 35 species was recorded.Tijekom 2003. obavljena su entomološka istraživanja osa biljarica (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) na području Parka Prirode Kopački rit uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture (projekt Istraživanje kukaca) i Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa (projekt Entomofauna Kopačkog rita). Na tri skupine postaja: poplavnom, šumskom i otvorenom prostoru (ukupno 8 postaja) selektivno mrežicom i ljepljivim pločama uzorkovano je 220 jedinki. Iz tog materijala determinirane su 73 (taksona) vrste osa biljarica. Jasno se razlikuje poplavni prostor na kojemu je zabilježeno prisustvo samo 15 vrsta velike brojnosti, od kojih je 7 vrsta karakteristično za takvo stanište (zabilježene su samo na poplavnom prostoru). I ovim istraživanjem je dokazano da je granično područje šume i livade najbolje stanište za ose biljarice. Na takvoj postaji u Tikvešu zabilježeno je 35 vrsta

    Recently discovered Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in The Netherlands and northern Germany resulted from a new introduction event and from a split from an existing population

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    BACKGROUND: Originally native to East Asia, Aedes japonicus japonicus, a potential vector of several arboviruses, has become one of the most invasive mosquito species in the world. After having established in the USA, it is now spreading in Europe, with new populations emerging. In contrast to the USA, the introduction pathways and modes of dispersal in Europe are largely obscure. METHODS: To find out if two recently detected populations of Ae. j. japonicus in The Netherlands and northern Germany go back to new importations or to movements within Europe, the genetic makeup of mosquito specimens from all known European populations was compared. For this purpose, seven microsatellite loci from a representative number of mosquito specimens were genotyped and part of their mitochondrial nad4 gene sequenced. RESULTS: A novel nad4 haplotype found in the newly discovered Dutch population of Ae. j. japonicus suggests that this population is not closely related to the other European populations but has emanated from a further introduction event. With five nad4 haplotypes, the Dutch population also shows a very high genetic diversity indicating that either the founder population was very large or multiple introductions took place. By contrast, the recently detected North German population could be clearly assigned to one of the two previously determined European Ae. j. japonicus microsatellite genotypes and shows nad4 haplotypes that are known from West Germany. CONCLUSION: As the European populations of Ae. j. japonicus are geographically separated but genetically mixed, their establishment must be attributed to passive transportation. In addition to intercontinental shipment, it can be assumed that human activities are also responsible for medium- and short-distance overland spread. A better understanding of the processes underlying the introduction and spread of this invasive species will help to increase public awareness of the human-mediated displacement of mosquitoes and to find strategies to avoid it

    First record and spreading of the invasive mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in Croatia

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    Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) has recently established across North America and Central Europe. A 3-year survey was conducted in northwestern Croatian regions from 2013 to 2015 using mosquito ovitraps at possible points of entry and house yards, occasionally complemented by larval collections from cemetery vases. In the first year, the survey investigated the county bordering Slovenia, where the first detection of Ae. j. japonicus had taken place on 28 August 2013. During the next 2 years, Ae. j. japonicus was detected in this area from early May until late October. In 2015, several counties further to the east were included in the survey, leading to the detection of Ae. j. japonicus approximately 100 km eastward from the initially surveyed region. Given a moderate continental climate and homogeneous climatic conditions in this part of Europe, the eastward spread of Ae. j. japonicus can be expected to continue