3,551 research outputs found

    Postsynaptic α1-Adrenergic vasoconstriction is impaired in young patients with vasovagal syncope and is corrected by nitric oxide synthase inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: Syncope is a sudden transient loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous recovery; the most common form is vasovagal syncope (VVS). During VVS, gravitational pooling excessively reduces central blood volume and cardiac output. In VVS, as in hemorrhage, impaired adrenergic vasoconstriction and venoconstriction result in hypotension. We hypothesized that impaired adrenergic responsiveness because of excess nitric oxide can be reversed by reducing nitric oxide. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recorded cardiopulmonary dynamics in supine syncope patients and healthy volunteers (aged 15-27 years) challenged with a dose-response using the α1-agonist phenylephrine (PE), with and without the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, monoacetate salt (L-NMMA). Systolic and diastolic pressures among control and VVS were the same, although they increased after L-NMMA and saline+PE (volume and pressor control for L-NMMA). Heart rate was significantly reduced by L-NMMA (P<0.05) for control and VVS compared with baseline, but there was no significant difference in heart rate between L-NMMA and saline+PE. Cardiac output and splanchnic blood flow were reduced by L-NMMA for control and VVS (P<0.05) compared with baseline, while total peripheral resistance increased (P<0.05). PE dose-response for splanchnic flow and resistance were blunted for VVS compared with control after saline+PE, but enhanced after L-NMMA (P<0.001). Postsynaptic α1-adrenergic vasoconstrictive impairment was greatest in the splanchnic vasculature, and splanchnic blood flow was unaffected by PE. Forearm and calf α1-adrenergic vasoconstriction were unimpaired in VVS and unaffected by L-NMMA. CONCLUSIONS: Impaired postsynaptic α1-adrenergic vasoconstriction in young adults with VVS can be corrected by nitric oxide synthase inhibition, demonstrated with our use of L-NMMA

    Influence of spin waves on transport through a quantum-dot spin valve

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    We study the influence of spin waves on transport through a single-level quantum dot weakly coupled to ferromagnetic electrodes with noncollinear magnetizations. Side peaks appear in the differential conductance due to emission and absorption of spin waves. We, furthermore, investigate the nonequilibrium magnon distributions generated in the source and drain lead. In addition, we show how magnon-assisted tunneling can generate a fullly spin-polarized current without an applied transport voltage. We discuss the influence of spin waves on the current noise. Finally, we show how the magnonic contributions to the exchange field can be detected in the finite-frequency Fano factor.Comment: published version, 15 pages, 10 figure


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    Throughout the western United States, natural resources managers are attempting to address the growing, and often competing, demands that municipal, agricultural and environmental interests have for water. The Platte River Cooperative Hydrology Study (COHYST) is a multi-agency effort that seeks to improve understanding of the ecology, geology, and hydrology of the Platte River watershed in central and western Nebraska. Information regarding the types, areal extent, and locations of crops (especially irrigated crops) is critical for estimating consumptive use of water. Digital land-cover and land-use datasets of the central and western Platte River valley have been prepared for four years: 1982, 1997, 2001, and 2005. Mapping was carried out using multidate Landsat satellite imagery in combination with ancillary geospatial data. The mapping was validated using field observations collected independently. Overall accuracy of the maps developed ranged from 74% to 82.7%. All land-cover maps and full documentation are available online at http://www.calmit.unl.edu/cohyst/

    Four Comic One-Act Plays

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    These fast-paced comedies have been collected to be performed together as one entertaining show. All rooted in farce comedy, each explores the frustrating, exasperating, and fun-to-watch situations that happen to people in various social settings. The five short plays are “An Unwilling Martyr,” which presents an overburdened man dealing with ludicrous chores and obligations; “The Anniversary,” which takes a look at frenetic scenes at a bank; “The Wedding,” which depicts a social setting where the mother-of-the-bride causes some awkward but hilarious gaffes; “The Bear,” where a widow unable to pay her rent turns the tables on her landlord; and “The Proposal,” where a suitor winds up in a battle over property. The production will feature Russian music and dancing in a colorful and exciting show set in the social world of the 1890s.https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Universal transport in 2D granular superconductors

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    The transport properties of quench condensed granular superconductors are presented and analyzed. These systems exhibit transitions from insulating to superconducting behavior as a function of inter-grain spacing. Superconductivity is characterized by broad transitions in which the resistance drops exponentially with reducing temperature. The slope of the log R versus T curves turns out to be universaly dependent on the normal state film resistance for all measured granular systems. It does not depend on the material, critical temperature, geometry, or experimental set-up. We discuss possible physical scenarios to explain these findings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Impacts of Invasive Plants on Sandhill Crane (\u3ci\u3eGrus canadensis\u3c/i\u3e) Roosting Habitat

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    Invasive plants continue to spread in riparian ecosystems, causing both ecological and economic damage. This research investigated the impacts of common reed, purple loosestrife, riparian shrubland, and riparian woodlands on the quality and quantity of sandhill crane roosting habitat in the central Platte River, Nebraska, using a discrete choice model. A more detailed investigation of the impacts of common reed on sandhill crane roosting habitat was performed by forecasting a spread or contraction of this invasive plant. The discrete choice model indicates that riparian woodlands had the largest negative impact on sandhill crane roosting habitat. The forecasting results predict that a contraction of common reed could increase sandhill crane habitat availability by 50%, whereas an expansion could reduce the availability by as much as 250%. This suggests that if the distribution of common reed continues to expand in the central Platte River the availability of sandhill crane roosting habitat would likely be greatly reduced

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Sandhill Crane Habitat Management

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    Invasive species often threaten native wildlife populations and strain the budgets of agencies charged with wildlife management. We demonstrate the potential of cost-effectiveness analysis to improve the efficiency and value of efforts to enhance sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) roosting habitat. We focus on the central Platte River in Nebraska (USA), a region of international ecological importance for migrating avian species including sandhill cranes. Cost-effectiveness analysis is a valuation process designed to compare alternative actions based on the cost of achieving a pre-determined objective. We estimated costs for removal of invasive vegetation using geographic information system simulations and calculated benefits as the increase in area of sandhill crane roosting habitat. We generated cost effectiveness values for removing invasive vegetation on 7 land parcels and for the entire central Platte River to compare the cost-effectiveness of management at specific sites and for the central Platte River landscape. Median cost effectiveness values for the 7 land parcels evaluated suggest that costs for creating 1 additional hectare of sandhill crane roosting habitat totaled US 1,595.Bycontrast,wefoundthatcreatinganadditionalhectareofsandhillcraneroostinghabitatcouldcostasmuchasUS1,595. By contrast, we found that creating an additional hectare of sandhill crane roosting habitat could cost asmuch as US 12,010 for some areas in the central Platte River, indicating substantial cost savings can be achieved by using a cost effectiveness analysis to target specific land parcels for management. Cost-effectiveness analysis, used in conjunction with geographic information systems, can provide decisionmakers with a new tool for identifying the most economically efficient allocation of resources to achieve habitat management goals

    Silent Sky

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    Henrietta Leavitt is excited to land a job at the prestigious Harvard Observatory in the early 1900s. Once on the job, she soon realizes she was not hired to be an astronomer, but to serve with a group of female “computers” who merely chart the stars for a man who thinks women are not worthy to be astronomers. Henrietta persists in making her mark within the astronomical society, but finds as she measures the light and distance of stars that she must also take measure of her life on Earth. As a result, she has to choose between her dedication to science, her family, or the possibility of love. Based on the true story of 19th-century astronomer Henrietta Leavitt, the play explores a woman’s place in society during a time of immense scientific discoveries, when women’s ideas were dismissed and credited to men in the field. Leavitt’s story changes the way we see and understand both the glory of the heavens and our purpose on the Earth.https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/1049/thumbnail.jp

    The Comedy of Errors

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    This earliest of Shakespeare’s comedies is set in the ancient Greek town of Ephesus, where two sets of brothers had been separated in infancy during a tragic shipwreck long ago. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant Dromio arrive in town, not knowing that it is the home of Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio. Ephesian law forbids anyone from Syracuse to come into the town, and if caught doing so, will be put to death unless able to pay an enormous ransom. Egeon, father of the Antipholus twins, convinces the ruler of Ephesus to give him one day to find his long lost son. He is granted the time, and comic misadventures unfold as themes of mistaken identity, romantic disasters, false accusations and confusion take place. The befuddlement of the characters is even more fun for the audience to watch since we can tell the twins apart, but the characters cannot!https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/1044/thumbnail.jp
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