864 research outputs found

    Equivalent and Alternative Forms for BF Gravity with Immirzi Parameter

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    A detailed analysis of the BF formulation for general relativity given by Capovilla, Montesinos, Prieto, and Rojas is performed. The action principle of this formulation is written in an equivalent form by doing a transformation of the fields of which the action depends functionally on. The transformed action principle involves two BF terms and the two Lorentz invariants that appear in the original action principle generically. As an application of this formalism, the action principle used by Engle, Pereira, and Rovelli in their spin foam model for gravity is recovered and the coupling of the cosmological constant in such a formulation is obtained

    Gauge invariance of complex general relativity

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    In this paper it is implemented how to make compatible the boundary conditions and the gauge fixing conditions for complex general relativity written in terms of Ashtekar variables using the Henneaux-Teitelboim-Vergara approach. Moreover, it is found that at first order in the gauge parameters, the Hamiltonian action is (on shell) fully gauge-invariant under the gauge symmetry generated by the first class constraints in the case when spacetime M\cal M has the topology M=R×Σ{\cal M}= R \times \Sigma and Σ\Sigma has no boundary. Thus, the statement that the constraints linear in the momenta do not contribute to the boundary terms is right, but only in the case when Σ\Sigma has no boundary.Comment: 9 pages, Latex file, no figures. To be published in Gen. Rel. Gra