47 research outputs found

    Spatially differentiated modeling and evaluation of soil water conditions in forest sites of low mountain ranges

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    The forest hydrological model BROOK 90 was integrated into a GIS framework to calculate and evaluate soil water conditions in forest sites based on climate, topography, soil, and tree species. Model results are visualized in a novel forest site map using indicators for soil drought, soil water excess, and transpiration constraints. Based on knowledge of the number of days in which thresholds of these indicators were exceeded, an evaluation framework for soil water conditions was developed. The model was tested at the Tharandt Forest for an area with varying soil conditions and different tree species. Results can be used to derive and test new forest management strategies. For instance, recommendations for achieving optimum growth based on tree species or stand structure choices can be derived. Further research should focus on relating soil water indices with growth indices.Auf der Basis des forsthydrologischen Modells BROOK 90 wurde ein Modellsystem zur Berechnung und Beurteilung des Standortswasserhaushaltes in Abhängigkeit von Klima, Relief, Boden und Bestockung entwickelt. Implementierte Indikatoren zur Ausschöpfung des Bodenwasservorrates, der Einschränkung der Transpiration und des Auftretens von Staunässe erlauben eine Visualisierung der Modellergebnisse in Form neuartiger Standortskarten. Basierend auf der Kenntnis der Unterschreitungshäufigkeiten von Schwellenwerten dieser Indikatoren wurde ein fünfstufiger Bewertungsrahmen für den Wasserhaushalt aufgestellt. Das Modell wurde im Tharandter Wald für ein Gebiet mit variierenden Böden und unterschiedlicher Bestockung (Buche, Eiche, Fichte und Kiefer) getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Vorgehensweise eine differenzierte Informationsgrundlage für die forstliche Planung liefert. Beispielsweise können Entscheidungen zu Baumartenwahl und Bestandesstruktur abgeleitet werden. Forschungsbedarf besteht vor allem in der Verknüpfung der im Modell implementierten Indikatoren des Wasserhaushaltes mit Wachstumsparametern und physiologisch definierten Schwellenwerten

    Micrometeorological, plant-ecological, and soil-hydrological measurements in stands of spruce and beech in the Tharandt forest

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    This paper addresses micrometeorological, plant-ecological, and soil-hydrological measurements in stands of spruce and beech as a means to understand the processes. The long-term flux site Anchor Station Tharandt (dominated by 120-year-old spruce) shows the high dynamics of land surface- atmosphere interactions as well as the climatologically relevant effects on turbulent energy flux partitioning, carbon sequestration, and evapotranspiration (ET). Climate, phenology, and fluxes support the idea of dividing the year into an ‘active phase’ (April–September) and a ‘dormant phase’ (October–March); carbon sequestration, available energy (net radiation), and sensible heat flux are almost negligible in the dormant season. Only ET shows a significant contribution to the annual budget (25 % of the active phase) from interception (evaporation from wetted needles) driven by sensible heat flux from the atmosphere. The interannual variation of the fluxes is generally small (e. g., 500 to 650 gC m-2 yr-1 of C uptake) even for the severe drought year of 2003 (400 gC m-2) or with thinning in 2002. Compared to the beech site, the spruce site – at least in the active season – experienced similar rates of ET but smaller rates of C uptake. Canopy drip was 55 % of precipitation at the spruce site. Canopy drip (40 %) and stem flow (25 %) added up to 65 % of canopy precipitation at the beech site. This difference likely explains the generally higher soil moisture at the beech site. As a consequence of this study, models with sufficient complexity are recommended to represent the structural differences of different forest types including their phenophases. For a better representation of forests, e. g., in climate models, land surface–atmosphere interactions must be included.Diese Arbeit benutzt mikrometeorologische, pflanzenökologische und bodenhydrologische Messungen als Mittel zum Prozessverständnis. Der langfristige Flussmessstandort Ankerstation Tharandter Wald (von 120 jährigen Fichten dominiert) zeigt die große Dynamik der Landoberflächen-Atmosphären-Wechselwirkungen wie auch ihre Klimaeffekte auf die Verteilung der turbulenten Wärmeströme, die Kohlenstoffsequestrierung und die Evapotranspiration (ET). Klimawerte, Phänologie und Flüsse unterstützen die Einteilung des Jahres in eine ‚aktive Phase’ (April–September) und eine ‚Ruhephase’ (Oktober– März): Kohlenstoffsequestrierung, zur Verfügung stehende Energie (Strahlungsbilanz) und fühlbarer Wärmestrom sind in der Ruhephase praktisch vernachlässigbar. Nur ET zeigt einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Jahresbilanz (25 % der aktiven Phase) aus der Interzeption (Evaporation von benetzten Nadeln), die vom fühlbaren Wärmestrom aus der Atmosphäre angetrieben wird. Die zwischenjährliche Variation der Flüsse ist im Allgemeinen klein (z. B. 500–650 gC m-2 yr -1) C-Aufnahme), selbst mit dem starken Dürrejahr 2003 (400 gC m-2) oder dem Effekt der Durchforstung 2002. Verglichen mit der Buche erreicht die Fichte – zumindest in der aktiven Periode – ähnliche Werte von ET aber niedrigere bei der C-Aufnahme. Die Kronentraufe beträgt bei der Fichte nur ca. 55 % des Niederschlages, bei der Buche summieren sich ca. 40 % Kronentraufe und knapp 25 % Stammabfluss zu etwa 65 % Bestandesniederschlag. Dieser Unterschied erklärt möglicherweise die im Allgemeinen höhere Bodenfeuchte am Buchenstandort. Als Resultat aus dieser Arbeit werden Modelle mit ausreichender Komplexität empfohlen, welche Bestandesstruktur und Phänophasen berücksichtigen. Das ist eine Voraussetzung für eine bessere Berücksichtigung von Wäldern mit ihren Landoberflächen- Atmosphären-Wechselwirkungen, z. B. in Klimamodellen

    Evaluation of radio-immunotherapy sequence on immunological responses and clinical outcomes in patients with melanoma brain metastases (ELEKTRA)

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    In patients with melanoma brain metastases (MBM), a combination of radiotherapy (RT) with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) is routinely used. However, the best sequence of radio-immunotherapy (RIT) remains unclear. In an exploratory phase 2 trial, MBM patients received RT (stereotactic or whole-brain radiotherapy depending on the number of MBM) combined with ipilimumab (ipi) ± nivolumab (nivo) in different sequencing (Rad-ICI or ICI-Rad). Comparators arms included patients treated with ipi-free systemic treatment or without RT (in MBM-free patients). The primary endpoints were radiological and immunological responses in the peripheral blood. Secondary endpoints were progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Of 106 screened, 92 patients were included in the study. Multivariate analysis revealed an advantage for patients starting with RT (Rad-ICI) for overall response rate (RR: p = .007; HR: 7.88 (95%CI: 1.76-35.27)) and disease control rate (DCR: p = .036; HR: 6.26 (95%CI: 1.13-34.71)) with a trend for a better PFS (p = .162; HR: 1.64 (95%CI: 0.8-3.3)). After RT plus two cycles of ipi-based ICI in both RIT sequences, increased frequencies of activated CD4, CD8 T cells and an increase in melanoma-specific T cell responses were observed in the peripheral blood. Lasso regression analysis revealed a significant clinical benefit for patients treated with Rad-ICI sequence and immunological features, including high frequencies of memory T cells and activated CD8 T cells in the blood. This study supports increasing evidence that sequencing RT followed by ICI treatment may have better effects on the immunological responses and clinical outcomes in MBM patients

    Mass spectrimetric identification of bacteria by Vitek MS Routine lab System (IVD)

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    Untersucht wurde die Performance des Vitek MS-Systems anhand eines Keimspektrums von 1357 Isolaten im Zeitraum von Oktober 2011 bis April 2014. Das untersuchte Kollektiv bestand aus Isolaten der mikrobiologischen Routinediagnostik (n=1173), aus Stammsammlungen des Nationalen Referenzzentrum für Meningokokken und Haemophilus influenzae (n=128), sowie offizieller Stammsammlungen wie ATCC, DSMZ, LSM und anderen (n=56). Die Ergebnisse wurden entweder mit einer bereits vorhandenen Stammbezeichnung oder durch eine bzw. Kombinationen mehrerer molekularbiologischer (PCR der Teilabschnitte von Haushaltsgenen: 16S-rRNA-Untereinheit, sodA, recA) oder biochemischen Differenzierungsmethoden (Vitek 2, API-Systeme) verglichen. Mangels Referenzergebnisses wurden 25 Isolate (etwa 1,8%) aus der weiteren Betrachtung ausgeschlossen. Die verbliebenen 1332 Isolate wurden in 28 Bakterienordnungen, 109 Genera und 269 Spezies unterteilt. Auf Speziesebene konnten 1180 (etwa 88,6%) zum Vergleich herangezogen werden, da durch die Referenzmethoden nicht immer eine zuverlässige Speziesdifferenzierung gelang. Diese Referenzergebnisse wurden mit den Ergebnissen des Vitek MS-Systems verglichen. Eine Übereinstimmung zeigte sich auf Genusebene bei 86% (1157 von 1332 Isolaten) und auf Speziesebene bei 80% (944 von 1180 speziesdifferenzierten Keimen) der ausgewählten Stämme. Im Vergleich der Korrelationen der Vitek MS-Identifikationen und den Referenzergebnissen zeigte sich eine durchgehend gute Korrelation innerhalb der unterteilten Bakterienordnungen. Davon abweichend war die Speziesdifferenzierung von Keimen der Ordnung Enterobacteriales. Die beste Korrelation erreichte die Ordnung Clostridiales. Stämme ohne entsprechendes, dokumentiertes Korrelat in der Vitek MS-Datenbank (n=62) wurden ebenfalls in die Betrachtung mit eingeschlossen. Bei 31 Isolaten konnte kein Ergebnis ermittelt werden, 21 wurden massenspektrometrisch dem gleichen Genus zugeordnet, 10 Genusdifferenzierungen wichen ab. 315 Stämme wurden sowohl im Standardverfahren durch Konjugation von 1µl Ready-to-use Matrix als auch mit einem zweistufigen Säureextraktions- und Matrixkonjugationsverfahren gemessen und mit der solitären Konjugation der doppelten Matrixmenge verglichen. Die Abweichungen auf Genus- wie Speziesebene zwischen dem angewandten Standardprotokoll und den beiden anderen Verfahren waren deutlich signifikant. Im Vergleich der zweifachen Matrixmenge und dem zweistufigen Verfahren zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse scheint jedoch die Säureextraktion Gram-positiver Kokken in der Genusdifferenzierung von Vorteil zu sein, sie erreichte jedoch kein ausreichendes Signifikanzniveau. Die Daten sprechen eher dafür, eine Optimierung des Probe-Matrix-Verhältnisses anzustreben, zum Beispiel im Rahmen eines ausgedehnten Anwendertrainings.Mass spectrimetric identification of bacteria by Vitek MS Routine lab System (IVD

    Targeted Therapy in Advanced Melanoma With Rare BRAF Mutations

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    PURPOSE: BRAF/MEK inhibition is a standard of care for patients with BRAF V600E/K-mutated metastatic melanoma. For patients with less frequent BRAF mutations, however, efficacy data are limited. METHODS: In the current study, 103 patients with metastatic melanoma with rare, activating non-V600E/K BRAF mutations that were treated with either a BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi), MEK inhibitor (MEKi), or the combination were included. BRAF mutation, patient and disease characteristics, response, and survival data were analyzed. RESULTS: Fifty-eight patient tumors (56%) harbored a non-E/K V600 mutation, 38 (37%) a non-V600 mutation, and seven had both V600E and a rare BRAF mutation (7%). The most frequent mutations were V600R (43%; 44 of 103), L597P/Q/R/S (15%; 15 of 103), and K601E (11%; 11 of 103). Most patients had stage IV disease and 42% had elevated lactate dehydrogenase at BRAFi/MEKi initiation. Most patients received combined BRAFi/MEKi (58%) or BRAFi monotherapy (37%). Of the 58 patients with V600 mutations, overall response rate to BRAFi monotherapy and combination BRAFi/MEKi was 27% (six of 22) and 56% (20 of 36), respectively, whereas median progression-free survival (PFS) was 3.7 months and 8.0 months, respectively (P = .002). Of the 38 patients with non-V600 mutations, overall response rate was 0% (zero of 15) to BRAFi, 40% (two of five) to MEKi, and 28% (five of 18) to combination treatment, with a median PFS of 1.8 months versus 3.7 months versus 3.3 months, respectively. Multivariable analyses revealed superior survival (PFS and overall survival) with combination over monotherapy in rare V600 and non-V600 mutated melanoma. CONCLUSION: Patients with rare BRAF mutations can respond to targeted therapy, however, efficacy seems to be lower compared with V600E mutated melanoma. Combination BRAFi/MEKi seems to be the best regimen for both V600 and non-V600 mutations. Yet interpretation should be done with care because of the heterogeneity of patients with small sample sizes for some of the reported mutations

    Targeted Therapy in Advanced Melanoma With Rare BRAF Mutations

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    PURPOSE BRAF/MEK inhibition is a standard of care for patients with BRAF V600E/K-mutated metastatic melanoma. For patients with less frequent BRAF mutations, however, efficacy data are limited. METHODS In the current study, 103 patients with metastatic melanoma with rare, activating non-V600E/K BRAF mutations that were treated with either a BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi), MEK inhibitor (MEKi), or the combination were included. BRAF mutation, patient and disease characteristics, response, and survival data were analyzed. RESULTS Fifty-eight patient tumors (56%) harbored a non-E/K V600 mutation, 38 (37%) a non-V600 mutation, and seven had both V600E and a rare BRAF mutation (7%). The most frequent mutations were V600R (43%; 44 of 103), L597P/Q/R/S (15%; 15 of 103), and K601E (11%; 11 of 103). Most patients had stage IV disease and 42% had elevated lactate dehydrogenase at BRAFi/MEKi initiation. Most patients received combined BRAFi/ MEKi (58%) or BRAFi monotherapy (37%). Of the 58 patients with V600 mutations, overall response rate to BRAFi monotherapy and combination BRAFi/MEKi was 27% (six of 22) and 56% (20 of 36), respectively, whereas median progression-free survival (PFS) was 3.7 months and 8.0 months, respectively (P = .002). Of the 38 patients with non-V600 mutations, overall response rate was 0% (zero of 15) to BRAFi, 40% (two of five) to MEKi, and 28% (five of 18) to combination treatment, with a median PFS of 1.8 months versus 3.7 months versus 3.3 months, respectively. Multivariable analyses revealed superior survival (PFS and overall survival) with combination over monotherapy in rare V600 and non-V600 mutated melanoma. CONCLUSION Patients with rare BRAF mutations can respond to targeted therapy, however, efficacy seems to be lower compared with V600E mutated melanoma. Combination BRAFi/MEKi seems to be the best regimen for both V600 and non-V600 mutations. Yet interpretation should be done with care because of the heterogeneity of patients with small sample sizes for some of the reported mutations. (C) 2019 by American Society of Clinical Oncolog

    Impacts of droughts and extreme-temperature events on gross primary production and ecosystem respiration: a systematic assessment across ecosystems and climate zones

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    Extreme climatic events, such as droughts and heat stress, induce anomalies in ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 fluxes, such as gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R-eco), and, hence, can change the net ecosystem carbon balance. However, despite our increasing understanding of the underlying mechanisms, the magnitudes of the impacts of different types of extremes on GPP and Reco within and between ecosystems remain poorly predicted. Here we aim to identify the major factors controlling the amplitude of extreme-event impacts on GPP, Reco, and the resulting net ecosystem production (NEP). We focus on the impacts of heat and drought and their combination. We identified hydrometeorological extreme events in consistently downscaled water availability and temperature measurements over a 30-year time period. We then used FLUXNET eddy covariance flux measurements to estimate the CO2 flux anomalies during these extreme events across dominant vegetation types and climate zones. Overall, our results indicate that short-term heat extremes increased respiration more strongly than they downregulated GPP, resulting in a moderate reduction in the ecosystem\u27s carbon sink potential. In the absence of heat stress, droughts tended to have smaller and similarly dampening effects on both GPP and Reco and, hence, often resulted in neutral NEP responses. The combination of drought and heat typically led to a strong decrease in GPP, whereas heat and drought impacts on respiration partially offset each other. Taken together, compound heat and drought events led to the strongest C sink reduction compared to any single-factor extreme. A key insight of this paper, however, is that duration matters most: for heat stress during droughts, the magnitude of impacts systematically increased with duration, whereas under heat stress without drought, the response of Reco over time turned from an initial increase to a downregulation after about 2 weeks. This confirms earlier theories that not only the magnitude but also the duration of an extreme event determines its impact. Our study corroborates the results of several local site-level case studies but as a novelty generalizes these findings on the global scale. Specifically, we find that the different response functions of the two antipodal land-atmosphere fluxes GPP and Reco can also result in increasing NEP during certain extreme conditions. Apparently counterintuitive findings of this kind bear great potential for scrutinizing the mechanisms implemented in state-of-the-art terrestrial biosphere models and provide a benchmark for future model development and testing