5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of patients’ perception of safety in an italian hospital using the pmos-30 questionnaire

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    Background: In our study, an Italian version of the PMOS-30 questionnaire was used to evaluate its feasibility and to improve health care quality in an Italian hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 435 inpatients at a hospital in the Campania Region of Southern Italy using the PMOS-30 questionnaire and two other questions to assess patient feedback about the overall perception of safety. Results: The item “I was always treated with dignity and respect” showed the greatest percentage of agreement (agree/strongly agree = 89.2%; mean = 4.24). The least agreement was associated with the four “Staff Roles and Responsibilities” items (agree/strongly agree ranged from 31.5 to 40.0%; weighted mean = 2.84). All other 25 items had over 55.0% agree-ment, with 19 items over 70%. Moreover, 94.5% of the patients considered the safety of the ward sufficient/good/very good, and 92.8% did not notice situations that could cause harm to patients. Conclusion: Patient perception of safety was found to be satisfactory. The results were presented to the hospital decision makers for suggesting appropriate interventions. Our experience showed that the use of the PMOS-30 questionnaire may improve safety and health care quality in hospital settings through patient feedback

    Gli abusi farmacologici, alimentari, da alcool, fumo e droga dei lavoratori giovani. Metodologia di svolgimento di un’indagine conoscitiva per lo sviluppo di modelli preventivi specifici per le diverse categorie professionali: il Progetto Valentino.

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    Current epidemiological data suggest that the number of preventive interventions aimed at controlling alcohol, drug, food abuse and smoking achieved only partial success, especially in young individuals. In order to improve preventive action efficacy, the literature suggests the adoption of contents and communication instruments specifically targeted to different groups of individuals. The Valentino Project is a comprehensive survey on the characteristics of abuse of a representative sample of 3000 young workers (aged 18-35 years)from the Abruzzo Region of Italy. This paper describes its main methodological issues and the complete version of the questionnaire HW-80 (Healthy-Worker 80), that will be administered. HW-80 questionnaire includes 80 items on demographic characteristics, self-reported health, job-related stress, work organization, pattern of abuse, physical activity and others, and several of these items have been taken or derived from repeatedly validated questionnaires (SF-12, CAGE, Job-Strain, Effort-Reward, EU-DAP, etc.). The aims of the Valentino Project are to quantify the prevalence of obesity, alcohol use, smoking and drug addiction in diverse typologies of workers, and to describe their pattern of use. The ultimate purpose is to provide the necessary knowledge for the development of preventive strategies targeted to different professions, in order to maximize their efficacy

    Analisi disease staging della tempestività e dell'appropriatezza dei ricoveri ospedalieri nella Regione Abruzzo dal 2001 al 2005.

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    Disease staging analysis of the timeliness and appropriateness of hospital admissions: no relevant improvements in the Abruzzo Region of Italy from 2001 to 2005

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    The study was aimed at evaluating whether the degree of hospital admission inappropriateness and timeliness was improved in the Abruzzo Region of Italy between the year 2001 and 2005. All hospital admissions for the year 2001 (n = 286,924) and 2005 (n = 280,761) in the Region were analysed (SDO discharge data), and three diseases were in-depth reviewed: diabetes mellitus; cholecystitis/cholelithiasis; and bacterial pneumonia. Using Disease Staging methodology, the timeliness of hospitalisation was assessed by grouping admissions in three categories: premature or medically unnecessary, timely, and late. Overall, the rate of medically unnecessary admissions for diabetes mellitus was 72.3% in 2001 and 73.4% in 2005. The percentage of late hospitalizations for the same disease was still 20.2% in 2005, when the rate of late admissions for cholelithiasis/cholecystitis was 53.3% (+10.5% compared to 2001);for bacterial pneumonia 14.5%. The rate of early admissions did not improve for any disease, and any of the six local health units in Abruzzo showed an improvement in all the measures evaluated. In the period 2001 and 2005, in the Abruzzo Region there is no evidence of an improvement in the rates of inappropriate hospital admission, both early and late, which are still excessively high for all diseases examined excepted bacterial pneumonia. Interventions to address this issue are strongly needed