79 research outputs found

    Dependences of thermoelectric properties on the thickness of thin films of indium doped lead telluride

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    Dependences of thermoelectric properties (the Seebeck coefficient S, the electric conductivity σ, the Hall coefficient RH, the carrier mobilityμ and the thermoelectric power P = S²·σ) on the thickness d (d = 10 – 255 nm) of thin films prepared by vacuum evaporation of indiumdoped PbTe crystals and subsequent condensation on (111) BaF₂ substrates were obtained. With decreasing thickness of films to d ≈ 40 nm, there is n- to p-type inversion of conduction which is related to a change in thermodynamic equilibrium conditions and partial reevaporation of lead and/or indium atoms. Extremes were found on the thickness dependences of properties at d₁ ≈ 20 nm which is indicative of hole gas quantization. In the range of thicknesses with n-type conduction there is a smooth change in thermoelectric properties with thickness which testifies to manifestation of classical size effect and is sufficiently well described in the framework of the Fuchs-Sondheimer theory

    Size effects in chlorine doped PbSe thin films

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    The possibility of obtaining strongly degenerate (≈ 3·10²⁰ сm⁻³) PbSe thin films (d = 5 – 220 nm) with n-type conductivity by thermal evaporation in vacuum of PbSe crystals doped with PbCl₂, with subsequent condensation onto (001) KCl substrates was established. It was shown that the films had high homogeneity degree, no grain structure was observed. The thickness dependences of thermoelectric properties (the Seebeck coefficient S, the Hall coefficient RH and the electric conductivity σ) of thin films were obtained. In the thickness range d ≈ 5 ÷ 30 nm, oscillation properties were observed with growth of d that are attributable to electron gas quantization. The calculation of S(d) dependence on the assumption of size quantization with regard to contribution of several subbands and the thickness dependence of the Fermi energy was shown to be in agreement with the experimental data. In the region of d > 30 nm there was growth of S and σ with thickness, which is attributable to manifestation of classical size effect and interpreted in the framework of Fuchs-Sondheimer and Mayer theories


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    The purpose of a research was the study of the frequency of arthralgia, prevalence of the diseases of osteomuscular system, and fractures among the persons from 14 to 24 years in Irkutsk. The frequency of arthralgia composed. 22,4 %. The prevalence of the diseases of osteomuscular system composed. 36561 to 100000. Fractures occurred in 23,8 % people at the age of up to 24 years

    The role of timely rheumatoid arthritis treatment effectiveness control

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    Background. Regular assessment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) activity is a key factor in therapy effectiveness improving. Aim. To prove that timely RA treatment control recommended by modern guidelines improves outcomes and reduce disability in real clinical practice. Materials and methods. Fourty patients with RA hospitalized at the University Clinical Hospital from January 2021 to January 2023 were included into a retrospective single-center study and divided into 2 groups. In the first group, RA activity was monitored after 3, 6, and 12 months, with therapy adjusted if necessary. In the second group, monitoring of RA activity was carried out after 12 months. The patients underwent clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations (Tender Joint Count (TJC) and Swollen Joint Count (SJC), common blood test with differential white blood cell count, ESR, biochemical blood test, CRP, RF, ACCP, hands, feet and chest X-ray, ECG). RA activity was assessed using DAS28, CDAI, SDAI indices in both groups. Results. RA activity control after 12 months in patients of the first group regularly observed by a rheumatologist was better than in patients of the second group, who visited rheumatologist again only in 12 months. DAS28 decreased significantly, from 4.71±0.80 to 3.08±0.70 in the group with regular monitoring during the observation period. Remission or low activity was achieved by 75% of patients (5% remission and 70% low activity). Less dynamics was registered in patients of the second group: the initial DAS28 was 4.50±0.74, DAS28 after 12 months was 4.36±0.64, which corresponds to moderate activity. Low activity was achieved in 15% of patients, remission was not achieved in any patient. Conclusion. Strict adherence to the recommended terms for disease activity monitoring is necessary for successful RA treatment in real clinical practice


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    Goal of the study: to improve treatment results of nosocomial pneumonia being the complication of severe acute exogenous poisoning through endoscopic peribronchial administration of anti-bacterial agents.Materials and methods. The analysis included data and treatment results in two groups of patients (71 patients) staying in the emergency care department and suffering from hospital pneumonia as a complication of severe acute exogenous poisoning. Treatment of patients in the compared groups was performed as per the same regimen, anti-bacterial medications were prescribed with the consideration of the drug susceptibility of the causative agents. The difference was the use of the endoscopic peribronchial administration of antibiotics in the main group (41 patients), this technique was not used in the comparison group.Results. Endoscopic peribronchial administration of amikacin to which the isolated causative agent was susceptible, allowed reducing the mortality down to 12/41, 29.0% compared to the group where this method was not used – 13/30, 43.3% (p < 0,05)

    Occlusion abnormality and flat foot deformity: synergy in orthodontics and orthopaedics

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    The article examines the interrelation between malocclusion and foot deformities in adult patients. Revealing of this interrelation is necessary as it is not sufficiently reviewed in the available sources. However it is essential in prophylaxis, treatment and effective rehabilitation of orthodontic diseases. The group of grown up patient was researched: foot deformities were diagnosed via computer scanning, malocclusions were determined while clinical examination. During the study we came to a conclusion that there is an interconnection of distal occlusion and transverse flat foot, of mesial occlusion and longitudinal flat foot. We consider that comprehending of this interrelation is important in complex rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal disorders.в статье рассмотрена взаимосвязь патологий прикуса и деформаций стопы у взрослых пациентов. Необходимость выявления данной связи в том, что она недостаточно освещена в доступной литературе, однако необходима для профилактики, лечения и эффективной реабилитации пациентов с ортодонтической патологией. Проведено исследование группы взрослых людей: деформации стоп диагностировали при помощи компьютерного сканирования, патология прикуса определялась при клиническом осмотре. В ходе исследования сделан вывод о наличии взаимосвязи дистального прикуса с поперечным плоскостопием, а мезиального – с продольным. Понимание данной связи считаем важным для комплексной реабилитации людей с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата

    Влияние ранней диагностики травматических повреждений на развитие легочных осложнений у пострадавших с сочетанной травмой

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    Despite the existing progress in providing care to patients with severe multisystem chest injury using advanced diagnostic methods, a high mortality rate still reaches 20–30%.Aim of study. To assess the impact of early diagnosis and correction of chest injuries on the development of complications in patients with multisystem trauma.Material and methods. The results of diagnosis and treatment of 89 patients with severe multisystem closed chest injury were studied. According to the time of admission to the Institute, the patients were divided into two groups: Group I, who were admitted to the Institute within the first hours after the injury (51 patients), and Group II, who were transferred from other medical institutions on the 3rd–7th day (38). CT was performed as a standard method of diagnosis and monitoring the dynamics of the process. With the development of purulent-inflammatory pulmonary complications, the bacteriological test of bronchoalveolar lavage was performed. Treatment included complex intensive therapy, drainage of the pleural cavity and emergency surgical interventions, if necessary.Results. In Group I, lung contusion occurred in 43 (84%) patients, and after 7-10 days, the contusion foci partially regressed in 20 (46.5%) patients. In 8 (16%) patients with lung rupture, infiltrative changes in the lung were resolved on the 18th-30th day, while 4 (50%) of them had pneumonia outside the contusion zones. In Group II, patients were put on a ventilator and inflammatory changes in the lungs were revealed in 30 patients (79%). Lung rupture associated with the contusion was revealed in 2 (5.2%). When comparing the groups by the composition of the isolated microflora, it was found that in patients of group II, Acinetobacter spp was more often found (46.7% vs. 17.1% in group I patients, p=0.021) and Enterococcus spp. (30.0% and 8.6%, respectively, p=0.058), as well as Klebsiella pneumoniae (46.7% and 37.1%, p=0.6). At the same time, Staphylococcus aureus was not found in these patients, while it was detected in 14.3% of patients from Group I (p=0.09). Medical care in Group I was carried out according to the principles of the “golden hour”: within the first hour from the moment of admission to the patients with the presence of pneumothorax and hemothorax, the pleural cavity was drained. In Group II, this procedure was performed in other medical institutions and in 5 additional patients at the Institute.Conclusions. Early computed tomography diagnosis of multisystem trauma makes it possible to assess the severity of injuries to the chest organs and other areas of the body and determine the treatment tactics. A comprehensive approach to the management of patients, including early diagnosis of trauma, drainage of the pleural cavity, determination of management tactics, bacterial test of the lower respiratory tract discharge, helps reduce infectious complications by an average of 45.46%. Актуальность. Несмотря на имеющийся прогресс в оказании помощи пострадавшим с тяжелой сочетанной травмой с использованием передовых методов диагностики, сохраняется высокий уровень летальности, достигающий 20–30%.Цель исследования. Оценить влияние ранней диагностики и коррекции повреждений груди на развитие осложнений у пострадавших с сочетанной травмой.Материал и методы. Изучены результаты диагностики и лечения 89 пострадавших с тяжелой сочетанной травмой. В соответствии со временем поступления в институт пациенты разделены на две группы: I группа — поступили в институт в первые 3 часа после травмы (51 больной), II — переведены из других лечебных учреждений на 3-и–7-е сутки (38). Компьютерную томографию выполняли как стандартный метод диагностики и контроля за динамикой процесса. При развитии гнойно-воспалительных легочных осложнений проводили бактериологическое исследование бронхоальвеолярного лаважа. Лечебные мероприятия включали в себя комплексную интенсивную терапию, дренирование плевральной полости и при необходимости проведение неотложных хирургических вмешательств.Результаты. В I группе ушиб легких был у 43 пациентов (84%), через 7–10 дней очаги ушиба частично регрессировали у 20 пострадавших (46,5%). При разрыве легкого у 8 (16%) инфильтративные изменения легкого разрешались на 18–30-е сутки, при этом у 4 (50%) из них было присоединение пневмонии вне зон контузии. Во II группе пострадавшие поступали на искусственной вентиляции легких, и воспалительные изменения в легких были у 30 больных (79%). Разрыв легкого на фоне ушиба был у 2 (5,2%). При сравнении групп по составу выделенной микрофлоры обнаружено, что у пациентов II группы чаще выделяли Acinetobacter spp. (46,7% против 17,1% у пациентов I группы, p=0,021) и Enterococcus spp. (30,0% и 8,6% соответственно, p=0,058), а также Klebsiella pneumoniae (46,7% и 37,1%, p=0,6). При этом Staphylococcus aureus у данных пациентов не встречался, тогда как его обнаруживали у 14,3% больных из I группы (p=0,09). Медицинскую помощь в I группе осуществляли по принципам «золотого часа»: в течение первого часа от момента поступления пострадавшим с наличием пневмо- и гемоторакса выполняли дренирование плевральной полости. Во II группе этот прием проводили в других лечебных учреждениях и у 5 пострадавших дополнительно в институте.Выводы. Ранняя компьютерно-томографическая диагностика сочетанной травмы дает возможность оценить тяжесть повреждений органов груди, других областей тела и определить тактику лечения. Комплексный подход к ведению пострадавших, включающий раннюю диагностику травмы, дренирование плевральной полости, определение тактики ведения, бактериальную оценку отделяемого нижних дыхательных путей, способствует снижению инфекционных осложнений в среднем на 45,46%.

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Aetiology and Mechanisms of Development. A Literature Review

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    Liver cancer remains a global challenge of healthcare, with the incidence growing worldwide. According to various authors, over 1 million patients will be diagnosed with liver cancer each year by 2025. The molecular pathogenesis of HCC varies with respect to genotoxic lesions and aetiologies. Although our understanding of the HCC pathophysiology and drivers tends to improve, it is still distant from translation into clinical practice. About 25 % of HCC cases are associated with variant mutations. HCC pathophysiology is a complex multi-step process. The interaction of various factors underlies the early stages of malignant hepatocyte transformation towards the development of HCC. Overall, about 20–25 % of HCC patients have at least one potential driver mutation. Obesity should also be noted as being associated with a higher risk of HCC and various other cancers. Despite many issues in the HCC pathogenesis being already known, the unresolved questions remain. Modern molecular genetic diagnostics and animal modelling of malignant tumours are expanding our horizons of knowledge in this field


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    ABSTRACT. An extensive traumatic wound in the patient who suffered in a road traffic accident was treated with water solutions containing pectins or silver nanoparticles. An accelerated wound clearance of purulent discharge was observed. Wound flora was represented by few germ cultures, mainly Acinetobacter spp.; many samples were free from germs. The wound was prepared for autoskin grafting that was successfully performed. The skin graft adherence and survival were uncomplicated. The patient was discharged home in a relatively satisfactory condition. РЕЗЮМЕ. Обширную травматическую рану у больного после ДТП лечили с помощью растворов пектинов и наночастиц серебра на водной основе. Отмечено быстрое очищение раны от гнойного отделяемого. Микробный состав представлен единичными микроорганизмами, преимущественно Acinetobacter spp., во многих пробах микробы отсутствовали. Рана была подготовлена к аутодермопластике, которая успешно выполнена. Кожный лоскут прижился без осложнений. Больной выписан в относительно удовлетворительном состоянии.

    Assessment of the quality of providing medical care using auxiliary reproductive technologies in the Russian Federation in the period from 2015 to 2019

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    The article presents the results of assessing the quality of medical care with the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Russia in the period from 2015 to 2019. Were considered such quality criteria as: availability, effectiveness, satisfaction, safety and cost-effectiveness.В статье изложены результаты оценки качества оказания медицинской помощи с применением вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ) в Российской Федерации (РФ) в период с 2015 по 2019 гг. Были рассмотрены такие критерии качества, как доступность, эффективность, удовлетворенность, безопасность и экономическая эффективность