88 research outputs found

    L’historiographie catholique face au Risorgimento

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    En 1961, à l’occasion du premier centenaire de l’unification italienne, la participation des autorités ecclésiastiques aux célébrations s’est caractérisée par la volonté de dépasser les divisions héritées du Risorgimento. Les commémorations du cent cinquantième anniversaire nous confrontent à un monde catholique marqué par une grande pluralité de positions. Les « traditionalistes », qui, en condamnant l’unification, manifestent leur nostalgie d’une situation politique antérieure, ont désormais acquis des positions académiques qui leur permettent de dissimuler sous un voile universitaire leur idéologie anti-unitaire. La hiérarchie ecclésiastique italienne se rallie à un bilan positif de l’unification. Mais, en présentant le catholicisme comme le trait essentiel de l’identité nationale, l’Église souligne la distance qui sépare l’État italien de cette dimension identitaire. Les catholiques démocrates essaient certes de promouvoir une « histoire réelle » des rapports entre l’Église et l’État, mais sans pouvoir se détacher de la thèse d’une équivalence fondamentale entre catholicisme et nation.On the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary celebrations for Italian unity (1961) the Catholic Church expressed the will to overcome the divisions inherited from the Risorgimento. Fifty years later, at the commemorations of the founding of Italian state, the Catholics express on the matter a variety of positions. The members of the traditionalist circles, that go on with condemning the peninsula’s unification and with showing nostalgia for pre-unitarian states, spread from the academic positions they have reached their ideological opposition to the Risorgimento The Italian hierarchy express a positive judgment on the unification process; but, by the underlining of the Roman Catholicism as the national identity distinctive feature, the bishops assert the gap between the Italian political system and this identitarian dimension. The democratic Catholicism exponents, even if they try to propose the real history of the Church/State relations, don’t abandon the thesis of a basic equivalence between Catholicism and nation.Die Beteiligung der kirchlichen Oberhäupter an der ersten Hundertjahrfeier der italienischen Einigung im Jahre 1961 war durch den Wunsch geprägt, die aus dem Risorgimento resultierenden Teilungen zu überwinden. Fünfzig Jahre später zeigen die Katholiken anlässlich der Gedenkfeiern eine große Meinungspluralität. Die „Traditionalisten“, die durch die Verurteilung der Einheit ihre Nostalgie für die vergangene politische Situation zur Schau stellen, haben mittlerweile akademische Positionen erworben, die es ihnen ermöglichen, ihre Anti-Einheits-Ideologie unter einem universitären Deckmantel zu kaschieren. Die italienische kirchliche Hierarchie schließt sich einer positiven Bilanz der Einheit an. Aber indem sie den Katholizismus als wichtigstes Merkmal der nationalen Identität ansieht, unterstreicht die Kirche den Abstand, die den italienischen Staat von dieser auf Identität bezogenen Dimension trennt. Die demokratischen Katholiken versuchen sicherlich, eine „reelle Geschichte“ der Beziehungen zwischen Kirche und Staat zu fördern, allerdings ohne sich von der These einer fundamentalen Entsprechung von Katholizismus und Nation lösen zu können

    An abnormal neural reflex plays a role in causing syncope in sinus bradycardia

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    AbstractObjectives. This study Investigates the rote of an abnormal neural reflex in causing syncope in patients with sinus bradycardia.Background. Syncope is commonly considered an indication of severity in sinus bradycardia. However, the occurrence of syncope is unpredictable, and the prognosis appears to be similar in patients with and without syncope.Methods. Head-up tilt testing (60 ° for 60 min), carotid sinus massage in the supine and standing positions, 24-h Bolter ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) recording and etectrophysiologic study before and after pharmacologic autonomic blockade were performed in 25 patients with sinus bradycardia and syncope (group I, sinus rate <50 beats/min, age 71 ± 12 years) and 25 patients with sinus bradycardia and no neurologic symptoms (group II, sinus rate <50 beats/min, age 67 ± 16 years).Results. Clinical characteristics and ambulatory ECG monitoring data were similar in the two study groups. A positive response (induction of syncope or presyncope with hypotension and/or bradycardia) was obtained by head-up tilt testing in 15 group I (60%) and in 3 group II (12%) patients (p < 0.001) and by carotid sinus massage in 11 group I (44%) and 6 group II (24%) patients (p = NS). Results of at least one test (head-up tilt testing or carotid sinus massage, or both) were positive in 19 group I (76%) and 9 group II (36%) patients (p < 0.01). Basal and intrinsic corrected sinus node recovery time did not differ significantly between the two groups. An abnormal intrinsic heart rate was present in 66% of group I and 26% of group II patients (p < 0.01). The different percentage of positive findings on head-up tilt testing and carotid sinus massage in the two groups was independent of the presence of intrinsic sinus node dysfunction.Conclusions. These results indicate that an abnormal neural reflex plays a role in causing syncope in patients with sinus bradycardia. This reflex seems to be unrelated to the severity of sinus node dysfunction, even if the latter could enhance the cardioinhibitory response

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Cristianesimo e modernitĂ 

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    Il volume raccoglie gli interventi di studiosi di primo piano, italiani ed europei, che fanno il punto, nell'ambito dello loro specifica specializzazione cronologica e tematica, sul rapporto tra le chiese cristiane (cattolica, protestante ed ortodossa, ma con uno sguardo anche ai cristiani senza chiesa)e la modernità, mettendo in rilievo il complesso rapporto, non riconduicibile nè all'antitesi, nè alla costruzione, che la religione cristiana ha intrattenuto col moderno. L'introduzione del curatore mette a fuoco lo schema tripolare (rifiuto dei principi della modernità, promozione della modernizzazione, condanna del modernismo)in base al quale si è variamente dipanato nella storia, dalla Riforma protestante ai nostri giorni, questa l'ambigua relazione dell'esperienza cristiana con il mondo moderno. ITALIANO Parole chiave Il volume raccoglie gli interventi di studiosi di primo piano, italiani ed europei, che fanno il punto, nell'ambito dello loro specifica specializzazione cronologica e tematica, sul rapporto tra le chiese cristiane (cattolica, protestante ed ortodossa, ma con uno sguardo anche ai cristiani senza chiesa)e la modernità, mettendo in rilievo il complesso rapporto, non riconduicibile nè all'antitesi, nè alla costruzione, che la religione cristiana ha intrattenuto col moderno. L'introduzione del curatore mette a fuoco lo schema tripolare (rifiuto dei principi della modernità, promozione della modernizzazione, condanna del modernismo)in base al quale si è variamente dipanato nella storia, dalla Riforma protestante ai nostri giorni, questa l'ambigua relazione dell'esperienza cristiana con il mondo moderno. ITALIAN
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