11 research outputs found

    Insertional Polymorphisms of Endogenous Feline Leukemia Viruses

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    The number, chromosomal distribution, and insertional polymorphisms of endogenous feline leukemia viruses (enFeLVs) were determined in four domestic cats (Burmese, Egyptian Mau, Persian, and nonbreed) using fluorescent in situ hybridization and radiation hybrid mapping. Twenty-nine distinct enFeLV loci were detected across 12 of the 18 autosomes. Each cat carried enFeLV at only 9 to 16 of the loci, and many loci were heterozygous for presence of the provirus. Thus, an average of 19 autosomal copies of enFeLV were present per cat diploid genome. Only five of the autosomal enFeLV sites were present in all four cats, and at only one autosomal locus, B4q15, was enFeLV present in both homologues of all four cats. A single enFeLV occurred in the X chromosome of the Burmese cat, while three to five enFeLV proviruses occurred in each Y chromosome. The X chromosome and nine autosomal enFeLV loci were telomeric, suggesting that ectopic recombination between nonhomologous subtelomeres may contribute to enFeLV distribution. Since endogenous FeLVs may affect the infectiousness or pathogenicity of exogenous FeLVs, genomic variation in enFeLVs represents a candidate for genetic influences on FeLV leukemogenesis in cats

    Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes

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    A stunning visual collection of the banded metaphase chromosomekaryotypes from some 850 species of mammals, the Atlas of MammalianChromosomes represents an unabridged compendium of the state ofthis genomic art form. Bringing together information currentlyscattered throughout the cytogenetics literature for scores ofpublished and unpublished species, this atlas features high-qualitykaryotype images for nearly every mammal studied to date, making itthe most comprehensive assemblage of high-resolution chromosomephotographs available--a critically invaluable resource for today\u27scomparative genomics era.For every available species, the Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomespresents the best karyotype produced, the common and Latin name ofthe species, the published citation, and the contributing authors.Most karyotypes are G-banded, revealing the chromosomal bar codesof homologous segments among related species.Addressing the mandate of the Human Genome Project to annotate thegenomes of other organisms as well, the Atlas of MammalianChromosomes offers a step forward in our understanding of speciesformation, of genome organization, and of DNA script for naturalselection. It is an invaluable resource for geneticists,mammalogists, and biologists interested in comparative genomics,systematics, and chromosome structure.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cnso_bio_facbooks/1031/thumbnail.jp

    The Pattern of Phylogenomic Evolution of the Canidae

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    Canidae species fall into two categories with respect to their chromosome composition: those with high numbered largely acrocentric karyotypes and others with a low numbered principally metacentric karyotype. Those species with low numbered metacentric karyotypes are derived from multiple independent fusions of chromosome segments found as acrocentric chromosomes in the high numbered species. Extensive chromosome homology is apparent among acrocentric chromosome arms within Canidae species; however, little chromosome arm homology exists between Canidae species and those from other Carnivore families. Here we use Zoo-FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization, also called chromosomal painting) probes from flow-sorted chromosomes of the Japanese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) to examine two phylogenetically divergent canids, the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) and the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous). The results affirm intra-canid chromosome homologies, also implicated by G-banding. In addition, painting probes from domestic cat (Felis catus), representative of the ancestral carnivore karyotype (ACK), and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were used to define primitive homologous segments apparent between canids and other carnivore families. Canid chromosomes seem unique among carnivores in that many canid chromosome arms are mosaics of two to four homology segments of the ACK chromosome arms. The mosaic pattern apparently preceded the divergence of modern canid species since conserved homology segments among different canid species are common, even though those segments are rearranged relative to the ancestral carnivore genome arrangement. The results indicate an ancestral episode of extensive centric fission leading to an ancestral canid genome organization that was subsequently reorganized by multiple chromosome fusion events in some but not all Canidae lineages

    The Feline Major Histocompatibility Complex is Rearranged by an Inversion with a Breakpoint in the Distal Class I Region

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    In order to determine the genomic organization of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the domestic cat (Felis catus), DNA probes for 61 markers were designed from human MHC reference sequences and used to construct feline MHC BAC contig map spanning ARE1 in the class II region to the olfactory receptor complex in the extended class I region. Selected BAC clones were then used to identify feline-specific probes for the three regions of the mammalian MHC (class II–class III–class I) for radiation hybrid mapping and fluorescent in situ hybridization to refine the organization of the domestic cat MHC. The results not only confirmed that the p-arm of domestic cat B2 is inverted relative to human Chromosome 6, but also demonstrated that one inversion breakpoint localized to the distal segment of the MHC class I between TRIM39 and TRIM26. The inversion thus disjoined the ~2.85 Mb of MHC containing class II–class III–class I (proximal region) from the ~0.50 Mb of MHC class I/extended class I region, such that TRIM39 is adjacent to the Chromosome B2 centromere and TRIM26 is adjacent to the B2 telomere in the domestic cat

    The Ancestral Carnivore Karyotype (2n = 38) Lives Today in Ringtails

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    Chromosome painting was used to investigate the conservation of high-resolution longitudinal 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)/G bands in Carnivore chromosomes. Cat (Felis catus) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) painting probes were hybridized to the ringtail (Bassaricus astutus), dwarf mongoose (Helogale parvula), and Malagasy civet (Fossa fossa) to identify homologous chromosome elements. The patterns of chromosome segment homology among Carnivore species allowed us to reconstruct and propose the disposition of a high-resolution banded ancestral carnivore karyotype (ACK). Three bi-armed chromosomes consistently found among Caniformia species are represented as 6 homologous acrocentric chromosomes among Feliformia species of Carnivora. However, reexamination of the most basal of Feliformia species, the African palm civet Nandinia, revealed the presence of the 3 heretofore Caniformia bi-armed chromosomes. Because these 3 bi-armed chromosomes are found in both Caniformia and Feliformia lineages, they are presumed ancestral for all Carnivora, suggesting that the ACK chromosome number would be 38, rather than the previously supposed 42. Banded chromosomes of the ACK are used to evaluate the consistency between recently determined molecular phylogenetic relationships and postulated cytogenetic dynamics in the same Carnivore species

    Comparative Feline Genomics: A BAC/PAC Contig Map of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Region

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    The genome organization of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) will be best understood in a comparative evolutionary context. We describe here the construction of a physical map for the feline MHC. A large-insert domestic cat genomic DNA library was developed using a P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) with a genomic representation of 2.53 and an average insert size of 80 kb. A sequence-ready 660-kb bacterial artificial chromosome/PAC contig map of the domestic cat MHC class II region was constructed with a gene order similar to, but distinct from, that of human and mice: DPB/DPA, Ring3, DMB, TAP1, DOB, DRB2, DRA3, DRB1, DRA2, and DRA1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses of selected class II PAC clones confirmed that the class II region lies in the pericentromeric region of cat chromosome B2. However, apparently unlike the human and mouse MHCs, the domestic cat DRA and DRB genes have undergone multiple duplications and the DQ region has been deleted

    Molecular Evidence for Species-Level Distinctions in Clouded Leopards

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    Among the 37 living species of Felidae, the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is generally classified as a monotypic genus basal to the Panthera lineage of great cats. This secretive, mid-sized (16–23 kg) carnivore, now severely endangered, is traditionally subdivided into four southeast Asian subspecies. We used molecular genetic methods to re-evaluate subspecies partitions and to quantify patterns of population genetic variation among 109 clouded leopards of known geographic origin. We found strong phylogeographic monophyly and large genetic distances between N. n. nebulosa (mainland) and N. n. diardi (Borneo; n = 3 individuals) with mtDNA (771 bp), nuclear DNA (3100 bp), and 51 microsatellite loci. Thirty-six fixed mitochondrial and nuclear nucleotide differences and 20 microsatellite loci with nonoverlapping allele-size ranges distinguished N. n. nebulosa from N. n. diardi. Along with fixed subspecies-specific chromosomal differences, this degree of differentiation is equivalent to, or greater than, comparable measures among five recognized Panthera species (lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard). These distinctions increase the urgency of clouded leopard conservation efforts, and if affirmed by morphological analysis and wider sampling of N. n. diardi in Borneo and Sumatra, would support reclassification of N. n. diardi as a new species (Neofelis diardi)

    Restoring Human Capabilities After Punishment: Our Political Responsibilities Toward Incarcerated Americans

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